Discord ID: 127881044044152832
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kek that guy saying hello discord thinks we care if we're caught
@Tinker Tom kek
i drew a kekistan flag on my whiteboard lol. i think this is better than buying a kekistan flag for 15 sheckles
can yall bump this
need bumps before it prunes
Why did centipede central close? What kind of conflicts happened?
Why do you think
How come racism/extremism isn't allowed but there are emotes like <:dindu:356316970733404161>
I mean I'm a fascist so I don't really give a fuck
It was true, I stopped using CC a long time ago
Too many Civic Nationalists
is manifestly a word
just ignore ppl like that lol
its low quality bait
>When Mexican finally becomes a race
>When you are so gay that you think every muscular man fucks traps
You realise he's old right?
He used to be fit
God damnit I'm taking the bait right now. Fuck off and die.
@whytho I'm a Fascist
NatSoc is a type of Fascism soooo
Are you actually retarded Convoy
No it's authoritarian
Ernst Rรถhm was killed for trying to overthrow Hitler
Fags are fags
Monarchy is very stable, I respect it
I'm for free speech
As long as it doesn't go against the state it's fine
Maybe you dont think thats free
It's free enough for me
I think saying racist words is fine, I just don't like speech that would cause disruption among the state
Okay @jordan , I like "Almost free speech"
Not in your book
Except Fascism/NatSoc is anti-marxist socialism
that's ancaps whytho Is this "on the left"
Wanna be sold on NatSoc?
ftwtech has the brown fever
Centrist means in the middle
NatSoc is above the middle
lol i thought you guys were about free speech
now you wanna shut down those that oppose you?
I'm pointing out your idiocy
@Smash "can't even make it 30 minutes without contradicting yourself"
Stop calling it centrism
it means you dont take positions
Don't worry smash, you'll learn more and pick an idology
yeah thats fucking stupid
The Jews ruin good socialism wherever spotted
You're thinking of Marxist Socialism
If you'd like to learn more about National Socialism, read Mein Kampf as a start
I've got to go though
why are you guys still talking about fascism
What's wrong with anti-semitism?
natsocs are nationalists
it would be unfair for antifa at this point
Hopefully, and then ร kesson gets elected
antifa or nordfront is growing bigger?
That's sad?
tag this guy as a cuck
It means wanting to take your culture and country back from the Marxists
Polisman are weak in scandanavia
That's good and bad I guess. Means more power to Nordfront
National Socialists I think.
@futurestorms >European Jewish
get in
Seriously though, why would it say European Jewish
wtf lol
Sandy Hook is a conspiracy
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