Madoc Valanor
Discord ID: 253993536775520257
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Please do Tim, Please do.
... Let's make it a meme on twitter
the ctrl left being called the borg
I mean
Since Discorvery came out, you'd think the left would know wtf a borg is
No Kyle katarn, EU ruined
The series wasn't always that though.
Disney turned it toward that.
So many great species just tossed to the wind...
Like the Killik
Like an animated version of the Young Jedi Knight books would be hella loads better then the drivel that Rian Johnson pushed outta his anus.
The pain I felt in my soul when I learned that the kids were wiped clean... I grew up with those stories... Read them day in day out. That wasn't the Luke I knew. That wasn't the Leia, the Han... You name it... It sucked... And it just.... it just feels so hollow compared to the old eu...
Like it's missing it's soul.
Then I check out MTG stuff and what do I see? Shitty misprinted cards and pedophiles for judges. Marvel? Grats, Iceman's gay and the new Ironman turned into a ruthless dictator of a small country... like wtf... why does the left move into these things... and ruin them?
That's already came and gone, unless you don't remember gamer gate...
Warcrack will always be my main stay
Well that and pen and paper gaming.
*hence the bone gnawer name and pic*
My choices woulda been a conglamarate of Courtship and x-wing -> Young Jedi + Yuuzan Tong (Forgot the spelling) -> Kilik invasion
Jaina was an adult when the Kilik hit.
And her brother hadn't fallen to the dark side.
See, that's another thing of the old EU...
It didn't make Palpatine completely evil like disney's EU...
Well canonically the suit was actually created to cause Vader immense pain, compared to other forms of medical augmentations. Basically, his suffering kept fueling his powers and attempted to push him deeper toward the darkside.
And nope
Direct orders from the emperor to help hinder Vader.
There's a reason why he asked Luke to take the helmet off...
_The visual suite in it was so shoddy he couldn't see anything but lines. no color, nothing._
From the lighter side... some idiots in california started an apartment fire trying to kill a wolf spider.
Old meme but still good
Because crying normy news has always done that.
Ever since mid 2003 it feels like. Ever since they started their hate on George Bush. It only grew through the years.
That chart's incomplete as all hell
I have a dog for an avatar...
I think that answers your question >>"
Just like this is a fox?
Shit with that you could probably do an image search and find my FA lol
It'd be more apparent I'm one once the pen and paper campaign i'm in draws to an end next month sometimes
Wanna go that route?
i'll take the nuke option
My sona
@ping i'm a furfag lvl 6 kay?
Like I said
Nuke option lmao
Nuke option done
think I give a damn lmao
was deleting it cuz eh
No, there's worse writers out there, by far
... Can we kick the nazi?
I mean
He did kinda just say "how long can they milk this shit" about a museum dedicated to the holocaust
Which, to be frank, as a war historian I find that very horrid and misrepresentive of the camps that were in poland and amongst other places. On top of that, Discord does not have to follow the first amendment. They can, and will, ban the lot of us and will get Tim taken down by them.
Just rather not have the alt-right title applied to me when I'd be one of the first in the oven so to say, and he's said it himself, the alt-right would hate him as well.
It wasn't just the jews who suffered in those camps. You had the Polish, the gays, invalids, mental patients, prisoners of war, masons, gypsys...
I could go on.
It's just when ya turn 6 million~ people into ash and dust for their beliefs and genetics? Yeah... that makes ya a shit person... to deny and then spit vile hatred to the people who suffered ...
Bah... probably was waiting for one of us to say something.
Has probably been taking screen shots of the chat logs too.
... Guess our words scared him off. By the way, not a fan of Alt-right peeps. Not a fan of antifa either.
1. It is Tim's server, he has spoken out against Alt-right before
2. NSFW/what ever doesn't excuse propaganda lists like he was throwing up
3. You're right, problem is, you don't know whose on that list who might be part of the alt left control borns who'd might take screen shots of his lists and say "Hey discord, there's nazis here, ban them."
I know how he fights Rye, I just know how his enemy fights back.
SJWs come in, take over, ruin, then leave
It's what they are doing to comic pros rn
It's what they did to Gamers
It's what they did to journalism
His name contained Aryan, which was what Hitler had seen as his pure race...
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