Message from @Pinene
Discord ID: 304359594334093313
idk I was here before the vetting then went afk for awhile
Yeah where are all the vetters
venezuela stream
which side is /ourside?
I'll brb i want to be vetted today
I wish venezuela would happen here
We could have RWDS
what is rwds?
right wing death squads
real world disaster sadness?
oh ok
got it
Red water diet soda
It's delicious
sounds good
cherry or strawberry?
I'd love to hop in for vetting if that was going on 😃
poetic justice
fuck yes
we found the right timeline boys
turn off your hyperdimensional escalators until further notice
final version of this montage, working on animation next
can yall bump this
When LePemf will lose / pol / tears will feed me for weeks or months. Then I will fall on this board as a bird of prey on a lamb and rejoice in the helpless rage that is going to be generating. I would delight in threads of suicides and rages and I do not think my cock will be harder than the million little cocks wiggling rage simultaneously. They will say that the election has been rigged. They will say that it was the immigrants who cut the grass under their feet. "We're going to rebel" they'll say. "War of the races!" "The suitcase or the coffin!" They will yell. Nothing will happen because they are just talking. They are too weak and cowardly to do anything but nothing can relieve them of knowing that their modern-day Joan of Arc will have been contained as her father in the fifth and that she will have been beaten by a PARACHUTE WITHOUT PROGRAM an arriviste Rosthchild has been favorite rather than they and his enarchs, I come back I will shake.
although only a few will achieve it, all humans must strive to become transgender muslims.
$2 says Le Pen wins
Wtf l love muzzie scum now?