For general $L\in\mathrm{NP}$, this is equivalent to $\mathrm{FP=TFNP}$, hence likely false:
On the one hand, if $V$ and $V'$ are verifiers of $L$, then “given $x$ and $u$ such that $V(x,u)$, find $u'$ such that $V'(x,u')$” is a TFNP problem (with the proviso that if $\neg V(x,u)$, any $u'$ is a solution). Thus, such a conversion is possible in polynomial time if $\mathrm{FP=TFNP}$.
On the other hand, given a TFNP problem $S$, let $L=\Sigma^*$, $V$ be its trivial verifier that accepts all certificates, and let $V'$ be a verifier that accepts as a certificate for $x$ a solution of $S(x,y)$. Then a polynomial-time conversion of $V$-certificates to $V'$-certificates solves $S$ in polynomial time.
For the special case where $L$ is SAT and $V'$ its standard verifier, such a conversion exists for all $V$ iff the standard verifier is a p-optimal proof system for SAT (this is just restating the definition using different terminology). There are reasons to believe this is false as well; see
Johannes Köbler and Jochen Messner: Is the standard proof system for SAT p-optimal?, in: Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2000), Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 1974, 2000, DOI