Message from @Phatique
Discord ID: 197449483393564673
jesus, that's impressive
my parents have never taken social welfare though
isn't living in sweden social welfare in and of itself?
Kind of
like the better circumstances and tolerance for migrants etc
higher paying jobs
high taxes but a lot of free shit
gommie tier taxes
Literally 60%* of your salary goes to taxes
only if you are a huge rich fag
>another scando
or else normally its 30%
Jag inkluderar arbetsgivaravgiften
Richfags have 30+20 or 25% I belive
But the employer has to pay 30% on top of your salary in taxes
or 20something
>not getting social welfare at all
don't most countries give handouts when you have children on their soil?
in the UK you get money every year until the kid is 13 or so
about 200£/month
I think it was
Here you get £92 / child and month
Or maybe that's only for the highschool students
You get a bit of money for most of things if you request it tbh
Sanrenmu review is rendering
Which model?
or 710 as its known most places
I'm not sure how many other knife autists ther are in the threads
I've only owned a few, mostly because I didn't know cheap good knives exist
most here cost at least £20 for a decent quality one
so getting one for £5 is p good
Try £20 from the chinks
You can get ninja throwing knives for £20
I think once it reaches £20 they start making the blade out of damascus
and other crazy shit
or bone handle