Message from @Darjeeling
Discord ID: 304021185421901835
i just got home from work. recap me on the day
<@&282748276657356800> Holy shit where are all of you guys coming from?
antifa have a drummer. REEEEE our drummer better be there
Oh shit drummers
There's like 15 antifa
lol 5 little kids
@Dangerlurking pol
I cam from Reddit
lmao this is like a high school slap fight
Ba rum bum bum - beat me like a drum
@Wotsit I know sort of how to do a marching drumline.
there's a /pol/ thread with an invite
>ANTICOM forces who were hiding from behind the hill march and flank Antifa
Got this ip off /pol/ a while back, finally got around to coming here today.
I came from buzzfeed
>come over the top of the hill and catch Antifa with their pants down
That's fucked up I emailed and asked for an invite like I was asked.
@Dangerlurking I know a lot of drummers in belfast 😉 might be a way to go though
dat drum though
WE need a piper
RIP Rules
Can you goys imagine that? An anticom themed piper
That'd be great
these are the unpaid soros employees
Besides this movement has definite merit. Its no wonder people are going to show up faster and faster.
people were spamming the link in a couple of threads thats why
anyone reporting live from the event here?
dutchpede staying up and skipping class tomorrow for da habbening
I guess they saw our drummer and got jealous
escalation is finaly happening goys
So what do these Antifa goons look like?
Are they stealing our helmet, shield, armor shit?
/pol/ is coming into real life. When did it start? Did HWNDU start this?
Trump started this. Trump and the anti-trump riots.