Message from @GingaBomber
Discord ID: 400086890944135178
Why do you keep posting that emoji dude
Cant show faces in chat
thank goodness but google had to go and make it possible anyway...
@GingaBomber Let's see... short is "about one standard Timothy Zahn chapter" or slightly longer
The pain I felt in my soul when I learned that the kids were wiped clean... I grew up with those stories... Read them day in day out. That wasn't the Luke I knew. That wasn't the Leia, the Han... You name it... It sucked... And it just.... it just feels so hollow compared to the old eu...
Like it's missing it's soul.
Theres also the Wraith Squadron series
@GingaBomber And if I recall correctly, Allegiance is the book where they all server under Thrawn in the end, discounting the new Thrawn book written for the new EU
Hmm I guess I forgot that part then, cause I did read Allegiance, but that was ages ago
It's been a few years since I last read any of the old-EU books he wrote, I should re-read them
Well, I do remember it fondly however
I have yet to find a Timothy Zahn book I didn't like, even outside the SW EU books
Actually, more like my memories of it are really positive
So really sad that that entire history is gone now
Then I check out MTG stuff and what do I see? Shitty misprinted cards and pedophiles for judges. Marvel? Grats, Iceman's gay and the new Ironman turned into a ruthless dictator of a small country... like wtf... why does the left move into these things... and ruin them?
Fuck if they fuck with games, Ill ... well cant really do anything can I?
That's already came and gone, unless you don't remember gamer gate...
Games are still okay. So far they only stuck with the journalism and the events.
gaming is permanently plagued wit hthose types dude
The indie game devs are all those types and everything is marketed towards them
I don't even game at all anymore outside of replaying Fallout 1 2 and new vegas
Im still stuck with games
remember the last wolfenstein game? That thing was a festering corpse full of SJW shit
hell I am gaming now
Warcrack will always be my main stay
Ive seen people call it crack as well so...
But nah too grindy for my taste
Warcrack, it's pornhub parody
Well that and pen and paper gaming.
damn did i miss the starwars book discussion dang
*hence the bone gnawer name and pic*
@SmallPrice You can always start it back up
well its mostly salt after the disney buy anyways 😄
Its always salt
It is never a bad time to start discussion about sci-fi topics
i *wish* they just used the heir to empire as movies