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2018-03-13 20:41:38 UTC


2018-03-13 20:41:59 UTC


2018-03-13 20:58:27 UTC

I've watched 11 minutes of TLJ and the physics are so atrocious I don't think I can continue

2018-03-13 20:59:07 UTC

and the only non-diverse resistance pilot I saw died after not even a second on screen, screaming

2018-03-13 21:00:05 UTC

I figured compsci was the closest thing to physics

2018-03-13 21:01:58 UTC

Fuck yeah my dudes

2018-03-13 21:04:29 UTC

int main(){
if(strcmp(channel->name, "comp-sci") == 0){
printf("Praise the mods");
printf("JDM's a cuck");

return 0;

2018-03-13 21:07:25 UTC

please make way for the chad lua
function main()
if == "comp-sci" then
print("Praise the mods!")
print("JDM's a cuck")

2018-03-13 21:10:45 UTC

>arrays start at 1

2018-03-13 21:13:13 UTC

hehe yeah that does tend to freak people out when they read it

2018-03-13 21:19:12 UTC

Hell yes

2018-03-13 21:26:39 UTC

that's brilliant

2018-03-13 21:27:41 UTC

though I have switched to vscode for most things

2018-03-13 21:31:02 UTC
2018-03-13 21:40:18 UTC

A subreddit you'd never want to say out loud to your parents

2018-03-13 21:41:31 UTC

wut is dis

2018-03-13 21:42:06 UTC

gah I can't spend any more time redesigning my desktop :P

2018-03-13 22:05:24 UTC

Do 3d physics gifs count?

2018-03-13 22:42:20 UTC

"What is friction?"

2018-03-13 22:54:47 UTC


2018-03-14 00:43:30 UTC

I don't think I can come back to reality guys. I've gone so far into Java generics.

2018-03-14 00:43:38 UTC

Everything is an abstract

2018-03-14 00:44:53 UTC

Abstract is abstract.

2018-03-14 00:47:09 UTC

@Jab Right now

2018-03-14 00:47:53 UTC

@Durtle02 Part of the code I wrote yesterday

2018-03-14 00:48:24 UTC

Your picture is surprisingly accurate

2018-03-14 00:48:26 UTC


2018-03-14 00:48:26 UTC

F u c k

2018-03-14 00:48:36 UTC

RIP in peace

2018-03-14 00:48:48 UTC

Worked the first try

2018-03-14 00:48:49 UTC


2018-03-14 00:48:59 UTC


2018-03-14 00:49:32 UTC

I'm giving OOP benefits to definitions defined in YAML config files.

2018-03-14 00:49:53 UTC

attribute inheritance.

2018-03-14 00:50:51 UTC

the package level handles sorting out definitions being resolved without much interfacing from the definition implementation.

2018-03-14 00:51:02 UTC

auto-sorting of inheritance \o/

2018-03-14 00:51:36 UTC


2018-03-14 00:52:49 UTC

I actually enjoy these exercises ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-03-14 00:52:57 UTC

I would rather do this than grunt work

2018-03-14 00:53:46 UTC

I wrote my own approach to Annotated event handlers & command handlers to bukkit for Minecraft

2018-03-14 00:54:15 UTC

They use reflection which is much slower than Java's version of pointers

2018-03-14 00:54:31 UTC

Yes, Java technically has pointers

2018-03-14 00:56:45 UTC

@Durtle02 Have fun with that

2018-03-14 01:07:12 UTC


2018-03-14 01:22:56 UTC

the best feeling in the world is writing a shitload of code and it works perfectly

2018-03-14 01:23:25 UTC


2018-03-14 02:49:26 UTC

Iโ€™d believe you @Deleted User , but Iโ€™ve never seen any evidence of this miracle.

2018-03-14 09:08:37 UTC

CS courses shouldn't teach languages. Maybe start with one or two languages, to get things going. Then it's the student's job to put some effort into it, and learn what needs to be learned.

2018-03-14 09:11:30 UTC

At my university, it starts off with Scheme (for a SICP-style course) and C/Pascal (for an introduction to programming course); although you can choose other functional and imperative languages if you want, you just won't get help from the TAs if it's not one of these.

2018-03-14 09:13:00 UTC

After that, there's no more requirements for language, you pick whatever fits your needs.

2018-03-14 09:14:14 UTC

I've seen universities that will literally list a bunch of programming languages as the courses. "Programming in C++", "Programming in Java", "Programming in Ruby", "Programming in PHP"...

2018-03-14 09:18:45 UTC

The only place where addressing specific languages make sense is in a "Programming Language Design" course. Then of course you use various design approaches from different existing languages.

2018-03-14 09:22:26 UTC

yes, or a university located around some exceptionally large companies that hire 70%+ of their students, then I'd say it's fine to focus on using the languages those companies use internally during the courses

2018-03-14 09:22:59 UTC

But then you're not creating computer scientists, only programmers.

2018-03-14 09:23:06 UTC

that's true

2018-03-14 09:23:38 UTC

There should be nothing wrong with just being trained in specific technologies. It probably makes more sense, financially.

2018-03-14 09:23:45 UTC

from the multiple graduates I've talked to from the two local universities, they're neither programmers nor scientists though

2018-03-14 09:23:59 UTC

Cheaper, you get a piece of paper that claims you have been trained in the technology, you're done with it sooner...

2018-03-14 09:24:05 UTC

Only downside might be you starting salary.

2018-03-14 09:24:26 UTC

apparently up to 50% of their curriculum is project management and time management

2018-03-14 09:24:36 UTC

and related fluff

2018-03-14 09:24:42 UTC

that is to say, non-technical

2018-03-14 09:25:04 UTC

Oh boy, I noticed how common "Software Engineering = Project Management" is on universities.

2018-03-14 09:25:53 UTC

At NYU, it was 80% "how to lie to your boss so he doesn't fire you."

2018-03-14 09:26:27 UTC

Like seriously, how use some PHB jargon to make useless tables and graphs to quantify your progress.

2018-03-14 09:26:57 UTC

have you read programming job ads in the past decade?

2018-03-14 09:27:10 UTC

You know, so you can be properly managed by a generic manager that doesn't understand the field, but can read tables and graphs.

2018-03-14 09:27:15 UTC

they're entirely written by managers and hiring people

2018-03-14 09:28:11 UTC

I read one a few months ago and it contained all these terms: PaaS, SaaS, DaaS, cloud computing

2018-03-14 09:28:13 UTC

in the same line

2018-03-14 09:28:41 UTC

one paragraph was a flurry of buzzwords about their team "strategy"

2018-03-14 09:44:13 UTC

Sometimes the ad is just fake because they already have a hire.

2018-03-14 09:46:06 UTC

For instance, to get work visas, the company needs to prove they can't find competent candidates in the country; they need to publish the ad for a while for the citizens, before claiming they need to hire somebody outside the country.

2018-03-14 09:47:21 UTC

Other times it's internal company policy, because they're promoting somebody, or hiring somebody's relative; they need to "give a chance" to external candidates before the internal ones.

2018-03-14 09:51:09 UTC

So yeah, next time you see an ad that requires everything, from sweeping the floor to negotiating international contracts, from giving tech support for laptops to writing kernels and compilers, it's probably a fake ad.

2018-03-14 09:51:48 UTC

this wasn't, they specifically called me about it to recruit me

2018-03-14 09:53:06 UTC

I read the ad and talked to a friend of mine who works in the same building, who actually rents office space from them

2018-03-14 09:53:13 UTC

he just said "you don't want to work there"

2018-03-14 13:49:40 UTC

dafuq new raspberry pi

2018-03-14 13:58:57 UTC

I really like this one, I think I'll switch my deployments

2018-03-14 13:59:01 UTC

very good job it seems

2018-03-14 13:59:26 UTC

I have 3x rpi2, and these can essentially be hotswapped even though they're rpi3b+

2018-03-14 15:32:41 UTC

I have two 3's and they've been great

2018-03-14 15:32:45 UTC

interesting there's a 3+

2018-03-14 16:01:04 UTC

that's .. what I just linked, it was _just_ released

2018-03-14 16:01:06 UTC


2018-03-14 17:14:18 UTC

I know

2018-03-14 17:14:21 UTC

I was commenting on it

2018-03-14 17:21:35 UTC

orange pi bois

2018-03-14 17:32:32 UTC

pls odroid ftw but rpis are so easy to set up and give to other people for set top boxes and storage

2018-03-14 17:32:49 UTC

since everyone makes software for it

2018-03-14 21:46:50 UTC

run the world on sailfish OS

2018-03-14 21:47:09 UTC

actually though, has anyone here tried out sailfish OS?

2018-03-14 21:47:18 UTC

If so is it any good?

2018-03-14 22:03:04 UTC

they're certainly doing some good work on the stack

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