Showing posts with label cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cards. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Happy holidays and overview of the year 2021!

The last months have been so busy that I didn't get a chance anymore to post on my blog. So this post will be packed with pictures 😉 Like I do every year at the end of the year I review everything I've done artwise and that's often very satisfying because usually I've done more than I think I did so I can end the year feeling like I've taken some steps towards my goal of becoming a full-time artist 😊.


I started the year really relaxed by doing some art classes. This is from "Fearless faces", a mini-workshop by Jerney Marisha. Her classes are lots of fun and great value for what you pay.


In February I kept seeing these posts about the 100 day project, where you do something creative every single day for 100 days in a row and post about it. This intrigued me but I thought no way I'd be able to do that. But then I saw another artist who had the fabulous idea of making art in a little square each day. Because it's so small, it's easy to keep it quick, so I tried it and yes, it was do-able :-)


In March I discovered one-line-drawings again, and combined them with watercolour and pastel. 


In April I finally finished a project that I had started in December from last year: doodling the walls of  a bathroom in an organisation that has conference rooms and a restaurant. I was one of 6 artists chosen to do this, and it was great fun, but man, sooo much work! I don't even want to think about how many hours I spent there ... 


In May I ended my 100 day project. I managed to do some art every single day for 100 days in a row. I quickly stopped with the little squares, and instead I made a double spread per week, and every day I added something to that spread. It was way more fun that way 😃


In June I was painting some women on a wooden form. I wanted to make these for my group exhibition in December, together with some mosaics. Different feel from working on canvas but lots of fun.


In July I had to start painting for my calendars. I made 12 backgrounds with inks and watercolours and coloured pencils and started looking for figures in there.


Still working on my paintings for my new calendars


Getting my calendars ready for the printer, and working on finishing my mosaics. I also re-opened my Etsyshop, to sell my oneliner-calendar and digital downloads of work I did in my artjournals. I'm planning on adding more.


Even though time was limited, I decided to once again participate in Inktober, this time with ballpoint-drawings. I really really enjoyed doing these sketches and adding some of the quotes that I wrote during the pandemic. It was healing.


I was participating in an online auction with five paintings and managed to sell all five of them! Two went to Germany, the other 3 found a home in the USA.


I am participating in a group exhibition in Global Art Gallery, and I opened a new Redbubble-shop. I made some new greeting cards and Christmas cards and am planning on adding a lot more in the coming year. Redbubble might take the place of my Society6-shop. I like their style better, and they work with local printers, which is less the case with Society6. It won't make much difference for US-customers, but for European customers it really makes a difference, in shipping costs and customs and taxes. We'll see how it works out.

And that's it for the year 2021! The only thing left to do is end with some funnies 😀 Enjoy!

No matter what you're celebrating this time of year, I hope your days will be filled with love and warmth and joy and togetherness and above all peace! And for next year, let's hope:

Thanks for being here!

Stay safe, healthy and happy. I'll be back next year! 💕💕💕