Consider a generalisation of the shortest path problem on directed graphs with weights in $\mathbb{Q}^k$. Formally, the input is a graph, a source state $s$, a target state $t$, and an objective vector $\vec{o}$. The goal is to determine whether there is a path from $s$ to $t$ in the graph whose cost $\vec{c}$ (obtained by summing the weights at each transition) is smaller or equal than $\vec{o}$ (componentwise).
It is easy to show that the problem is in NP. The problem with equality $\vec{c} = \vec{o}$ is NP-complete (from this paper). On the other hand, the problem with inequality $c \le o$ for dimension one is solvable in polynomial time using the shortest path algorithm.
Is there a polynomial time algorithm for the inequality version of the problem?