Message from @IXI
Discord ID: 642927019373363221
Why isnt it
I don't quite understand, are you asking why it is not flat?
I dont see how gravity fits into a flat earth model
It doesn’t
That question does not make sense to me. A question like, "how is the Earth not flat?" can be proven but asking why it's not doesn't make sense to me
It doesn’t exist
Then how do you explain that things accelerate downwards at 9.8 m/s^2
How does gravity not exist?
They just fall at that speed
9.8 m/s^2 isnt a speed
But then why do they fall?
You get the point
Because they are denser than the medium surrounding it
No. Things fall at different speeds
Are they increasing in density as they fall?
Why do they go faster as they fall?
That’s how life works
"That's how like works."
Not the mass, the force gets stronger
What force is acting on it
I don’t know
Do you?
In my model, yes ik what force causes things to increase in speed
Can you prove it exists
Or is it just a theory
But isn't the "flat Earth" just a theory?
It’s a scientific theory.
Can you prove it exists?
A scientific theory is not the same things as a “layman’s” theory
And what a weird force you got, that is strong enough to keep the oceans upside down but weak enough for a helium balloon to rise
That’s not how that works
Weak enough that a helium balloon rises
Water isn’t kept “upsidedown”
Up is always away from the center of the earth