Message from @Tribit
Discord ID: 204650788503552000
Speaking of Norwegian stuff
oh boy
Opera got Chinked
rip in peace
And Qualcomm got Gooked
just gook my shit up
really makes you chink
ba dum tshhh
I thought they already sold out to them a long ass time ago
>8ball ban Norwegian language news?
:question: **Question**: `ban Norwegian language news?`
🎱 **8Ball Answers**: `My sources say no`
did Nadeko sell out?
norway wins again
she wants that oil money
Nadeko is actually part of Statoil
that Chinese clone of hearthstone looked kind of fun
prefer Chinese dynasty art over gay goblins and orcs
And it's topping their app charts too
>Chinese government rubbing their hands together
They ignored our QiCycles, laughed at our wifi rice cookers
>not becoming the very best
I knew you were around storm
when I saw the BM-800 picture
straight up
i haven't been around because of pokemon
idk i got over it after a week
like i go to work and then get home so that i can go out for like 6 hours a night
very empty game
where do you live
he needs that normalfag social currency
i live in a city, i mean there isnt anything to do
cant even battle against people, gym battles suck