Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 451779289994756106
Just something alongside highway
so kebab, trebjonn?
```Some Ugandans are critical of China’s so-called win-win strategy. Critics like professor of international political economy Yunus Lubega Butanaziba from Nkumba University.
"It is a lose win situation that I see. Not a win win situation. It sounds nice to hear, but it does not take place in the real world," he says. “I do not see a situation in which Uganda gains in relation to Chinese markets or projects of development.”
He says Uganda is not winning enough jobs or trade and is getting flooded with low quality goods — from household items to appliances to building materials. Those cheaply made products undercut local merchants.```
```How does China benefit? He says China gets jobs for engineers and others working on the projects. He points out that building infrastructure in Africa "will lay foundation for further Chinese investment" in the future.```
The Chinese do, what German Kaiserreich did to the colony Samoa.
Seems more of a give a man a fish v teach a man to fish
Don't be tyranical, keep structures, build up infrastructure and make deals for cheap resources. Everybody wins.
It has to start somewhere
@Reaps that was a great video
@here VC?
tl;dw, the british did what they did because they needed the profits from the Iranian oil in order to run their shitty welfare state
AA did a whole video it
too bad the soclib will never blame the welfare state
yeah, reaps linked it already
and his Dad is Iranian
I could doxx him so easy but NOPE
geez broo.
he starts with the Shah <:what:382980756139409409>
how convinient!
do it faggot
Is it 4real?
If I was the motorsyklist I would sue hard
The reasoning is bullshit you dont set up fishing line in such a manner as a joke if you have some IQ, og they get off scotfrée they should be labeled as retards in the system
I blame female privilege
Sargon of Akkad and Peter Boss-Hogg?
If it was boy he would be juvenilee detention
not processed but i hope their parents ground them for life
15 they should know what thats stupid
with the dumbing down of education and parenting i wouldnt be shocked by idiocy
plus it is in washington state