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Questions tagged [running-totals]

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Make sequential groups of rows that surpass a minimum sum

Let's say I have a table with a timestamp (ts) and a value (a). With some sample data: ts, a 1, 10 2, 30 3, 10 4, 20 5, 40 6, 10 7, 20 8, 30 etc I would like to group rows, in ts order, by summing a ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Group by running totals with reset

Sample Data Expected Data Need to append trades under an order in a record, was able to do that using string_agg, now I need to split the orders with a maximum value of 10. That is, the quantity for ...
macro32's user avatar
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Determining the overlap between payments and invoices

Given a table containing a list of invoices and a table containing a list of payments, I have the following problem: Payments should be allocated to invoices up to the total amount of the invoice. If ...
warhorus's user avatar
2 votes
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SQL Sum with break-out (audits on inventory)

I'm having some difficulty getting this mysql query to work. I have the following tables create table items ( item_id int not null auto_increment, item_name varchar(25), primary key (...
Jason Chvat's user avatar
2 votes
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Cumulative sum in a period of months

I have this table: month_rep fruits harvested 2021-09-01 139 139 2021-10-01 143 11 2021-11-01 152 14 2021-12-01 112 9 2022-01-01 133 10 2022-02-01 145 12 2022-03-01 123 5 2022-04-01 111 4 ...
Jason's user avatar
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Cumulative sum by day with non-negative floor with PostgreSQL

Using PostgreSQL 12, I need to calculate the cumulative sum by day while filling in missing days. I also need to set a minimum value of 0 if any cumulative sum goes negative. Background There are two ...
brianz's user avatar
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Calculate running total of "consecutive days without views" for each group, that can restart multiple times within each group based on conditions

Summary I'm working to create a counter metric that shows, for each client's slug, the number of consecutive days of zero views. The counter should increase for each consecutive day that the client's ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Is there any way to let Postgres know it can filter results and then calculate aggregations?

Given a table A with 10 million records and another table B with child items (one-to-many), I have to provide a consumable view with totals from several fields in B grouped by the FK of A. None of the ...
Dane's user avatar
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Performant way to limit selected rows but make sure the sum of the rows is large enough

Here's a simplified version of the problem. You have a marketplace where users can publish how many items they have for sale and the price. You would like to buy 1 000 000 items, and you want to ...
Alex's user avatar
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Analytical function: sum the cumulative of previous column

Using an analytical function, I want that the column 'sum' contains the cumulative of the previous column. But my code gets the total sum of all encounters. Here is both table and data for testing: ...
PakLui's user avatar
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SQL YTD calculations adding periods without postings

I have a query which give me the YTD figures per company (client), account, IC and period for the periods in which financial postings have been performed. The table where I get this from is AAGCONSO ...
Katrien's user avatar
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How do I show a running total from the previous records?

I wonder if someone can please assist. I have the following code which basically inserts 10 records into a table. From this table I'm trying to show a running total for the amount of sales against the ...
Dave's user avatar
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Running sum total over 14 days for each date

In a database of transactions spanning about 50 customers over a period of 8 months, I need to find which customers have 0 total transactions over a consecutive 14-day period. The customer table (...
Darrel 's user avatar
1 vote
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Sum all unique values from previous dates

Let's say, for simplicity sake, I have the following table: id amount p_id date ------------------------------------------------ 1 5 1 2020-01-01T01:00:00 2 10 ...
tony's user avatar
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How to calculate running balance for many accounts?

please help me fix query below to calculate running balance correctly. What I need to do is: Calculate running balance (debit- credit) by account_no Reset the balance when account_no changes Reset ...
Abeer Sul's user avatar
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How to create a running balance column based on account number?

I have a stored procedure that returns account statement for one or multiple accounts Here is the part I have issues with: returning a running balance in each record based on account number. My query ...
Abeer Sul's user avatar
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Running total until specific condition is met

I have a question about running totals, I know there are several approaches. However I have slight modification of it and I'm struggling to find the right way. So I have orders, each order has its ...
Irdis's user avatar
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Need a query for accumulated values

I need query for accumulated values from particular column with specific time interval. time | value -------------------------- 2020-02-26 09:30:00 | 5 2020-02-26 09:31:00 | 3 ...
Avz Vicky's user avatar
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Count Total time difference between selected row

My data contains an ID, status and time(hh:mm:ss). I need to calculate the total time between every 'Location' and 'Out of tunnel' status Current table ID || time || Status ...
Mrparkin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Problem in mysql database!

how to create a view of this query in (mysql) database. SET @variable = 0; -- Without Pagination SELECT id, `credit`, `debit`, @variable := @variable + (`credit` - `debit`) `Balance` ...
Noor's user avatar
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TSQL Running Total but only based on Logic

Just been tasked to work on an old system that's running on SQL2008r2. Need to audit the number of reserv earned and compare against the number of ticks taken. So here's a sample dataset - Expected ...
Geezer's user avatar
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Calculating Running Total in SQL

I have been looking online for an answer but do not really know how to formulate correctly what I would like to achieve and whether it's possible, sorry if the question sounds dumb. I have Site data ...
Sadia Sharmin's user avatar
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How can I calculate the loan balance based on following data set

There are two loans 12345, 54321. I want to arrive at 'New Column' which is calculated column based on Balance and Transaction_amount. Also, need to calculate till maturity date. CREATE TABLE #Test (...
Sunil Babu Vudimudi's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

How to get the last not-null value in an ordered column of a huge table?

I have the following input: id | value ----+------- 1 | 136 2 | NULL 3 | 650 4 | NULL 5 | NULL 6 | NULL 7 | 954 8 | NULL 9 | 104 10 | NULL I expect the following ...
peterh's user avatar
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Calculate change in value window function when the identifier has dropped of the current period

I was wondering how can i got about finding the change in value from one period to another but in my scenario the identifier has dropped off the current period. I'm think this could be done with a ...
Glenn Sampson's user avatar
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Applying Multiple Window Functions in 1 SELECT using different partition

I was wondering if there is anything wrong with using this method. I have a working demo of what i'm trying to do below In the SELECT statement I have used 2 OVER clauses. Is there any risk that ...
Glenn Sampson's user avatar
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I have a beginning balance I need to calculate ending balance running total by month rows

I have been searching this site and others trying to find an answer to this. I tried various things but cannot get my head around an answer so here goes. Here my data: What I need is to start with ...
C.Smith's user avatar
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Subtracting sum of previous rows

I want to create total field in this table. But in SQL server 2008 can't use 'order by' in OVER clause. I have same PO and difference INV. I want to Qty field minus Quantity field and next row Total ...
midtonight's user avatar
5 votes
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Cumulative duration between value resets

SATISD9X's user avatar
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Distribute multiple payments to invoice lines

I'm having a problem allocating payments to invoice lines. We’re using MsSql 2014 Data looks like this: Invoice lines table (sales): lineId invoiceId value 1 1 100 2 ...
Claudiu Radu's user avatar
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How to calculate conditional running additions in SQL Server 2012

I have a table with below mentioned structure create table #test ( ID int identity(1,1), A int, B int ); and having data as ID A B 1 9 NULL 2 9 1 3 9 2 4 8 NULL 5 8 4 6 8 ...
sagar's user avatar
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10 votes
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Calculating stock quantity based on change log

Imagine that you have the following table structure: LogId | ProductId | FromPositionId | ToPositionId | Date | Quantity ---------------------------------------------------------------...
Henrik's user avatar
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Add cumulative sum to time-series query PostgreSQL 9.5

I wrote the query that gives me time-series over some date range and interval that shows revenue for each time interval: SELECT interval_date, coalesce(campaign_revenue,0) AS campaign_revenue,...
Alechko's user avatar
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Using OLAP-specs to compute selective running totals

Let's say I have a table with columns id, subid, state, value, where (id, subid) is a unique tuple, state may be 0 or some value <> 0, and value is just some number. I want to build a query that ...
Bubaya's user avatar
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Running total from another field

I have a table just like that: date sales rest 1/1/2017 52 0 2/1/2017 30 0 3/1/2017 10 200. I only have the rest in the last date and i want to make it like this: ...
kostkost's user avatar
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Running ratio of unique counts to total counts

Any ideas on how to code a running ratio of counts (unique and total) for ordered observations (rows) in t-SQL (SQL Server 2017 Community Edition or higher)? Given a data set, which is necessarily ...
Oleg Melnikov's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Running Total of a count per day in SQLite

I usually write a couple of very simple queries on a redshift database which used in a marketing visualization tool. And I repeat - VERY simple - I am a novice at this. I am now faced with a new ...
user132928's user avatar
3 votes
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Set non-negative floor for rolling sum, in PostgreSQL

This is a really fun question (asked for SQL Server) and I wanted to try it out to see how it was done in PostgreSQL. Let's see if anyone else can do it better. Taking this data, CREATE TABLE foo AS ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Set non-negative floor for rolling sum, in SQL Server

I need to set a floor on the rolling sum calculation. For example, with PKID NumValue GroupID ---------------------------- 1 -1 1 2 -2 1 3 5 1 4 ...
Ryan's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Reset Running Total based on another column

Am trying to calculate running total. But it should reset when the cummulative sum greater than another column value create table #reset_runn_total ( id int identity(1,1), val int, reset_val int, ...
Pரதீப்'s user avatar
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SQL to choose a price between two points in time

Given a time-series of datetime price changes and another disparate time-series of N events, how do I query the last known price at the time of each event without running N queries? Essentially, I ...
Petrus Theron's user avatar
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CROSS APPLY query with CASE and running totals [closed]

I'm trying to make this business logic make sense, but I'm not having any luck. The rule is I can have a sale with discounts from percentage and value. But the value is to be subtracted after ...
Ruisf's user avatar
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Calculate Quantity Based on First in, First Out (FIFO)

I'm trying to get result of quantity based on FIFO, with 2 tables below: Table Purchase: | PO | Date | Quantity | Item | |-------|--------------|----------|------| | PO001 | 01-Jan-2016 ...
Mei_R's user avatar
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Getting Running Total from user defined function

I have the following query. Select x1.TotalAmount, [ReturnTaxAmount](x1.TotalAmount,@TaxRate) AS TaxAmount, x2.DocumentType FROM table1 X1 INNER JOIN table2 x2 on = t2.t1id Now how ...
JamesYTL's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is it possible to do this math in a view?

I have been tasked with creating a view for a client. Specifically it must be in a view. However, there is some math that I am not sure how to do within a view. I do not know if it is even possible. ...
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
2 votes
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Calculating Running Total After Reset

I have a SQL Server 2012 table which has customer id, amount, and a reset columns. I’m trying to calculate the running total and also calculate the running total after reset. Once the reset "flag" is ...
user20907's user avatar
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Calculate balance for every row by sequentially subtracting each row's amount from an initial sum

I'll explain the issue with an example. A query that will select and show the Withdrawal Process I made and show the status of my deposit balance. A table Deposit is created with columns TotalAmount, ...
JamesYTL's user avatar
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SQL Query for cumulative sum

I am experiencing problems with formulating a (relatively) simple SQL Query (SQL Server 2012 is used). We have a database which counts something up for certain users. Therefore we have a really simple ...
Roland's user avatar
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Subtracting sum of previous rows' data from current row's data in SQL

I want to create a table or view in SSMS which should has a column called qoh. In that column should be calculate sum values of the column rel_qty. i.e. The first data of qoh is the same of the ...
Marin Mohanadas's user avatar
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Need to sum a field in a row with same it and result needs to be cumulative in a field

This is my SQL Server 2008 R2 table: ID Amount date_time 001 9.00 01/01/2015 01:01:00 001 20.00 01/02/2015 01:02:00 001 20.00 01/02/2015 01:03:00 002 20.00 01/01/2015 01:01:00 002 20.00 ...
Kbert's user avatar
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