
Why I love photography

Sunday, May 20, 2018

My Very Own Princess

Today Elyssa received her first communion, she looked absolutely
 adorable in her beautiful dress... who needs to watch the 
Royal wedding when I have such a precious angel in my life! 

It was challenging to hold back tears of pride and joy.

I had to sneak in a kiss. or two! 💕

Prior to Elyssa being born, I never had a clue what being
a grandparent was all about, now I totally get it;
 a love I've never, ever known! 


  1. This is an important day in the life of a family. Yes, I don't blame you for sniffling. Yes, she is a princess. Good to see you post again.

    1. Thank you Red, I was thinking I was wondering if the next fairy tale dress will be her wedding, then I realized I'm rushing things... grad first! :-)

  2. Wait...wasn't she just a baby?!?

    1. I know Kathy, she's growing far too fast but what a princess she is! :-) She's polite, intelligent and so much fun to be with!

  3. She looks like an angel in this dress!

    1. Exactly what I was thinking Ola! :-) I'll have to come back later this week and see how big your children are getting, I've been away far too long and am missing my blog life. I thought I'd have more time once I was out working, boy was I mistaken! lol Have a wonderful and blessed week!

  4. So lovely and special. I agree - being a grandparent is a very special kind of love.


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