Message from @Achlys
Discord ID: 451799981222002699
geez broo.
wait, AA is part iranian?
he starts with the Shah <:what:382980756139409409>
how convinient!
do it faggot
Is it 4real?
If I was the motorsyklist I would sue hard
The reasoning is bullshit you dont set up fishing line in such a manner as a joke if you have some IQ, og they get off scotfrée they should be labeled as retards in the system
I blame female privilege
Sargon of Akkad and Peter Boss-Hogg?
If it was boy he would be juvenilee detention
not processed but i hope their parents ground them for life
15 they should know what thats stupid
with the dumbing down of education and parenting i wouldnt be shocked by idiocy
Get fucked, land whales
i applaude them for dying for their own beliefs and convictoins
Being fat is unhealthy
i respect that
Only retards believes the opposite
There is a midleground between fat and underweight... maybe its healthy?
Nah... that’s just a myth made up by the patriarchy
Who wants to give him special snowflake
I love my new pencils so much
How are they different from any other pencil? ם_0
he agreed with my shitposting
Seems like it's the side that faces the sun
Nice drawing
Wish I could draw except the last straw