Papers by Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu

Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 2024
This study investigates intention to donate to nonprofit organizations with the perspective of br... more This study investigates intention to donate to nonprofit organizations with the perspective of brand heritage, brand trust, and the temporal focus of donors. The study is conducted on the long-established Turkish nonprofit organization Kızılay. Data is gathered via an online survey (n = 473) with judgmental sampling. The findings indicate that the brand heritage of a nonprofit organization affects brand trust and intention to donate. Likewise, trust in a nonprofit organization positively influences donation intention. Brand trust partially mediates the relationship between brand heritage and intention to donate. While individuals’ temporal focuses on the past and future moderate the relationship between brand heritage and brand trust, as expected, the present focus does not. The findings are expected to contribute to the branding processes and donation encouraging activities of nonprofit organizations.

International Journal of Economic and Administrative Academic Research, 2022
Research Article Consumers interact with each other in various online environments such as social... more Research Article Consumers interact with each other in various online environments such as social media and forums. In these environments, some consumers voluntarily defend brands and provide brand-related information to other consumers. Researchers have conceptualized the phenomenon of online brand advocacy in recent years. The aim of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the online brand advocacy scale in Turkey and Afghanistan. In addition, the measurement invariance of the online brand advocacy scale between the two countries is examined by applying the MICOM procedure. In this context, an online survey is applied to 294 consumers residing in Turkey and 206 consumers residing in Afghanistan by making use of the convenience sampling method. Results of the study show that online brand advocacy has a three-dimensional structure (brand defense, brand information sharing and brand positivity) in Turkey and Afghanistan. In addition, it is seen that brand information sharing have insufficient measurement invariance to allow multi-group analysis between the two countries. The findings show that the increase in Afghan consumers' brand awareness has a more positive effect on brand defense and brand positivity than Turkish consumers.

Social Marketing Quarterly, 2022
While there is still hunger in the world, a significant amount of food is wasted, which harms the... more While there is still hunger in the world, a significant amount of food is wasted, which harms the environment. This study focuses on food waste at the consumer level and investigates the role of personality traits on food-waste-aversion. Focus of the Article: Segmentation with personality traits for food waste reduction campaigns. Research Question: Is there a link between personality traits and food-waste-aversion? Are there any associations among consumers’ levels of food-waste-aversion, frugality, conscientiousness, and religiosity? Importance to the Social Marketing Field: Segmentation is a neglected marketing tool in designing campaigns against food waste. This study identifies possible market segments of social marketing campaigns against food waste. In addition, associations among food-waste-aversion and personality traits of conscientiousness, frugality, and religiosity are shown in this study. Methods: This study adopts a cross-sectional research design. A convenience sample of 301 consumers in Turkey is surveyed via an online questionnaire. Results: Results of Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) analysis indicate five distinct consumer segments, namely frugal believers, frugal seculars, conscientious individuals, casual females, and casual males. Moreover, positive associations (p < 0.001) among food-waste-aversion and personality traits of conscientiousness, frugality, and religiosity are shown. Recommendations for Research or Practice: This study provides a segmentation procedure with the trait perspective. Frugality, conscientiousness, and religiosity traits can play an essential role in food waste reduction. Targeting individuals with communications fit with their personality is likely to increase the success of food waste reduction interventions. Limitations: Due to a lack of behavioral data, this study investigates food waste at the attitudinal level. Further study could use behavioral measures. In addition, the majority of participants in the survey are Muslim. In order to validate research findings across different cultures, it should be carried out in other countries.

Journal of process management and new technologies, 2022
This study aims to provide evidence for the meaning transfer model. In Turkey, five apparel retai... more This study aims to provide evidence for the meaning transfer model. In Turkey, five apparel retailer brands and five celebrities are evaluated with brand personality and credibility models, respectively via pick any scales. 305 respondents selected with a convenience sampling approach attend the study. In order to compare different types of entities (brands and celebrities) with nominal variables, OVERALS analysis is performed. Associations regarding brands and celebrities are treated as sets of variables in OVERALS analysis. Three out of five brand-celebrity pairs are found to be closely congruent. In the context of multiple brand-celebrity comparisons, this relativistic congruence provides evidence for the meaning transfer model. Moreover, several essential associations in the meaning transfer process (for celebrities sexy, big fan following, and non-controversial public image and for brands stable, responsible, and active) are revealed. Findings of the study and OVERALS analysis are expected to deepen the understanding of the meaning transfer model.

Entrepreneurship is a popular topic in social studies. Scholars of economy, management, sociology... more Entrepreneurship is a popular topic in social studies. Scholars of economy, management, sociology and several other disciplines are providing new theoretical and empirical work on entrepreneurship regularly. Topic is also interesting for government policy makers to promote job creation and economic development. Despite being neglected in Islamic business research, religion is a popular field of scholar inquiry ever since Max Weber published his influential ideas on capitalism and Protestant ethics. While not focusing directly on Islam or Islamic business ethics, main aim of this project is to define entrepreneurship characteristics of young Turkish entrepreneurs whose religion is Islam. We start by drawing on existing literature and a brief Weberian understanding of religion and economics. Inspired by Weber and using two previously developed scales to assess entrepreneurship and Islamic religiosity, authors hope to present a contemporary concept of Turkish-Islam entrepreneurship.

Tiksinme pazarlama alaninda ihmal edilen olumsuz duygulardan biri olmustur. Bu alanda yapilan baz... more Tiksinme pazarlama alaninda ihmal edilen olumsuz duygulardan biri olmustur. Bu alanda yapilan bazi calismalar tiksinme uyarani varliginin tuketici davranisina etkisine odaklansa da, cok azi tuketicilerin tiksinme duyarliligi konusuna dikkat etmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci, tuketici tiksinme duyarliliginin tuketici davranisi uzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. 380 universite ogrencisine kolayda ornekleme ile anket uygulanmaktadir. Bu nedenle arastirma bulgulari genellestirilemez. Arastirma hipotezlerini test etmek icin kismi en kucuk kareler yapisal esitlik modellemesi kullanilmaktadir. Bulgular, tuketicilerin tiksinme duyarliliklarinin riskten kacinmalari uzerinde olumlu etkisi oldugunu gostermektedir. Bunun yaninda, riskten kacinmanin tuketicilerin genel marka sadakatleri uzerinde pozitif etkisi oldugu gorulmektedir. Bu calisma, tiksinme duyarliliginin tuketici davranislari uzerindeki rolunu gosteren huy temelli bir mekanizmanin varligina kanit sunmaktadir. Baska degisle, tiksinme uy...

International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research
Yeniden uretim sureci, urunlerde sakli olan degerin geri kazanilmasi icin, kullanilmis urunlerin ... more Yeniden uretim sureci, urunlerde sakli olan degerin geri kazanilmasi icin, kullanilmis urunlerin yeniymis gibi urunlere donusturulmesidir. Yeniden uretim atik olusumunu azaltmasi sebebiyle dogaya faydalidir. Bunun yaninda isletmelerin daha dusuk maliyetlerde urun uretmesini saglar. Dolayisiyla yeniden uretilmis urunler yeni urunlerden daha dusuk fiyatlardan satilabilmektedir. Yeniden uretim faaliyetleri yuz yili askin suredir isletmelerce benimsenmesine ragmen, pazarlama biliminin dikkatini son yillarda cekmektedir. Bunun yaninda pazarlama faaliyetleri yeniden uretim sisteminde dar bogaz olusturmaktadir. Bu arastirmanin amaci yeniden uretilmis urunler icin tuketici davranislarinin modellenmesidir. Bu amacla model gelistirmek icin iki asamali yaklasim kullanilmistir. Ilk olarak olcme modelini yapi gecerliligi acisindan degerlendirilmek amaciyla dogrulayici faktor analizi yurutulmustur. Daha sonra yapisal model degerlendirilmistir. Arastirma bulgulari tuketicilerin yeniden uretilmis urunlere yonelik sayin alma davranislarinin planli davranis teorisi yardimiyla resmedilebilecegini gostermektedir. Buna ek olarak, algilanan risk, algilanan fayda, urun bilgisi ve tiksinme duygusu yapilarinin tuketici davranisi uzerinde etkili olabilecegi ortaya cikmistir.

Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 2019
Özet Tiksinme pazarlama alanında ihmal edilen olumsuz duygulardan biri olmuştur. Bu alanda yapıla... more Özet Tiksinme pazarlama alanında ihmal edilen olumsuz duygulardan biri olmuştur. Bu alanda yapılan bazı çalışmalar tiksinme uyaranı varlığının tüketici davranışına etkisine odaklansa da, çok azı tüketicilerin tiksinme duyarlılığı konusuna dikkat etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüketici tiksinme duyarlılığının tüketici davranışı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, 380 üniversite öğrencisine kolayda örnekleme ile anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırma hipotezlerini test etmek için kısmi en küçük kareler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi kullanılmaktadır. Bulgular, tüketicilerin tiksinme duyarlılıklarının riskten kaçınmaları üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Bunun yanında, riskten kaçınmanın tüketicilerin genel marka sadakatleri üzerinde pozitif etkisi olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışma, tiksinme duyarlılığının tüketici davranışları üzerindeki rolünü gösteren huy temelli bir mekanizmanın varlığına kanıt sunmaktadır. Başka deyişle, tiksinme uyaranı olmasa bile tiksinme duyarlılığı tüketici davranışı üzerinde etkide bulunabilir. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışmanın pazarlama literatürüne katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tiksinme duyarlılığı, riskten kaçınma, marka sadakati Relationship Among Consumer Disgust Sensitivity, Risk Aversion and Brand Loyalty: A Trait-based Approach Abstract Disgust has been a neglected negative emotion in the domain of marketing. While several research on disgust has focused on the presence of disgust stimuli on consumer behaviour, little has paid attention to consumer disgust sensitivity. The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of consumer disgust sensitivity on consumer behaviour. A convenience sample of 380 university students are surveyed. In order to test the research hypotheses, partial least square structural equation modelling is used. Findings show that consumers' disgust sensitivity has a positive influence on their risk averseness. Besides, risk

Journal of Current Researches on Business and Economics, 2017
Entrepreneurship is a popular topic in social studies. Scholars of economy, management, sociology... more Entrepreneurship is a popular topic in social studies. Scholars of economy, management, sociology and several other disciplines are providing new theoretical and empirical work on entrepreneurship regularly. Topic is also interesting for government policy makers to promote job creation and economic development. Despite being neglected in Islamic business research, religion is a popular field of scholar inquiry ever since Max Weber published his influential ideas on capitalism and Protestant ethics. While not focusing directly on Islam or Islamic business ethics, main aim of this project is to define entrepreneurship characteristics of young Turkish entrepreneurs whose religion is Islam. We start by drawing on existing literature and a brief Weberian understanding of religion and economics. Inspired by Weber and using two previously developed scales to assess entrepreneurship and Islamic religiosity, authors hope to present a contemporary concept of Turkish-Islam entrepreneurship.

Özet Ticari mal taşımacılığı, ürünün toplam maliyetini etkileyen önemli bir maliyet unsurudur. Ar... more Özet Ticari mal taşımacılığı, ürünün toplam maliyetini etkileyen önemli bir maliyet unsurudur. Araç rotalama problemi 60 yıl önce ticari mal taşımacılığının maliyetini azaltmak hedefiyle ortaya çıktı. Literatürde bu sorunu çözmek için önerilen birçok yaklaşım ve model vardır. Bu çalışmada, Sivas'ta bir fırının araç rotalama problemini çözmek için tasarruf algoritması önerildi. Tasarruf algoritmasının kullanılma amacı, gerçek hayat problemleri için basit ve pratik olmasındandır. Bu çalışmada örnek olarak kullanılan fırın 15 Markete ekmek tedarik ediyor. Bu sorunu çözmek için öncelikle mesafeler matrisi elde edildi ve sonra bu matristen tasarruf miktarı değerleri hesaplandı. Sonuç olarak, tasarruf algoritması sayesinde günlük 10 Türk Lirası yakıt maliyeti tasarruf edilmiştir. Tasarruf algoritması işlemlerini hesaplarken, herhangi bir özel yazılım kullanılmamış; hesaplamalar MS Excel ile yapılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tasarruf Algoritması, Araç Rotalama Problemi, Dağıtım. Solution of The Vehicle Rotation Problem With Saving Algorithm: Application For a Bread Bakery In Sivas Abstract Commodity transport is a significant cost item affecting the total cost of the product. Vehicle routing problem revealed 60 years ago to reduce the cost of commodity transport. In literature, there are many approaches and models proposed to solve this problem. In this study, savings algorithm was proposed to solve vehicle routing problem for a bakery in Sivas. The aim of being used savings algorithm is simple and practical for real life problems. The bakery used as an example in this study supplies breads to 15 Markets. To solve this problem, first, the distance matrix was obtained and then the saving values from this matrix were calculated. As a result, by means of savings algorithm, the fuel cost of 10 Turkish Liras per day has been saved. While calculating the operations in savings algorithm, any special software has not been used, calculations were done by MS Excel.

Özet Son on yıldır cep telefonlarının ithalatı Türkiye cari açığı üzerinde olumsuz etkide bulunma... more Özet Son on yıldır cep telefonlarının ithalatı Türkiye cari açığı üzerinde olumsuz etkide bulunmaktadır. Son yıllarda yerli marka cep telefonları-nın pazara girmesi bu durumu hafifletse de, yabancı ürünlerin pazarda egemen olduğu görülmektedir. Yerli üreticiler yerli temalı kampanya-larla ürünlerine yönelik tüketici tutum ve davranışlarını etkilemeye ça-lışmaktadır. Buna karşın tüketici davranışı, üründen algılanan risk ile olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Araştırmada tüketicilerin yerli marka cep te-lefonlarından algıladıkları risk unsurları, tüketici etnosentrizm eğilimi ve yerli marka cep telefonlarına yönelik tutum incelenmektedir. Araş-tırma sonucunda tüketici etnosentrizm eğilimindeki artışın yerli mar-ka cep telefonlarına yönelik tutumu olumlu etkilediği, buna karşın risk algısındaki artışın tutum üzerinde olumsuz etkisi olduğu görülmektedir. Bunun yanında, yerli marka cep telefonları için, algılanan risk boyut-larından en önemlilerinin finansal, performans ve zaman riski olduğu anlaşılmaktadır.

Yeniden üretim süreci, ürünlerde saklı olan değerin geri kazanılması için, kullanılmış ürünlerin ... more Yeniden üretim süreci, ürünlerde saklı olan değerin geri kazanılması için, kullanılmış ürünlerin yeniymiş gibi ürünlere dönüştürülmesidir. Yeniden üretim atık oluşumunu azaltması sebebiyle doğaya faydalıdır. Bunun yanında işletmelerin daha düşük maliyetlerde ürün üretmesini sağlar. Dolayısıyla yeniden üretilmiş ürünler yeni ürünlerden daha düşük fiyatlardan satılabilmektedir. Yeniden üretim faaliyetleri yüz yılı aşkın süredir işletmelerce benimsenmesine rağmen, pazarlama biliminin dikkatini son yıllarda çekmektedir. Bunun yanında pazarlama faaliyetleri yeniden üretim sisteminde dar boğaz oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı yeniden üretilmiş ürünler için tü-ketici davranışlarının modellenmesidir. Bu amaçla model geliştirmek için iki aşamalı yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. İlk olarak ölçme modelini yapı geçerliliği açısından değerlendirilmek amacıyla doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yürütülmüştür. Daha sonra yapısal model değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları tüketicilerin yeniden üretilmiş ürünlere yönelik sayın alma davranışlarının planlı dav-ranış teorisi yardımıyla resmedilebileceğini göstermektedir. Buna ek olarak, algılanan risk, algılan-an fayda, ürün bilgisi ve tiksinme duygusu yapılarının tüketici davranışı üzerinde etkili olabileceği ortaya çıkmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Yeniden üretim, tüketici davranışları, planlı davranış teorisi, yapısal eşitlik modellemesi Abstract Remanufacturing process converts used products into like-new products in order to recover value-embedded in products. Remanufacturing is beneficial to environment because it reduces level of waste disposal. Besides, remanufacturing enables companies to produce less costly products. Therefore, remanufactured products can be sold to customers with cheaper prices than new ones. Although remanufacturing has been practiced by companies for almost a century, remanufacturing subject recently grasps academic attention in the realm of marketing. Moreover, marketing activities create bottlenecks in the remanufacturing system. The purpose of this study is to develop a consumer behaviour model for remanufactured products. For this reason, two-step modelling approach is used for model building. First measurement model is assessed on construct validity by doing confirmatory factor analysis. Then, structural model is evaluated. Findings show that consumer purchase behaviour for remanufactured products can be depicted by using theory of
Conference Presentations by Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu

8 th International Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences in a Changing World Proceedings Book, 2023
In today's societies, an increasing number of adults buy products aimed at children and adolesce... more In today's societies, an increasing number of adults buy products aimed at children and adolescents. There are adults who play computer games and watch cartoons for long hours. Clothes produced for young individuals are worn by older consumers. Such individuals are called kidults. Psychological neoteny relates to the continuation of childhood behaviors into maturity. The goal of this study is to investigate the link between consumer neoteny and consumers' assessment of anthropomorphic product design. To accomplish this, a cross-sectional research approach is utilized. An online survey is administered to a convenience sample of 728 university students as part of the study. Consumer neoteny is shown to be a four-dimensional construct (stimulus seeking, reality conflict, escapism, control of aggression) as a consequence of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. It is seen that effects of sub-dimensions of consumer neoteny on anthropomorphic product design evaluation vary. Stimulus seeking and escapism dimensions are positively associated with childlike product design. On the other hand, when the level of reality conflict increases, consumers evaluate anthropomorphic product design more negatively. The control of aggression dimension has no effect on product design assessment. In this study, the consumer neoteny scale is examined in terms of reliability and construct validity. When the studies conducted in Turkey are examined, it is expected that the study will contribute to the marketing literature as one of the earliest studies in terms of consumer neoteny.

Purpose – Remanufacturing industry includes intriguing applications of marketing where it deals w... more Purpose – Remanufacturing industry includes intriguing applications of marketing where it deals with both input (core acquisition) and output (remarketing) of the business process. This paper aims at providing a framework of roles which marketing can play in remanufacturing. The role of marketing in supply process has been studied from the relationship marketing perspective. However, this paper intend to expand the role of marketing in supply process where it can directly influence the level of supply. This paper also aims at proposing core acquisition and remarketing strategies for remanufacturers according to their types. Design/methodology/approach – This conceptual paper is based on literature review and case studies conducted by early scholars on remanufacturing. Research limitations/implications – The framework is mostly based on conducted case studies and given examples in previous research, therefore the theory should be supported by further empirical research for its generalizability. Practical implications –This study sheds light on marketing practice adopted by remanufacturers. It will give insights to practitioners interested in remanufacturing. Originality/value –This paper is one of the first holistic conceptualization of marketing practice in remanufacturing industry. Especially the unique role of marketing during the supply process of remanufacturing will contribute to the marketing theory.
Books by Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu

Muhasebe – Pazarlama – Organizasyon: Teori ve Uygulama, 2022
Bu çalışma algılanan marka yenilikçiliğinin üç farkı ürün kategorisinde (cep telefonu, spor giyim... more Bu çalışma algılanan marka yenilikçiliğinin üç farkı ürün kategorisinde (cep telefonu, spor giyim ve gıda) algılan kalite ve marka güveni üzerinde etkilerinin incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmektedir. Araştırma kapsamında yargısal örnekleme ile Türkiye’deki 1140 tüketiciden çevrimiçi anket yoluyla veri toplanmaktadır. Araştırma bulguları cep telefonu, spor giyim ve gıda markalarında algılanan marka yenilikçiliğin markalar açısından önemli etkileri olabileceğini göstermektedir. Üç ürün grubunda da algılanan marka yenilikçiliği algılanan kaliteyi ve markaya güveni olumlu etkilemektedir. Bunun yanında bulgular, algılanan kalitenin algılanan marka yenilikçiliği ve marka güveni arasında kısmi aracı rolü oynadığını göstermektedir. Araştırma sonucunda tüketicilerin algıladıkları yenilikçilik ölçeği üç ürün grubunda da yeterli düzeyde uyum, ayırma ve nomolojik geçerliliğe sahip olduğu saptanmaktadır.
This study examines the effects of perceived brand innovativeness on perceived quality and brand trust in three different product categories (mobile phones, sportswear, and food). Within the scope of the research, data is collected from 1140 consumers in Turkey with judgmental sampling via an online survey. Research findings show that perceived brand innovativeness in mobile phones, sportswear, and food products can significantly affect branding. Perceived brand innovativeness positively affects perceived quality and brand trust in all product groups. In addition, the findings show that perceived quality plays a partial mediator role between perceived brand innovativeness and brand trust. The research findings indicate that the consumer perceived brand innovativeness scale has sufficient convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity across three product groups.

Using Self-Efficacy for Improving Retention and Success of Diverse Student Populations, 2022
User manuals are one of the neglected topics in the marketing field. This study aims to investiga... more User manuals are one of the neglected topics in the marketing field. This study aims to investigate the roles of consumer impulsivity and self-efficacy on user manual behavior. In order to reach the research objectives, a cross-sectional research design is adopted. A judgmental sample (n=1160) of Turkish customers is surveyed online. The study's findings provide evidence that consumer impulsivity might negatively influence user manual behavior. On the other hand, user manual self-efficacy is positively associated with user manual behavior. Consumer general self-efficacy is shown to have no direct influence on user manual behavior. User manual self-efficacy fully mediates the relationship between general self-efficacy and user manual behavior. Results of the study also indicate that females tend to consult user manuals more than males. This study also provides general consumer perception regarding user manuals and the importance of user manual features for customer satisfaction.
Papers by Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu
Conference Presentations by Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu
Books by Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu
This study examines the effects of perceived brand innovativeness on perceived quality and brand trust in three different product categories (mobile phones, sportswear, and food). Within the scope of the research, data is collected from 1140 consumers in Turkey with judgmental sampling via an online survey. Research findings show that perceived brand innovativeness in mobile phones, sportswear, and food products can significantly affect branding. Perceived brand innovativeness positively affects perceived quality and brand trust in all product groups. In addition, the findings show that perceived quality plays a partial mediator role between perceived brand innovativeness and brand trust. The research findings indicate that the consumer perceived brand innovativeness scale has sufficient convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity across three product groups.
This study examines the effects of perceived brand innovativeness on perceived quality and brand trust in three different product categories (mobile phones, sportswear, and food). Within the scope of the research, data is collected from 1140 consumers in Turkey with judgmental sampling via an online survey. Research findings show that perceived brand innovativeness in mobile phones, sportswear, and food products can significantly affect branding. Perceived brand innovativeness positively affects perceived quality and brand trust in all product groups. In addition, the findings show that perceived quality plays a partial mediator role between perceived brand innovativeness and brand trust. The research findings indicate that the consumer perceived brand innovativeness scale has sufficient convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity across three product groups.