Message from @Madoc Valanor
Discord ID: 400756114993709057
Well. Just saying they are seriously misreading how the bible did it.
mean while, in cali, it means just movie in without following the law, its fine.
If they want to use that stance.
Replace the dialog with wanna get fucking high. And then am I technically fucking high?
Using traditional tools
Still like mentioned earlier. The bible di have the concept. But at least the accused was granted due process before jusgement.
Like what grenade said, that is not the case there.
and when you try to virtue signal and get screwed in the long run...
that is what is going to happen in Cali
It's easy to advocate open borders and taking in refugees from behind your secure and mostly-white gated community with paid security.
Hence the electoral collage.
Thought sweeden would be more appropriate. But which has it worse?
Still putin where it belongs I guess.
@Kane.🇺🇸.Nexus oh shit i'm in detroit
@NippleKing did you draw that? draw some more
@mumixam What should I draw, then?
holy shit
@Timcast Ya got rule 34 of yourself now
Just let that sink in