Message from @Aerione
Discord ID: 204649227710627841
There is already such
my local gym have started to remove english translation and replaced it with arabic
I wanna die
wake me up
It's for those who are scared of UV during their beach visit
wake me up inside
And don't wish to get tanned
cant wale up
It's more common than you'd think
can't whale up
stop killing our whales
cant feminist up
Speaking of Norwegian stuff
oh boy
Opera got Chinked
rip in peace
And Qualcomm got Gooked
just gook my shit up
really makes you chink
ba dum tshhh
I thought they already sold out to them a long ass time ago
>8ball ban Norwegian language news?
:question: **Question**: `ban Norwegian language news?`
🎱 **8Ball Answers**: `My sources say no`
did Nadeko sell out?
norway wins again
she wants that oil money
Nadeko is actually part of Statoil