In honor of today both being Earth Day and my youngest son's birthday (he turned three today!), I created this collection of stylish and adorable eco-friendly kids items. Happy Birthday London and Happy Earth Day everyone!
1. Horse Dream Ring ($56), 2. Classic Wooden Airplane with Pilot ($12), 3. Forest Learner Bike by Like-A-Bike ($329), 4. sailing boats ($28), 5. tree branch blocks ($40), 6. Organic 12 x 16 Pillow in "Supercharged" ($27), 7. Play Food Biofino Ice Cream Cone Venezia ($12.59), 8. Classic Wooden ABC Blocks from Uncle Goose ($33.99), 9. Red Teddy Bear (£36), 10. Troll Doll Stroller with Cushion ($260), 11. Dog Foundling ($32), 12. Plan Toaster ($28), 13. Kidsonroof Mobile Home ($32), and 14. Resin Elephant Bank - Aqua from Dwell Studio ($77.99)