Isolation Amplifier: N o - 2 2 8 4 V 1 0 4 - U K F R o M S e R - N o - 9 7 0 3 8 8 0 0 1

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Isolation amplifier

No. 2284V104-UK
From ser. no.970388001
DK PR electronics A/S tilbyder et bredt program af analoge og digitale
signalbehandlingsmoduler til industriel automation. Programmet
består af Isolatorer, Displays, Ex-barrierer, Temperaturtransmittere,
Universaltransmittere mfl. Vi har modulerne, du kan stole på i selv
barske miljøer med elektrisk støj, vibrationer og temperaturudsving,
og alle produkter opfylder de strengeste internationale standarder.
Vores motto »Signals the Best« er indbegrebet af denne filosofi – og
din garanti for kvalitet.

UK PR electronics A/S offers a wide range of analog and digital signal

conditioning devices for industrial automation. The product range
includes Isolators, Displays, Ex Interfaces, Temperature Transmitters,
and Multifunctional Devices. You can trust our products in the
most extreme environments with electrical noise, vibrations and
temperature fluctuations, and all products comply with the most
exacting international standards. »Signals the Best« is the epitome
of our philosophy – and your guarantee for quality.

FR PR electronics A/S offre une large gamme de produits pour le

ment des signaux analogiques et numériques dans tous
les domaines industriels. La gamme de produits s’étend des
transmetteurs de température aux afficheurs, des isolateurs aux
interfaces SI, jusqu’aux modules universels. Vous pouvez compter
sur nos produits même dans les conditions d’utilisation sévères,
p.ex. bruit électrique, vibrations et fluctuations de température.
Tous nos produits sont conformes aux normes internationales les
plus strictes. Notre devise »SIGNALS the BEST« c’est notre ligne
de conduite - et pour vous l’assurance de la meilleure qualité.

DE PR electronics A/S verfügt über ein breites Produktprogramm

an analogen und digitalen Signalverarbeitungsgeräte für die in­
dustrielle Automatisierung. Dieses Programm umfasst Displays,
Temperaturtransmitter, Ex- und galvanische Signaltrenner, und
Universalgeräte. Sie können unsere Geräte auch unter extremen
Einsatzbedingungen wie elektrisches Rauschen, Erschütterungen
und Temperaturschwingungen vertrauen, und alle Produkte von
PR electronics werden in Überein­stimmung mit den strengsten
internationalen Normen produziert. »Signals the Best« ist Ihre
Garantie für Qualität!

Type 2284


Warning........................................................................................................ 2
Symbol identification............................................................................. 3
Safety instructions.................................................................................. 3
How to dismantle system 2200........................................................ 5
Application.................................................................................................. 6
Description................................................................................................. 6
Technical characteristics....................................................................... 6
Input.............................................................................................................. 6
Output.......................................................................................................... 6
Electrical specifications......................................................................... 7
Order: 2284................................................................................................ 9
Block diagram............................................................................................ 9
Programming............................................................................................. 10

2284V104-UK 1
This device is designed for connection to hazardous electric
voltages. Ignoring this warning can result in severe personal injury
or mechanical damage.
To avoid the risk of electric shock and fire, the safety instructions
GENERAL of this manual must be observed and the guidelines followed. The
electrical specifications must not be exceeded, and the device
must only be applied as described in the following.
Prior to the commissioning of the device, this manual must be
examined carefully.
Only qualified personnel (technicians) should install this device.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be

Until the device is fixed, do not connect hazardous voltages to the
device. The following operations should only be carried out on a
HAZARDOUS disconnected device and under ESD safe conditions:
VOLTAGE Dismantlement of the device for setting of DIP-switches
and jumpers.
General mounting, connection and disconnection of wires.
Troubleshooting the device.

Repair of the device and replacement of circuit breakers must

be done by PR electronics A/S only.

To keep the safety distances, devices with two built-in relays must
not be connected to both hazardous and non-hazardous voltages
INSTAL- on the same device’s relay contacts.
LATION SYSTEM 2200 must be mounted in socket type S3B Releco (order
no 7023).

2 2284V104-UK

Triangle with an exclamation mark: Warning / demand. Potentially lethal


The CE mark proves the compliance of the device with the requirements
of the directives.

The double insulation symbol shows that the device is protected by

double or reinforced insulation.


Hazardous voltages have been defined as the ranges: 75...1500 Volt DC, and 50
...1000 Volt AC.
Technicians are qualified persons educated or trained to mount, operate, and also
troubleshoot technically correct and in accordance with safety regulations.
Operators, being familiar with the contents of this manual, adjust and operate the
knobs or potentiometers during normal operation.
Unpack the device without damaging it. The packing should always follow the
device until this has been permanently mounted. Check at the receipt of the device
whether the type corresponds to the one ordered.
Avoid direct sunlight, dust, high temperatures, mechanical vibrations and shock, as
well as rain and heavy moisture. If necessary, heating in excess of the stated limits
for ambient temperatures should be avoided by way of ventilation.
All devices fall under Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 1, and Insulation
Class II.
Only technicians who are familiar with the technical terms, warnings, and
instructions in the manual and who are able to follow these should connect the
Should there be any doubt as to the correct handling of the device, please contact
your local distributor or, alternatively,
PR electronics A/S

2284V104-UK 3
Mounting and connection of the device should comply with national legislation for
mounting of electric materials, i.a. wire cross section, protective fuse, and location.
Descriptions of Input / Output and supply connections are shown in the block
diagram and side label.

The following apply to fixed hazardous voltages-connected devices:

The max. size of the protective fuse is 10 A and, together with a power
switch, it should be easily accessible and close to the device. The power
switch should be marked with a label telling it will switch off the voltage
to the device.
During calibration and adjustment, the measuring and connection of external
voltages must be carried out according to the specifications of this manual.
The technician must use tools and instruments that are safe to use.
Operators are only allowed to adjust and operate devices that are safely fixed in
panels, etc., thus avoiding the danger of personal injury and damage. This means
there is no electrical shock hazard, and the device is easily accessible.
When disconnected, the device may be cleaned with a cloth moistened with
distilled water.
To the extent the instructions in this manual are not strictly observed, the customer
cannot advance a demand against PR electronics A/S that would otherwise exist
according to the concluded sales agreement.

4 2284V104-UK

Picture 1:
The back panel of the device is
detached from the housing by
way of a screwdriver.

Picture 2:
After this, the back panel can be pulled
out together with the PCB, but
please notice the position of the
PCB as there is a number of different
positions in the house. Do not pull
the wires unnecessarily, instead pull
the PCB.
Switches and jumpers can now be
When assembling the back plate and
housing, please make sure no wires
are stuck.

2284V104-UK 5

• Galvanically separated input, output, and supply

• Bipolar current / voltage input
• Signal conversion
• Current and voltage output
• 24 VDC or universally supplied
• Applicable in PELV/SELV circuits

Galvanic separation of analogue signals (ground loop elimination).
Measurement of floating signals.
Signal conversion within the ranges: -250...+250 VDC or -50...+50 mA on the input
and 0...10 (20) VDC and 0...20 mA on the output.

The 2284 uses microprocessor technology for the selection of gain and zero offset,
yet the signal processing is analogue with a fast response time of less than 25 ms.

Technical characteristics
In standard ranges, the 2284 is programmable within the input and output ranges
using internal DIP-switches.
Provided that the front adjustments are still sealed, the unit needs no readjustment
after programming.
The unit is galvanically separated between input, supply, and output.

Current or voltage in standard or special ranges within the measurement range.
The programming schedule shows the standard ranges. Nominal standard input
resistance is 50 Ω for mA signals. The 2284 has a 2-wire transmitter supply and
a reference voltage of 2.5 VDC, max. 15 mA for short circuit-protected supply of

The output can be ordered for standard or special currents and voltages within
the signal range.

6 2284V104-UK
Standard current output (pin 3) 0/4...20 mA, and 0/1...5 mA acc. to the
programming schedule with the possibility of signal reversal.
Current limit: 23...28 mA.

Standard voltage output (pin 2) is achieved by short-circuiting pins 2 and 3.

The voltage signal is available between pins 2 and 1.
For voltage signals in the range 0...1 VDC, a 50 Ω shunt (DP 2-1) is applied; in the
range 0...10 VDC, a 500 Ω shunt (DP 2-2) is applied.
Using both signals simultaneously, the mA-loop to ground must go through the
internal shunt.

The 2284 is available with a buffered voltage output, 0...20 V 10 mA. The current
output cannot be used simultaneously. In applications where the output must sink
current, the following min. voltages on the output can be achieved:
At 100 µA; 10 mV, and at 1 mA; 90 mV.
Fine adjustment of 0 and 100% values for special ranges is possible at the front
±2.5%, but please note that the basic calibration is thereby lost.

Electrical specifications

Specifications range:
-20°C to +60°C

Common specifications:
Supply voltage, DC................................................... 19.2...28.8 VDC
Universal supply, voltage...................................... 21,6...253 VAC, 50...60 Hz
19,2...300 VDC
Max. consumption 2284--D, (24 VDC)............. ≤ 2.4 W
Max. consumption 2284--P (uni. sup.)............. ≤ 2.5 W
Isolation, test / operation...................................... 3.75 kVAC / 250 VAC
Signal / noise ratio................................................... Min. 60 dB
Response time (0...90%)........................................ < 25 ms
Temperature coefficient......................................... < ±0,01% of span / °C
Linearity error............................................................ < ±0,1% of span
Effect of supply voltage change........................ < ±0.005% of span / V
2-wire transmitter supply (pin 7...5)................. 19...28 VDC / 20...0 mA
Reference voltage.................................................... 2.5 VDC ±0.5%, 15 mA
EMC immunity influence ....................................... < ±0,5% of span

2284V104-UK 7
Relative air humidity............................................... < 95% RH (non-cond.)
Dimensions (HxWxD) (D is without pins)........ 80.5 x 35.5 x 84.5 mm
Protection degree..................................................... IP50
Weight DC / universally supplied....................... 125 g / 165 g
Measurement range................................................. -50...+50 mADC
Min. measurement range (span)......................... 0.53 mADC
Max. offset.................................................................. 50% of max. value
Input resistance........................................................ Nom. 50 Ω
Measurement range................................................. -250...+250 VDC
Min. measurement range (span)......................... 27 mVDC
Max. offset.................................................................. 50% of max. value
Input resistance........................................................ >1 MΩ...<10 MΩ
Current output:
Signal range................................................................ 0...20 mA
Min. signal range....................................................... 4 mA
Max. offset.................................................................. 20% of max. value
Load (max.).................................................................. 20 mA / 1000 Ω / 20 VDC
Load stability.............................................................. < ±0.01% of span / 100 Ω
Current limit................................................................ 23...28 mA
Voltage output through internal shunt:
Signal range................................................................ 0...10 VDC
Min. signal span......................................................... 200 mVDC
Max. offset.................................................................. 20% of max. value
Load (min.)................................................................... 500 kΩ
Buffered voltage....................................................... Min. 0.2...1 VDC / max. 0...20 VDC
Max. load...................................................................... 10 mA
Observed authority requirements: Standard:
EMC 2004/108/EC................................................... EN 61326-1
LVD 2006/95/EC....................................................... EN 61010-1
PELV/SELV................................................................... IEC 364-4-41 and EN 60742
EAC TR-CU 020/2011............................................. EN 61326-1

Of span = Of the presently selected range

8 2284V104-UK
Order: 2284

Type Input Output Supply Output type

2284 0...20 mA : A Special : 0 24 VDC : D Standard :1

4...20 mA : B 0...20 mA : 1 24...230 VAC & : P Buffered :2

24...250 VDC voltage
0...1 V : C 4...20 mA :2

0,2...1 V : D 0...5 mA :3

0...10 V : E 0...1 V :4

2...10 V : F 0,2...1 V :5

0...2,5 V : G 0...10 V :6

-10...+10 V : H 2...10 V :7

Special : X 0...2,5 V :8


2-wire supply / 7 1
Loop supply Universal sup. only 9 Supply (+), (P)
2.5 V ref. 2 2.5 V ref. 24 Or 24...230 VAC &
3 VDC 24...250 VDC
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Supply (gnd), (N)
T C PU 100% 0%
output DP2
- offset
7 8

DP2 9 10

Input +
5 1 0...20
2 mA
3 I+V V I
+ +
50 3 I + Out Out Out
V 5 6
- - 1 DP1 DP2 A
6 DP2 4
2 V+
2-wire 3-wire Input gnd. A
transm. potm. 3 1 2 DP2
V mA
50 500
Output type
2284 2284 - - - 2 1 Gnd.

2284V104-UK 9
INPUT DP1 (10-pole) JP1
SW ON SW OFF 1-2 2-3
0...5 mA 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 X
0...20 mA 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 X
0...100 mV - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 X
0...500 mV 4 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 X
0...1 V 3 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 X
0...2.5 V 3, 4 1, 2, 5, 6 X
0...10 V 2 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 X
0...100 V 2, 4 1, 3, 5, 6 X
For 20% offset on input,
set DP1 SW5 ON
e.g. input 4...20 mA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6 X
For bipolar input
set DP1,SW6 ON
e.g. -10 V...+10 V 2, 6 1, 3, 4, 5 X

OUTPUT DP1 (10-pole) **DP2 (10-pole)

PROGRAMMING SW 7, 8, 9, 10 SW 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
0...5 mA 8 7, 9, 10 6, 7 1, 2, 8, 9, 10
0...20 mA 7 8, 9, 10 6, 8 1, 2, 7, 9, 10
0...5 mA / 0...250 mV 8 7, 9, 10 1, 6, 7 2, 8, 9, 10
0...20 mA / 0...1 V 7 8, 9, 10 1, 6, 8 2, 7, 9, 10
0...5 mA / 0...2.5 V 8 7, 9, 10 2, 6, 7 1, 8, 9, 10
0...20 mA / 0...10 V 7 8, 9, 10 2, 6, 8 1, 7, 9, 10
For 20% offset on output,
set DP1 SW9 ON,
DP2 SW9 and SW10 ON
e.g. output 4...20 mA 7, 9 8, 10 6, 8, 9, 10 1, 2, 7
For reversed output
set DP1 SW10 ON
e.g. output 20...4 mA 7, 9, 10 8 6, 8, 9, 10 1, 2, 7

** DP2 SW 6 is ON and SW 3, 4, 5 are OFF, except for buffered output 2284---2.

Note: At other spans than the above-mentioned and at a buffered voltage output,
DP1, DP2, JP1, and JP2 have a different setting which applies to the delivered
special range. The buffered voltage output cannot be programmed acc. to the
above programming table, but will be delivered fully-configured from factory.

10 2284V104-UK
Displays Programmable displays with a wide selection
of inputs and outputs for display of temperature, volume and
weight, etc. Feature linearization, scaling, and difference
measurement functions for programming via PReset software.

Ex interfaces Interfaces for analog and digital signals as well

as HART signals between sensors / I/P converters / frequency
signals and control systems in Ex zone 0, 1 & 2 and for some
devices in zone 20, 21 & 22.

Isolation Galvanic isolators for analog and digital

signals as well as HART signals. A wide product range with both
loop-powered and universal isolators featuring linearization,
inversion, and scaling of output signals.

Temperature A wide selection of transmitters for DIN form

B mounting and DIN rail devices with analog and digital bus
communication ranging from application-specific to universal

Universal PC or front programmable devices with

universal options for input, output and supply. This range offers
a number of advanced features such as process calibration,
linearization and auto-diagnosis.
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