Papers by Sutedi Sutedi
Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung is the area that is the center of home industry product sales resul... more Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung is the area that is the center of home industry product sales results in the form of banana chips with a variety of flavors and other chips. Lampung chips delicacy has long been recognized by the community as well as the outside of Lampung Lampung. Lampung chips often taken as souvenirs Lampung highly desirable. Until now the process of promotion, and sales of home products industry is still done conventionally. Information technology has not been exploited to support the process of promotion and sale of products in Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung due to lack of education and economic ability of vendors to develop applications based on information technology. It attracted the attention of researchers to find solutions to help the seller in Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung in the process of developing applications supporting the promotion and sale of reliable yet affordable. Cyber market are designed to be used in conjunction with a lease application taking i...
IIb Darmajaya merupakan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki komitmen tinggi dalam meningkatkan mutu Pe... more IIb Darmajaya merupakan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki komitmen tinggi dalam meningkatkan mutu Pendidikan bagi putra putri bangsa khususnya di Provinsi Lampung, saat ini IIB Darmajaya memiliki program pemberian beasiswa bagi calon mahasiswa baik beasiswa bidik misi yang diberikan oleh belmewa ristek dikti ataupun beasiswa Prestasi yang diberikan oleh Yayasan Pendidikan Afian Husein tempat IIB Darmajaya bernaung. Saat ini proses penentuan penerima beasiswa di IIB Darmajaya sudah berjalan namun masih mengalami beberapa kendala yang terjadi secara berulang maka dalam penelitian ini dirancang suatu proses guna mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang sudah menjadi standarisasi dalam proses yang telah berjalan saat ini. Penelitian ini menerapkan Teknik datamining dalam perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan seleksi penerimaan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa berprestasi menggunakan metode Naive Bayes, Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan dapat membantu berbagai pih...
SIMADA (Jurnal Sistem Informasi & Manajemen Basis Data), Mar 9, 2018
The financial services system is one that is important in the provision of education in college o... more The financial services system is one that is important in the provision of education in college or also in school. Although education managers' understanding and awareness of the importance of an IT-based financial services system is increasing, there are still many educational institutions that do not yet have the capability to develop and implement IT-based financial services systems due to limited resources and funds. The development of cloud computing-based systems is a new paradigm in the IT world in delivering IT services that enable schools to implement IT-based service systems without having to invest in too large IT equipment. This study discusses the design of system architecture and the development of prototype software supporting school financial services. The results of this study are computer software that can be used to improve school financial services so as to help schools with limited resources and funds in the effort of developing the system
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-mutazam, 2016
Seiring meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan saat ini maka semakin besar p... more Seiring meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan saat ini maka semakin besar pula upaya peningkatan pembaharuan serta media dalam pemanfaatan hasi-hasil teknologi untuk mendukung proses belajar. Para pendidik atau pemateri dituntut agar mampu menggunakan media yang dapat ada di lembaga pelatihan. Saat ini media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung utama dalam peningkatan kualitas proses belajar dan mengajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah merancang prototype media pembelajaran Analisis Perancangan Sistem Infrmasi berbasis web, yang akan dimanfaatkan pada bagian Pusat Pelatihan Information Access Center IBI Darmajaya. Dengan adanya media tersebut akan dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa, khususnya dalam Pelatihan Analisis Perancangan Sistem Informasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran serta pemahaman peserta pelatihan. Dengan media ini, juga dapat mengeleminasi hambatan-hambatan dalam proses komunikasi pembelajaran di dalam kelas Pelatihan. Pengembangan prototype sistem ini menggunakan metode metode analisis dan desain sistem terstuktur SSAD (Structured System Analysis Design).Dengan perancangan Prototype media pembelajaran berbasis web ini memungkinkan dalam kegiatan pelatihan di Pusat Pelatihan lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan serta terdapat studi kasus yang disertai dengan animasi-animasi guna mendukung pemahaman bagi peserta pelatihan.
EXPLORE Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Telematika, 2017
CV Aneka Mandiri Lestari ialah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang hasil bumi, Adapun
transaksi yan... more CV Aneka Mandiri Lestari ialah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang hasil bumi, Adapun
transaksi yang dilakukan ialah pemesanan barang yaitu Lada Hitam, Lada Putih, Kopi, Kayumanis dan
Cengkeh. Proses penjualan dan pembelian dilakukan dalam jumlah partai. Adapun saat ini sistem yang
berjalan antara pencatatan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian masih belum konsisten serta dalam
pembuatan laporan laba rugi masih sangat sulit. Sistem Informasi yang dirancang meliputi: modul
pembelian barang, penjualan barang, retur pembelian barang, retur penjualan barang dan laporan dari
hasil-hasil pengujian. Sistem ini dapat menghasilkan informasi yang berhubungan dengan pembelian,
perhitungan harga pokok penjualan dan menghasilkan laporan-laporan yaitu laporan pembelian barang,
pemesanan barang, pengiriman barang, retur penjualan serta laporan laba-rugi Sistem ini dirancang
dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman yang berfungsi sebagai interface website dan
MySQL sebagai pengolah data-data yang berhubungan dengan system atau data-data yang diperlukan
dalam sistem ini. Metode Pengembangan Sistem Yang Dipilih Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Implementasi
Rational Unified Process (RUP)
International Journal Information System and Computer Science (IJISCS), 2017
Ornamental plants have fairly high commercial value and much sought after by various circles. The... more Ornamental plants have fairly high commercial value and much sought after by various circles. The prospect is in the business of ornamental plants can be said very brilliant and profitable. Where is in the business of ornamental plants can bring about advantages not the least. The business struggled with ornamental plants can have very favorable prospects for the long term. There are an awful lot of various kinds of ornamental plants that we can choose to use as ornaments to beautify residential home. The ornamental plants can be used as indoor ornamental plants placed in homes or can also be used as outdoor ornamental plants grown in the garden. Ornamental plants while more popular community-wide information system for ornamental plant however is currently designed specifically and not many people who know the information on price and specs or type of indoor and outdoor ornamental plants so that the need for sales information system of indoor and outdoor ornamental plants-based online. With the sales information system of Indoor and Outdoor ornamental plants-based online is expected to facilitate the customers, business processes that occur in the company's units, unit – units that exist within the system a functioning production units as the unit working on/produce ornamental plants. With the utilization of the system marketing media, promoting, finding new customers, the sales process, recapitulation payment of ornamental plants, control the conditions of stock products, development and delivery of products to customers including convincing the product gets to the customer
Jurnal Informatika, 2011
Institute of Information Technology and Business Darmajaya is a leading private college fast grow... more Institute of Information Technology and Business Darmajaya is a leading private college fast growing and should be balanced with meeting facilities and infrastructure as well. Managing the procurement function is handled by the Procurement and Logistics Sections that have applied computer technology in assisting the administration of the procurement process. To improve performance and simplify the process of monitoring the progress of procurement of goods, it is necessary to build the information system monitoring the progress of the procurement is expected to facilitate the stretcher in overseeing and ensuring the procurement process is run in accordance with the agreed terms. Information systems development is done using structured analysis and design methodology.
Jurnal Informatika, 2010
Diabetes Melitus (DM) is dangerous disease that affect many of the various layer of work society.... more Diabetes Melitus (DM) is dangerous disease that affect many of the various layer of work society. This disease is not easy to accurately recognized by the general society. So we need to develop a system that can identify accurately. System is built using neural networks with backpropagation methods and the function activation sigmoid. Neural network architecture using 8 input layer, 2 output layer and 5 hidden layer. The results show that this methods succesfully clasifies data diabetics and non diabetics with near 100% accuracy rate.
Jurnal Informatika, 2010
Higher education institution must be able to well perform processes of evaluation, planning and m... more Higher education institution must be able to well perform processes of evaluation, planning and management in order to win the competition in this globalization era. To support any effort of the aforementioned, the institution needs qualified and sufficient information supports so that it can probe and predict any potential strength which existed. Development data warehouse and data mining is kinds of solution alternatives which can be done to help organization in finding and understanding hidden patterns from the data provided. Data warehouse is a collection of integrated databases which is used to support the process of decision making. Data mining is a kind of analysis tool which is used to extract any information provided in the data warehouse. The research discussed a problem in designing data warehouse and applying data mining to support the academic system at IBI Darmajaya in representing potential information required for better academic services to learners. The first executed steps was establishing the data warehouse of IBI Darmajaya, then an analysis was conducted towards all saved data in the data warehouse by using data mining techniques. The results of this research is a data warehouse that can represent information to support the evaluation process and acceptance of new students campaign planning to the potential areas and school, advertising media that will be used, monitoring of students' academic status, evaluation and planning of students' study plans, and performance evaluation of study program within the aspects of alumni quality and length of study. In addition, this research also result the application of data mining for finding the rules that used to driving and directing the students enthusiast and study program selection for prospective new students.
Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI, 2014
Academic service system is one of the supporting elements in education in high school or universi... more Academic service system is one of the supporting elements in education in high school or universities. Despite the rising awareness of the usefulness of the IT based academic system, some education institutions do not have the ability of developing and implementing the system, especially due to the limited financial condition. The development of cloud computing based information system appears as a new paradigm in IT world which enable the school to implement IT based academic information system without investing big expenses of IT tools. The research is to learn the design of architecture system and prototype system of the supporting software for the school academic services. The result of this study would be the computer software to implement at school to improve the academic system especially those schools with limited financial condition and resources in developing the system
Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI, 2014
It is important for lecturers to improve the quantity and quality of their research. To support t... more It is important for lecturers to improve the quantity and quality of their research. To support this, Kopertis Wilayah II oftenly provides some grants for the lecturers to improve their research. With more research carried out, good data information system of lecturers' research is needed. Making use of information technology can be a solution to fulfill the need of information related to the lecturers' research as well as to check the lecturers' research data to minimize the plagiarism practices and the problems of redundancies in lecturers title of research.
Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI, 2011
Floriculture has high commercial value and it is interested by many people. Floryculture bussines... more Floriculture has high commercial value and it is interested by many people. Floryculture bussiness grows fastly and it is very needed by people especially in big cities. Developing integrated masterplan system of web based floriculture is one of alternatives using computer technology to simplify operation of successfully decorated plant. To develop integrated master plan system of web based floriculture, it is firstly done necessity analysis process of that system by identifying of necessity through usecase, event, and things. Implementation of integrated master plan system of web based floriculture can increase service quality and simplify transaction of selling floriculture.
Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI, 2013
Today many institutions are increasingly aware of the benefits and positive effects of the existe... more Today many institutions are increasingly aware of the benefits and positive effects of the existence of information systems are built, and implemented as an optimization effort of information technology to support existing business processes. Information system is built in an institution/agency should be able to apply the rules that apply correct management. In some cases the application of information systems, users management problem often neglected and not well-designed so that potential deviations that can be harmful the institution. User management and sharing permissions within the system should be limited and well handled to minimize the occurrence of irregularities, in addition to data security needs to be done also periodic backup and continuous data.
Jurnal Ilmiah ESAI, 2012
Alumni's success in getting jobs that are suitable with their competence and with appropriate inc... more Alumni's success in getting jobs that are suitable with their competence and with appropriate income soon after graduation is an indicator of success of a study program. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system that can help track the alumni data easily. The development of the information system of web-based alumni data tracking can be an alternative solution taking into consideration that the alumni can report the development of their career wherever and whenever they would like to. However, for the purpose of the completeness of the alumni data, it is necessary to develop a variety of attributes to track alumni data more completely.
Conference Presentations by Sutedi Sutedi
2017 International Conference on Signals and Systems (ICSigSys), 2017
Rapid and vast growth of data volume triggers a
need for data management system with good scalabi... more Rapid and vast growth of data volume triggers a
need for data management system with good scalability,
availability and reliability. NoSQL database comes as a database
management system developed to answer the need for such large
scale and distributed data management. It is considered more
effective and efficient compared to relational database. This
database characteristics are very different than relational
database. Therefore, a good method is necessary in order to
transform data from relational database to NoSQL database. The
Graph Transforming Algorithm is one of the simple methods and
easy to use for that purpose. However, the result of conversion
using this method remains with a considerably high level of data
redundancy, making it necessary to further develop the algorithm.
This research proposes a new algorithm called Enhanced Graph
Transforming Algorithm, a development of Graph Transforming
Algorithm by adding rules to eliminate transitive dependency
between vertices prior to joining the vertices. Based on the test
conducted in the research, the Enhanced Graph Transforming
Algorithm is proven capable of reducing the number of redundant
attributes and suppressing waste of space on data storage by up to
39.68% lower than the result of transformation generated using
Graph Transforming Algorithm.
Proseding Seminar Bisnis & Teknologi SEMBISTEK 2014 IBI DARMAJAYA, 2014
Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung is the area that is the center of home industry product sales resul... more Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung is the area that is the center of home industry product sales results in the form of banana chips with a variety of flavors and other chips. Lampung chips delicacy has long been recognized by the community as well as the outside of Lampung Lampung. Lampung chips often taken as souvenirs Lampung highly desirable. Until now the process of promotion, and sales of home products industry is still done conventionally. Information technology has not been exploited to support the process of promotion and sale of products in Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung due to lack of education and economic ability of vendors to develop applications based on information technology. It attracted the attention of researchers to find solutions to help the seller in Sentra Keripik Bandar Lampung in the process of developing applications supporting the promotion and sale of reliable yet affordable. Cyber market are designed to be used in conjunction with a lease application taking into account the privacy and security of data respectively. With cyber market is expected that the seller can extend the coverage area of promotion and marketing them through a system that requires minimal equipment.
Papers by Sutedi Sutedi
transaksi yang dilakukan ialah pemesanan barang yaitu Lada Hitam, Lada Putih, Kopi, Kayumanis dan
Cengkeh. Proses penjualan dan pembelian dilakukan dalam jumlah partai. Adapun saat ini sistem yang
berjalan antara pencatatan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian masih belum konsisten serta dalam
pembuatan laporan laba rugi masih sangat sulit. Sistem Informasi yang dirancang meliputi: modul
pembelian barang, penjualan barang, retur pembelian barang, retur penjualan barang dan laporan dari
hasil-hasil pengujian. Sistem ini dapat menghasilkan informasi yang berhubungan dengan pembelian,
perhitungan harga pokok penjualan dan menghasilkan laporan-laporan yaitu laporan pembelian barang,
pemesanan barang, pengiriman barang, retur penjualan serta laporan laba-rugi Sistem ini dirancang
dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman yang berfungsi sebagai interface website dan
MySQL sebagai pengolah data-data yang berhubungan dengan system atau data-data yang diperlukan
dalam sistem ini. Metode Pengembangan Sistem Yang Dipilih Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Implementasi
Rational Unified Process (RUP)
Conference Presentations by Sutedi Sutedi
need for data management system with good scalability,
availability and reliability. NoSQL database comes as a database
management system developed to answer the need for such large
scale and distributed data management. It is considered more
effective and efficient compared to relational database. This
database characteristics are very different than relational
database. Therefore, a good method is necessary in order to
transform data from relational database to NoSQL database. The
Graph Transforming Algorithm is one of the simple methods and
easy to use for that purpose. However, the result of conversion
using this method remains with a considerably high level of data
redundancy, making it necessary to further develop the algorithm.
This research proposes a new algorithm called Enhanced Graph
Transforming Algorithm, a development of Graph Transforming
Algorithm by adding rules to eliminate transitive dependency
between vertices prior to joining the vertices. Based on the test
conducted in the research, the Enhanced Graph Transforming
Algorithm is proven capable of reducing the number of redundant
attributes and suppressing waste of space on data storage by up to
39.68% lower than the result of transformation generated using
Graph Transforming Algorithm.
transaksi yang dilakukan ialah pemesanan barang yaitu Lada Hitam, Lada Putih, Kopi, Kayumanis dan
Cengkeh. Proses penjualan dan pembelian dilakukan dalam jumlah partai. Adapun saat ini sistem yang
berjalan antara pencatatan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian masih belum konsisten serta dalam
pembuatan laporan laba rugi masih sangat sulit. Sistem Informasi yang dirancang meliputi: modul
pembelian barang, penjualan barang, retur pembelian barang, retur penjualan barang dan laporan dari
hasil-hasil pengujian. Sistem ini dapat menghasilkan informasi yang berhubungan dengan pembelian,
perhitungan harga pokok penjualan dan menghasilkan laporan-laporan yaitu laporan pembelian barang,
pemesanan barang, pengiriman barang, retur penjualan serta laporan laba-rugi Sistem ini dirancang
dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman yang berfungsi sebagai interface website dan
MySQL sebagai pengolah data-data yang berhubungan dengan system atau data-data yang diperlukan
dalam sistem ini. Metode Pengembangan Sistem Yang Dipilih Dalam Penelitian Ini Adalah Implementasi
Rational Unified Process (RUP)
need for data management system with good scalability,
availability and reliability. NoSQL database comes as a database
management system developed to answer the need for such large
scale and distributed data management. It is considered more
effective and efficient compared to relational database. This
database characteristics are very different than relational
database. Therefore, a good method is necessary in order to
transform data from relational database to NoSQL database. The
Graph Transforming Algorithm is one of the simple methods and
easy to use for that purpose. However, the result of conversion
using this method remains with a considerably high level of data
redundancy, making it necessary to further develop the algorithm.
This research proposes a new algorithm called Enhanced Graph
Transforming Algorithm, a development of Graph Transforming
Algorithm by adding rules to eliminate transitive dependency
between vertices prior to joining the vertices. Based on the test
conducted in the research, the Enhanced Graph Transforming
Algorithm is proven capable of reducing the number of redundant
attributes and suppressing waste of space on data storage by up to
39.68% lower than the result of transformation generated using
Graph Transforming Algorithm.