Message from @whatisbestinlife
Discord ID: 304033257530458112
so /comfy/ it's past midnight and my wife is watching films and this with me lel
did they arrest both? i hear a rock was thrown
It takes a special kind of stupid
i thought they guy threw him. It was juts a really shit punch
the guy in black didnt want to give up his knife in his front pocket
@whatisbestinlife Both were.
Who was who?
nooo i missed it 😦
thought that might have been blue on blue
No idea.
THat was fucking nuts.
i dunno. black shirt. tan pants. loafers?
Well I guess it doesn't matter who's who
Im hearing the chunky prick in the black was antifa
@whatisbestinlife It might have actually been red on red.
This is going to be a long hot summer
and some guy hitting the black shirt in the ribs from the back with a newspaper?
That'll teach em.
Swat the bugs?
Where's a truck of peace when you need one
>Antifa playing random notes on his drum with no rhythm >Not even holing the sticks right
Things could get sketchy for latecomers if most of /ourguys/ are already in there. Also all the security is going to slow things down. Hoping the line has good police cover
thats what happened before didn't it?
The drummer "Man I sound so good right now"
@Dangerlurking What stream are you on?
top kek
our boys need to wear commercial branding. wal mart, big banks, apple etc just to piss off the press and the corps
>toot >toot >toot
Somebody needs to stunner that carrot fag
anyone watch a youtuber who goes by "doom guard"?
@Dangerlurking cheers
wondering if hes there