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Questions tagged [stochastic-process]

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Probabilistic Logic Programming vs Stochastic Logic Programming

I'm reading the paper DeepStochLog: Neural Stochastic Logic Programming. The authors differentiate between Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP) and Stochastic Logic Programming (SLP), but I can't ...
Pav's user avatar
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Consistent Sampling a Random Walk

Assume there's a random walk $S_k = X_1 + \dots + X_k$ where $X_i \in \{1, -1\}$ are uniformly iid. I want Alice and Bob to share a function $S(k) = S_k$. A straightforward approach would be to let ...
Thomas Ahle's user avatar
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Using martingale arguments to prove convergence of iterative algorithms

Can someone give me typical/educative examples of how martingales can be used to prove convergence of an iterative algorithmS? The examples I know of can only go so far as to show that there exists ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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What is the state of the art in first order stochastic convex optimization?

What is the optimally fastest convex risk minimizing algorithm which only uses a stochastic first order oracle? Is this SGD? What is the optimally fastest convex function minimizing algorithm which ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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About estimating escape time of gradient Langevin dynamics

I am trying to understand the argument in the proof of Lemmma 6.3 (page 18) of this paper Let me summarize the conceptual crux of the argument here using a slightly ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Martingale exit arguments for gradient Langevin dynamics

I am concerned about the proof of Lemma 6.3 (page 18) of this paper, which shows that for smooth convex functions the gradient Langevin dynamics has a high ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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The SQ argument in Balazs Szorenyi's paper

I am asking about the proof in Theorem 5 (page 6) of this paper, Quite a few things about this short argument seem unclear to me, Towards the ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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About assumptions needed to get convergence of stochastic gradient methods on non-convex objectives

What are the minimal conditions we know of under which we can prove that a stochastic gradient based algorithm can convergence to criticality on a non-convex objective? Are there any necessary ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Stochastic gradient methods and risk of neural nets

Under many situations it is currently provable that we can minimize the risk of neural nets using stochastic gradient based algorithms. For example :, https://arxiv....
gradstudent's user avatar
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Getting to local/global minima with (stochastic) gradient descent on non-convex objectives

Is there any class of non-convex objective functions for which (stochastic) gradient descent can provably get to a local or a global minima? (..maybe in the approximate sense like a point such that ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Problem dependent lower bound for stochastic bandits with full information

Suppose you have a $K$ armed stochastic bandit problem but with full information. There are $K$ arms with mean rewards $\mu_1,...,\mu_K$. At each step we have to select an arm, collect the reward from ...
rajatsen91's user avatar
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Constant Width Max Sum Product Multi-objective Shortest path problem

This question is a follow-up on the question I asked three days ago here. For convenience I restate it here. I am given a graph. Each edge is labelled by a vector of numbers, called weights. They ...
Nathanaël Fijalkow's user avatar
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Max Sum Product Multi-objective Shortest path problem

Is anything known about the following problem: I am given a graph. Each edge is labelled by a vector of numbers, called weights. They are numbers between 0 and 1. A path is first assigned a vector, ...
Nathanaël Fijalkow's user avatar
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Stochastic optimization with erroneous oracles

I am interested in a class of optimization problems of which we know that the input variable is first subjected to noise $\xi$ before entering the data-producing process $f$. I write the objective in ...
ocramz's user avatar
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High-Probability bounds for Stochastic multi-armed Bandit Problems

This paper gives some high probability results for UCB algorithm of the form, \begin{align} \mathbb{P}(R_{n} > r_0.x) \leq O(n^{-2\rho x + 1} + x^{-2 \rho + 1} ) \end{align} where $\rho$ is a ...
rajatsen91's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the probability of a virus spreading through a network given a virus source node?

Model: Consider an infinite undirected connected graph $\mathcal{G}=(\mathcal{V},\mathcal{E})$. At time $t=0$, a given virus node $s\in\mathcal{V}$ starts infecting the network $\mathcal{G}$. ...
Erdos Yi's user avatar
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Objective function for stochastic optimization

Stochastic Optimization problems in general deals with random variables in the 'loss function'. Incase of a Deterministic optimization problem with basic objective $\parallel Ax-b \parallel_2^2$, we ...
Ravi's user avatar
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The regularity of Markov chains with a threshold

(This question has been asked on, with no response.) I am studying Paz's "Introduction to Probabilistic Automata" and there is an exercise I cannot solve: Ex. 11, p. 170: Let $\Sigma = \{a\...
Michaël Cadilhac's user avatar
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Are randomly generated infinite patterns computable?

Fix a prefix-free universal Turing machine $U$. Consider the following random process*. The state of the process is a bit-string $s$, initialized with the empty string (say). Suppose the value of the ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Issue in understanding conditional likelihood for a producton rule

The Equation1 in paper in link explains how to assign probability to a production rule. Fig1 explains with an example. Now, I have a problem in understanding how to work with this formula since it ...
George Roy's user avatar
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Generating graph for random walk given hitting time distribution

given a discrete distribution of hitting time probabilities, is it possible to generate a random walk that generates this hitting time distribution? More specifically I am interested in generating a ...
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Avalanche like stochastic process

Consider the following process: There are $n$ bins arranged from top to bottom. Initially, each bin contains one ball. In every step, we pick a ball $b$ uniformly at random and move all the balls ...
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