Discord ID: 304030780277915658
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Any streams from the mob?
This is going to be a long hot summer
Things could get sketchy for latecomers if most of /ourguys/ are already in there. Also all the security is going to slow things down. Hoping the line has good police cover
@Dangerlurking What stream are you on?
@Dangerlurking cheers
Anything good on the McDade stream? I bet it's quiet in the hall
It would be shitty if it was only our boys in there for the speech. We need normies in there too, not just preaching to the choir
>tfw some thot wants you to come over but you're getting comfy
Want to bet this fuck has never listened to a thing Spencer has said?
Carrot is ourguy?
Hall is looking pretty ful. Not surewhat the /ourguy/-normie breakdown is
This guy will be hoarse and silent in no time
This stuff is way better in an open air setting. Fewer bottlenecks, plus you know antifa is just going to pull the firealarm when Spencer starts speaking
Wouldn't be hard to slip a couple of undercover ones in though
@Dangerlurking They have some intelligent handlers sometimes. Might not have them this time though. They're a long way from commiefornia
@whatisbestinlife Intelligence is white cultural appropriation
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