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The Walking Dead 04: Was das Herz begehrt
The Walking Dead 04: Was das Herz begehrt
The Walking Dead 04: Was das Herz begehrt
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The Walking Dead 04: Was das Herz begehrt

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Für den Moment scheint die kleine Gruppe Überlebender um Polizist Rick Grimes eine sichere Zuflucht gefunden zu haben, doch die Lage bleibt gefährlich. Während immer größere Scharen Untoter die ehemalige Strafanstalt zu überrennen drohen, spitzt sich auch innerhalb der Zäune die Situation zu. Eine anstehende Geburt, Konflikte um Gesetz und Ordnung und dubiose Neuankömmlinge stellen den Zusammenhalt der Belagerten auf eine harte Probe, und es kommt zum offenen Schlagabtausch mit den früheren Insassen des Gefängnisses.
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum1. Sept. 2012
The Walking Dead 04: Was das Herz begehrt

Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer. His first creation was Battle Pope, which he co-wrote with Tony Moore, and in 2003 they began the comic book series The Walking Dead, set in a George A. Romero zombie movie-inspired world.

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Bewertung: 3.964208355097614 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Walking Dead:Volume 4: The Heart's DesireKirkman, Adlard and Rathburn2013Image ComicsThis graphic novel is all B&W, which actually adds to the story. Tyrese, Chris, Rick, Lori, Michonne are featured in this volume. We are all the walking dead.#teamslaughter #scarathon #scavengerhunt #zombie 1 point
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The series is progressing. A might bit less action, a little more interpersonal stuff, a bit slower, but not stagnant. Our little zombie infested soap opera continues.

    With this volume we get the addition of Michonne, my new favorite kick-ass heroine. And some stupid shit, but since people are, by in large, fairly stupid, emotionally, I'm ok with it.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Well, this is Volume 4 now and we carry on where we were left with a cliffhanger in the last volume. This story is slightly different compared to the others and actually deals more with their inter-human relationships within those prison walls. It's all about the characters and their futile attempts to plan their next steps in order to pretend a sort of normal life. However, Rick realizes more and more how desperate their situation is and as a consequence he is pretty fast descending into madness. His breakdown, doesn't sit well with the rest of the group and they start to question his leader ship skills. Actually, I was pretty pleased that it is going that way, especially as I am not a great fan of Rick anyway. It always sort of irritated me that everyone looked up to him and sort of worshipped the ground he is walking on - with the argument Rick's worldview is best. I mostly just felt that he is an self-important cowboy who tends to hold long monologues. LOL - I thought the best and most ridicilous part was when the Rick and Tyreese, the two alphas, get into a pissing-contest where Rick again gives us one of his extremely self-important and neverending speeches. In this installment they finally introduced Michonne, something which I was really looking forward to since she is a fave of mine in the TV series - well, all I can say so far she is nothing compared to the brilliant bad-ass character. She is all but annoying, boring and even more antagonistic then in the series. In the end it all comes down to the decision of the group to create a leadership committee made up of four man. And you know what annoyed me with that? Well, apparently the women didn't want to be on the committee as they felt they just wanted to be protected by the men. Haha. Especially, in this installment it becomes more and more apparent that Robert Kirkman obviously has got some kind of issue in regards to women. Well, the whole story was still as good that I do want to carry on reading to see where things with the group will go.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Michonne and her two "pets" show up in time to save Otis, the "you kill, you die" rule changes to "you kill, you live," Allen's accident makes Rick try out a new theory about being bitten, and a committee forms to makes sure not one person has to carry all the responsibility for the group. It's time for the group's tensions to run high since the incessant pressure is wearing on everyone and the story follows what would seem to be the natural way of things - it's my favorite part of the series, those high and lows that switch back and forth as circumstances change; it makes for a realistic story progression. The characters get increasingly human as they are forced to act less human.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Volume 4 was a quick read but definitely my least favorite from The Walking Dead series. The drama was something akin to a soap opera and I found myself feeling more than just a little annoyed with these characters. It's only saving grace was the introduction of Michonne.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The gang is overrun by zombies just as Dexter is threatening to kill them all if they don't leave the prison. In the ensuing chaos, Rick shoots Dexter, and later has to deal with the consequences of his actions. Also, a mysterious woman shows up at the prison with two armless, jawless zombies in tow.Perhaps it's just because I'm so used to the TV show by now, but I totally didn't get why everyone was so upset with Rick. Dexter was threatening to either kick them onto the zombie-ridden streets, or kill them. I don't think there's any question that Rick did the right thing.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    So it's gone a bit awry.... This volume read a bit like an over the top teenage drama. So many people having sex with each other. I am generally getting a bit annoyed at how women are portrayed - the are either a huge nag, desperate, or a slut.

    Just felt a bit ridiculous to me, especially the huge fight between Tyreese and Rick. I hope the next volume is better.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Volume 4 of Kirkman's zombie series watches the characters slider further into despair and moral ambiguity as they attempt to re-build their lives inside the prison that they started to occupy in volume three.The zombies are featured much less in this volume, allowing our human characters a little bit of 'down time'. In that time, though, we see Kirkman engage in discussions on the sanctity of life, one's place in society, the possibility for redemption, and the role of laws within society. If he keeps up the quality of writing displayed with this book and the last, I think this might end up being the greatest piece of zombie fiction ever created.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    More introspective and less action-packed than other volumes.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I really like the Walking Dead series by Kirkman, et.al. Zombies always make for an enjoyable survival story and the great black-and-white art work enhances the experience. Of course there is lots of action and gory violence but there is also a large cast of characters and considerable character development. This is a serious ongoing work that portrays a realistic picture of what would certainly by a very grim life for survivors of a world of hungry zombies. Volume 4 seemed like a transitional episode to me and I look forward to what is waiting for the character in future volumes. However, this volume had its share of violence and brought the addition of a new character to the group of struggling survivors and the death of another character.


The Walking Dead 04 - Robert Kirkman

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