Message from @BayAryan
Discord ID: 304762024066416641
i light my torch and burn it
**DEATH GRIPS** he's been jewed
This is why I love this group. We're discussing how to get jobs, and get ready for the real world. Meanwhile, ANTIFA discords and talking about how to "destroy the system".
And we still find time for autism
ANTIFA discords are talking about*
>not taking the NEETpill
well they were helping out a lil based
am back
any mods
need bumps before it prunes
Post a picture of your oven to celebrate Hitler's birthday
Jews leave a hard to clean residue
can't put two W's
or 2 E's
tin foil keeps the residue to a minimum
fun fact, Jessie owens, a black man, won four gold medals at the berlin Olympics and Hitler Seig heiled him. while our president at the time, wouldent even bother to look at the nigger.
Hitler was a good boy. He didn't do nothing.
Getting his life back on track and shiiet
any of you guys got a link to that antifa girl using a padlock tied to a rag to hit people? it might have been at auburn
Every time I see UT I think University of Texas instead of Utah
Go longhorns
National Hitler Day
an confirm, dick is best