Message from @s3bbe
Discord ID: 197797204872658944
Ironically enough one of the most lethal knife designs ever is british
tbh I only did that review to get good boy points
but I recognise that heinnies bit was shitty
Le nazi throat opener faice
I've got a book on knives, the nazi killing ones are so cool
Incredibly irrelevant for EDC though
EDC is a meme by sperglords who can't be bothered to do martial arts anyway
I thought it just meant stuff you actually carry and use daily
I'm assuming that's why the 3 inch non-locking knives in the UK slowly became more and more lethal looking
you don't need something lethal to open envelopes
Tbh the (chink) dragonfly 2 is probably the best actually-use-every-day knife there is
You also called removing the pocket clip modding which made me think of this
I saw some retarded mods for the 710 and other knives while researching
(yes, I did research and still fucked up a lot)
I posted a bunch of reviews gearbest features on their site earlier and it was 20 seconds of russians stabbing coke bottles no narration
so I don't know why I bother making it good
Don't get me wrong your video was ok even for me
I try m8, I feel responsible
like with the BM-800 ones, tons of people bought somakes because of me
and I barely tried in those videos
so my effort meter is off the charts for dumb yt cancer
I hate misinforming people
I can try to give more serious critique on the format and stuff as well if you wish
sure man, maybe not on the knife video because I'm not a big knife nut
but critique it if you want, I have more knives coming in future
so it'll help
No I meant on how you make them
lighting, editing etc
sure, I'm always open to that
Kind of came on here to force that onto Rhymes
But he runs away as soon as I say anything
He doesn't care really, I wouldn't worry about him
Do tell me before you make your next knife review though, I can help you improve your knowledge and the quality of it
Also want to ask how redmeme works where we live
My gf has a redmi coming, I'll review it
Also language support