Through a Project 365 challenge I started taking a photo a day quite some time ago and posting it on this blog, I started to see the world differently and wanted to see if I could capture what I was seeing. Then life got busy and I put the camera and blog aside and today I take my Canon with me from time to time, and now that I think of it I miss taking photos on a regular basis. Glad to be back, it won't always be the DSLR shots, but nonetheless, here I go again!
Why I love photography
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Mothers Day Gift for Marilyn
More shoes...
Today I was out shopping and somehow found myself in yet another shoe store, I wandered in and lo and behold these quaint sandals beckoned to me!
So ya, I love my shoes, it really could be worse I suppose... at least I don't collect leather jackets or silk scarfs!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
And It Begins Again...
Monday, April 27, 2009
Nurse Next Door
Who would have thought? I think that this is such a wonderful idea for those people who cannot get around and require minimal medical attention especially with the state of our health care today.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Leadership Development Seminar
I focus heavily on my education which is no surprise to me. I know that a few things are a tad bit out of whack right now yet I look at this as a small sacrifice to get to where it is I perceive myself to be in three more years! I now want to listen to the "Entelechy" CD's that were given to me, I want to hear what this all entails, it does sound very interesting.
"Life, the circle, a measurement with no beginning and no end."
Thank you Karen and Bill for inviting me to partake this weekend!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
New Clothes
I still have to go out shopping a bit more, I NEED new clothes for my practicum~ yes this is a NEED not a WANT! There my new clothes have been justified, now I can go and hang them up, if I can make room in my closet! :-)
Friday, April 24, 2009
After our last test was written this morning, a few of us went for lunch to celebrate our completion of this first year of grueling studies. The challenge has been very rewarding for me. I have learned so much, yet I find that I didn't only learn through the text books. I have also learned about stamina, perseverance and dedication. I have learned that I have what it takes to get the job done through varying circumstances. I find I have also learned so much more about myself. I plunged deep into my soul and surfaced with a better understanding not only of who I am, but what I represent.
The journey of a thousand essays has been worth every sleepless night, every challenging moment, and I can't forget, all of the laughter! Today I am well on my way to a rewarding yet challenging career, one that my heart tells me is for me!
Cheers to all of my fellow classmates who are also well on their way! Good luck in your practicums, ahhh what's luck... we don't need it, we have new found knowledge that will get us through any challenges in the field! (I hope!)
Volunteer Appreciation
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thank you so very much Michelle, I love your thoughtfulness and your talent. My dear daughter you are beautiful, inside and out!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Who Would Have Thought?
I find it so hard to believe when I sit and reflect tonight, when I look at where I was four years ago. In April of 2005 I was in the beginning phase of complete kidney failure. My life spiraled out of control rapidly to the point of being in palliative care and today, wow! Today I am well on my way to completing my first year of the social work diploma program.
I could stop at the diploma level, I don't want to though. I'd love to see my education go as far as obtaining a BSW, a degree...possibly a Master's... who would have ever thought? One day, one essay, one text book at a time and you bet, I am well on my way to obtaining that degree! Now to get to my paper here if I ever expect to get from here to there!
Monday, April 20, 2009
I Feel Pretty
By the way, Brittany works at Feathers Hair Design here in Edmonton, she's the BEST!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Oh Noooooo
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Old Buzzard?
"For 65 years we've laid in wait, but now OLD JOHN is buzzard bait. Happy Birthday." (Change of capitilazation is mine for emphasis)
Complimented by 65 buzzards, not that I stood there and counted, but I'm assuming that there are this many decorating the lawn!
Seriously, to my children, please do NOT ever call me buzzard bait or you will yourself become what you have called me! And laid in wait, for what? His money and house and he surprised them all by living? I don't get it, honestly, what ever happened to taking your father, husband, grandfather, uncle, etc. out to a nice dinner instead of publicly humiliating someone you love?
Ok I know it's a joke, but please children, don't ever do this to me! I realize that this is a long time in coming, 'til I reach 65, but you've plenty of warning now! LOL
The Instructor
And one day when I have my degree I too will own one of these beauties!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Stressed? Who me?
This photo, well I wasn't going to say but I guess I might as well... it's taken inside of a stall, you know... anyways I have developed this phobia of putting my purse on ANY floor. I developed this when this one friend of mine asked me if I knew what one of the dirtiest things are, I guessed money, he said well that too BUT ladies purses are. I asked him how he figured that... he told me that he watched a show on TV that said us ladies set our purses down everywhere, I was guilty of that! Today I only hang my purse, or set it on something that I know is clean, no more germ laden purse for me!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
How I Spent My Lunch Hour
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What the Heck?
And why does this photo look better on facebook? Hmm, back to the drawing board with panorama shots, just for today this one will suffice, the heck with the perfectionism, I don't have time for that this morning!
Monday, April 13, 2009
All In A Month Of My Life
I got to adding more tonight to my board of things to do and was thinking, I know scary, but I thought what the heck am I going to do for the whole summer? I won't have meetings, classes, and hopefully no appointments that demand my time. Am I going to know what to do with myself or have I forgotten what it's really like to have my days free and all to myself? I was ready to start looking up college courses to take over the summer but changed my mind. I want to see if I do know how to relax over this upcoming summer.
I want to plant a garden, spend afternoons weeding and sit in a hot tub by night, yup that's what I think that I'm going to do. I just might start that book that's been tugging at my soul for this past year or so, so this summer is going to be mine, I've confirmed this for myself tonight!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Today I watched a few episodes...ok three episodes, of House, I still have six hours here to watch! I had enough of House for one day, so back to my never ending essays. I have one due for Tuesday, six pages and I've got two and a half done so that only leaves a few more pages to go... tomorrow I'm thinking. I write much better under pressure anyways, I don't edit the crap out of my original ideas. I like to tell myself this!
I can't wait, only three more essays after this one and two final exams and woohooo, one full week all to myself other than one day of work and one day for appointments. Maybe it's time for spring cleaning? Hmmm I just might have to watch some more House during that week!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The New Kitchen Boss
Hmmm where should I keep the receipt now? I should post that here so that I can look back and figure out where I put it incase I do actually need it, HEY I got it, I'll keep it in my filing cabinet under "Receipts" now there's a novel idea!
Now I can have some serious protein shakes, I'm really going to bulk up now! LOL
Shucks I opened the box now and read closer, it's only a one year warranty! heavy sigh.....
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Carousel
I love learning things of when I was younger, there's so much that I just don't remember. I guess that this is what Freud meant by the subconscious memory.
This horse is way to skinny I just noticed, someone feed the poor thing!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
God's Country
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Epitome of Cheap
About a week goes by and I receive my rent receipt in the mailbox, I too would be way to embarrassed to present this to someone! The receipt says, as you can see, that I paid my $1300, if you notice at the bottom of the receipt it says "Outstanding 58 cents," then the landlady goes on to say it will be added to my next months bill. I get to thinking here, so what about my interest on $1300 over four days? Would this not cover 58 cents?
Yup, it's time to move!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ugly Now?
Yesterday I stunk, today I'm ugly? Oh well, that's two meals a day that I'm going to be missing out on now, I refuse to give up the wee bit of make up I use... note the total justification there! :-) You've had to have read yesterdays blog to get this one!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Body Odors
I got home and did a bit of research on the net, I found such things as "Record revenues of $8,434,468, an increase of 46% over 2005" for online fragrance sales for one company alone. This is not including all of the retail stores, nor the other companies which sell perfume online. Startling figures!
If faced with the choice of skipping a meal a day or parting with my underarm deodorant and my bottle of Oscar, well I guess that I'd be losing weight!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A Blessed Day!
Papa Ross and Marg came over to partake in the birthday celebration. Herb was here as well, and my two other children, Michelle and Derek who are sitting in the front with their brother made it over as well! Cheryl, my niece, was our photographer for this photo. I love it when family comes over, today it was wonderful to spend time with the ones I love so very much! Oh ya that's me in the orange!
I'm extremely grateful to whoever it was that created paper plates! :-)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
So Very Sweet!
I'm posting my P365 earlier than usual tonight, I had a huge discovery today, I'm not as young as I like to think I am! I was up until 4a.m. writing a stupid essay, I had to be up at 7:30 to make it back to class on time. Then after an entire day at school, I had to go and get my fingerprints done for my criminal record check, thank goodness they didn't keep me there, then I went to buy groceries for the birthday dinner for Shayne, then ... then what? hmm Oh ya, I came home and did a load of laundry, made a beautiful salad for supper and now I'm taking the night off. I had huge plans of knocking off another essay tonight, but oh well, such is life. I think that I'm going to enjoy this monster of a TV that I purchased, maybe I'll feel like I got my money's worth if I watch it... yet knowing how I feel I'm thinking that I'll be watching TV with my eyes closed. ;-)
It's all good, peaceful and quiet here, so ya, have a great night everyone and I'll see you back here tomorrow! After work and a trip to Morinville that is!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Shayne!
Happy Birthday Shayne!
30 years ago today my life was blessed, you came into my life and have put many smiles on my face. For this I thank you, I love you very much and I am so proud of the man you have become today. I am still smiling as I look at this photo of you, such a handsome baby you were and always so happy and content. It's funny how mothers memories get distorted with time, I can't remember the all nighters, the times you were sick or the times you would hurt yourself, I only see the wonderful man you are. I love you Shayne...thank you for not giving me grey hair! :-)
You Ever Get One of These Nights?
I have a new solution to my little issue here, when I am alone and feeling lonely, I will call somebody. On the other hand, when I am trying to write I will put my phone on mute and let the machine get it, after all isn't this what answering machines are for?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Safe to Put Away?
Good Morning!
I've always loved early mornings, it's my favorite time of the day and always has been. Apparently from the time I was a baby, or so my Mom used to tell me, I guess that I'd wake up in the wee hours of the morning, generally 5:30am, and make my little baby noises. I'd lie there and wait for somebody to come and pick me up, apparently I wouldn't fuss or cry. Today with this heavy work load at school I can tell you that the odd mornings I sure don't want to get up but such is life, summer is on the horizon and I will welcome my early mornings with open arms!