Message from @NormieCamo
Discord ID: 503272858139492352
>counter argument
>I name myself Esoteric Catholicism and I larp online my mom is proud of me
>I’m an angry Turknigger embarrassing himself online
>haHAA i said u turk...
This isn’t even a screeching match anymore
Go DMs the Pope "you are my daddy" or something
erdogan have the big gay
roach BEGONE
@NormieCamo hey man did you know the US isn't Capitalist? <:brainlet:404155381359706132>
Wow, NPC texts being loaded here
The most generic responses really
Who are you talking to
Secret roach friend
All of you, literally the ".4chan" NotSoBot command
The autism isn’t decipherable
what is that show about anyway
what in the world...
Attention all trs users
men dressing up as women and telling gay sex jokes to unsuspecting children on netflix
i am epic!!!!!!!!!!!
Pure filth
remember guys the weak fear the strong
Why are White women so stupid?
That’s incorrect
Like, they are genuinely ignorant.
All Africans should be sterilized