Message from @BFG
Discord ID: 304021018677215232
had antifa
"I don't know know what weapons ww3 will be fought , but ww4 will be fought with sticks and stones"
@gkiller9 top keke
voat goat checking in
Need vetting plox
But for serious, as fun as it is to envision open warfare, I'd rather noone gets hurt. Stay safe lads
@gkiller9 >Tfw WW3 brings nuclear weapons and antifa and anti com begin warring each other with neolithic era tools.
Auburn campus was so peaceful...
Thread theme
i just got home from work. recap me on the day
<@&282748276657356800> Holy shit where are all of you guys coming from?
antifa have a drummer. REEEEE our drummer better be there
Oh shit drummers
There's like 15 antifa
lol 5 little kids
I cam from Reddit
lmao this is like a high school slap fight
Ba rum bum bum - beat me like a drum
@Wotsit I know sort of how to do a marching drumline.
there's a /pol/ thread with an invite
>ANTICOM forces who were hiding from behind the hill march and flank Antifa
Got this ip off /pol/ a while back, finally got around to coming here today.
I came from buzzfeed
>come over the top of the hill and catch Antifa with their pants down
>link related starts playing
That's fucked up I emailed and asked for an invite like I was asked.
@Dangerlurking I know a lot of drummers in belfast 😉 might be a way to go though
dat drum though
WE need a piper
RIP Rules
Can you goys imagine that? An anticom themed piper
That'd be great