Message from @Umwhat
Discord ID: 632056120751423489
blueshifts or something
you subtract the observed wavelength from the known original wavelength
then divide that difference by the original wavelength
i don't know why light doesn't get tired flying around all day
I do bio so this is like doing a Spanish test
blue shift is the difference in frequency divided by the original frequency
because light doesn't fly
light propagates
Light has endurance 100
because light is made out of nonliving things
Obviously agility 10 and stamina 10
light is merely a propagating polarization of the vacuum
according to you right
at least according to me
light acts as a wave and then it decides to act like a particle. make up your damn mind
emphasis on "at least"
as a flat earther do you believe at all in subatomic particles? @Umwhat
I don't think Einstein liked the idea of the vacuum being able to polarize
or particles at all?
i mean <:happy:507991686320750592>
oh sorry... earf flad
quantum mechanics and astrophysics cross over a lot
if you reject one you're likely to reject the other
i reject all science including the real stuff
I don't reject quantum mechanics. I just don't agree with some of the interpretations.
why would you reject all science?
let me clarify, I don't agree with some interpretations *that people make* about quantum mechanics
i don't was just joke
i see
like the science that the earth measures flat!
interpretations or theories? 🤔