I am using MySQL Community Edition on Amazon RDS service. It is a very large database, 2/3 tables has about 10 millions records and 4-5 tables has 7-8 millions records.


  • How much capacity does MySQL Community Edition have?
  • Should I have to purchase MySQL Enterprise Edition for my application?
  • Where can I get pricing information for the same?


  • What do you mean with capacity? If you mean database sizes, there is no limit. Commented Jun 26, 2014 at 9:27
  • @ypercube, I mean to say capability to handle workload. Currently, some of my queries includes multiple tables getting very slow (this tables are well normalized and properly indexed as per EXPLAIN) Commented Jun 26, 2014 at 11:25
  • In most of databases/workload I've ever seen hardware was the limiting factor, not MySQL itself.
    – akuzminsky
    Commented Jun 26, 2014 at 14:25

2 Answers 2


The server core is similar (identical?) on the GA and Standard Edition (SE)/Entreprise Edition (EE). What you're getting with SE/EE is stuff like (from here)

MySQL Partitioning
MySQL Enterprise Backup
MySQL Enterprise Monitor
MySQL Enterprise HA
MySQL Enterprise Scalability
MySQL Enterprise Security
MySQL Enterprise Audit

You also get support and some access to goodies on Oracle's MOS (My Oracle Support, used to be Metalink). You can tell your PHB - "look, if anything goes wrong, at least _you_ won't be blamed!".

The funny thing is that many of these "enterprise" solutions are available from open source contributors in various guises, and I for one am convinced that it's possible to have at least an entreprise standard setup using only Open Source components. With the advent of WebScaleSQL, that situation could move up to carrier grade.

As for pricing - see here, it's basically $2.000 (Standard), $5.000 (Enterprise) or $10.000 (Carrier grade) per year. See the features table for a comparison.

  • Community and Enterprise editions are identical indeed.
    – akuzminsky
    Commented Jun 26, 2014 at 14:23

When it comes to capacity, all your constraints start with Amazon RDS, not MySQL. Why ?

I have posts about MySQL in Amazon RDS

Your main bottlenecks for RDS are

  • Transaction Log size (always 128M and immutable across all server models)
  • Maximum number of connections (set per server model)
  • Buffer Pool Size (set per server model)

Either go to EC2 or bare metal server. That way you can be a little more liberal in configuring MySQL.

You should go with MySQL Community version thereafter.

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