BP103 Data Sheets

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NPN-Silizium-Fototransistor Silicon NPN Phototransistor BP 103

Wesentliche Merkmale Speziell geeignet fr Anwendungen im Bereich von 420 nm bis 1130 nm Hohe Linearitt TO-18, Bodenplatte, klares Epoxy-Gieharz, mit Basisanschlu Anwendungen Computer-Blitzlichtgerte Lichtschranken fr Gleich- und Wechsellichtbetrieb Industrieelektronik Messen/Steuern/Regeln Typ Type BP 103 BP 103-3/4 Bestellnummer Ordering Code Q62702-P75 Q62702-P3577

Features Especially suitable for applications from 420 nm to 1130 nm High linearity TO-18, base plate, transparent epoxy resin lens, with base connection Applications Computer-controlled flashes Photointerrupters Industrial electronics For control and drive circuits


BP 103
Grenzwerte Maximum Ratings Bezeichnung Parameter Betriebs- und Lagertemperatur Operating and storage temperature range Lttemperatur bei Tauchltung Ltstelle 2 mm vom Gehuse, Ltzeit t 5 s Dip soldering temperature, 2 mm distance from case bottom t 5 s Lttemperatur bei Kolbenltung Ltstelle 2 mm vom Gehuse, Ltzeit t 3 s Iron soldering temperature, 2 mm distance from case bottom t 3 s Kollektor-Emitterspannung Collector-emitter voltage Kollektorstrom Collector current Kollektorspitzenstrom, < 10 s Collector surge current Emitter-Basisspannung Emitter-base voltage Verlustleistung, TA = 25 C Total power dissipation Wrmewiderstand Thermal resistance Symbol Symbol Wert Value 40 + 80 260 Einheit Unit C C

Top; Tstg TS




50 100 200 7 150 500

V mA mA V mW K/W


BP 103
Kennwerte (TA = 25 C, = 950 nm) Characteristics Bezeichnung Parameter Wellenlnge der max. Fotoempfindlichkeit Wavelength of max. sensitivity Spektraler Bereich der Fotoempfindlichkeit Symbol Symbol S max Wert Value 850 420 1130 Einheit Unit nm nm

S = 10% von Smax

Spectral range of sensitivity S = 10% of Smax Bestrahlungsempfindliche Flche Radiant sensitive area Abmessungen der Chipflche Dimensions of chip area Abstand Chipoberflche zu Gehuseoberflche Distance chip front to case surface Halbwinkel Half angle Fotostrom der Kollektor-Basis-Fotodiode Photocurrent of collector-base photodiode Ee = 0.5 mW/cm2, VCB = 5 V Ev = 1000 Ix, Normlicht/standard light a VCB = 5 V Kapazitt Capacitance VCE = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 VCB = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 VEB = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, E = 0 Dunkelstrom Dark current VCE = 35 V, E = 0 A LB LW 0.12 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.8 55 mm2 mm mm mm Grad deg.


0.9 2.7



8 11 19 5 ( 100)

pF pF pF nA


BP 103
Die Fototransistoren werden nach ihrer Fotoempfindlichkeit gruppiert und mit arabischen Ziffern gekennzeichnet. The phototransistors are grouped according to their spectral sensitivity and distinguished by arabian figures. Bezeichnung Parameter Fotostrom, = 950 nm Photocurrent Ee = 0.5 mW/cm2, VCE = 5 V Ev = 1000 lx Normlicht/standard light A VCE = 5 V Anstiegszeit/Abfallzeit Rise and fall time IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 k Kollektor-EmitterSttigungsspannung Collector-emitter saturation voltage IC = IPCEmin1) 0.3 Ee = 0.5 mW/cm2 Stromverstrkung Current gain Ee = 0.5 mW/cm2, VCE = 5 V
1) 1)

Symbol Symbol -2 -3

Wert Value -4 -5

Einheit Unit

IPCE IPCE t r, t f

80 160 125 250 200 400 320

0.38 5

0.6 7

0.95 9

1.4 12

mA s







I PCE -------I PCB





IPCEmin ist der minimale Fotostrom der jeweiligen Gruppe. IPCEmin is the min. photocurrent of the specified group.


BP 103
Relative Spectral Sensitivity Srel = f () Photocurrent IPCE = f (Ee), VCE = 5 V Total Power Dissipation Ptot = f (TA)

Output Characteristics

Output Characteristics

IC = f (VCE), IB = Parameter

IC = f (VCE), IB = Parameter

Dark Current ICEO = f (VCE), E = 0

Photocurrent IPCE/IPCE25 = f (TA), VCE = 5 V

Dark Current ICEO/ICEO25 = f (TA), VCE = 25 V, E = 0

Collector-Emitter Capacitance CCE = f (VCE), f = 1 MHz, E = 0


BP 103
Collector-Emitter Capacitance CCB = f (VCB), f = 1 MHz, E = 0 Emitter-Base Capacitance CEB = f (VEB), f = 1 MHz, E = 0

Directional Characteristics Srel = f ()


BP 103
Mazeichnung Package Outlines

Radiant sensitive area

4.3 (0.169) 4.1 (0.161)

Chip position (2.7 (0.106)) 0.45 (0.018)

) 43 ) 0 . (0 035 1.1 (0. 0.9 .04








14.5 (0.571) 12.5 (0.492)

3.6 (0.142) 3.0 (0.118)

5.5 (0.217) 5.2 (0.205)


Mae werden wie folgt angegeben: mm (inch) / Dimensions are specified as follows: mm (inch).

Published by OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH & Co. OHG Wernerwerkstrasse 2, D-93049 Regensburg All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact our Sales Organization. Packing Please use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred. Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose! Critical components 1 , may only be used in life-support devices or systems 2 with the express written approval of OSRAM OS. 1 A critical component is a component usedin a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness of that device or system. 2 Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user may be endangered.


2.54 (0.100) spacing


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