CNF-SAT refers to the following problem:
Given a boolean formula $\phi$ in conjunctive normal form, does there exist an assignment to the variables that satisfies $\phi$.
There are several parameters that one can associate with $\phi$:
- $n$ will denote the number of variables in $\phi$.
- $m$ will denote the number of clauses in $\phi$.
- $N$ will denote the number of variable occurrences in $\phi$.
Claim: For every fixed $k$, we can reduce an arbitrary instance $\phi$ of CNF-SAT to an instance $G$ of $k$-Clique with roughly $2^{\frac{N}{k}}$ vertices and $2^{\frac{2 N}{k}}$ edges.
Proof Idea: Any clause in $\phi$ can be split into two clauses by adding an additional variable. The positive literal gets added to one of the new clauses and the negative literal gets added to the other new clause.
We make at most $k$ splits to the clauses of $\phi$ to get a new formula $\phi'$ such that:
- $\phi'$ has at most $N+2k$ variable occurrences.
- $\phi'$ can be expressed as $\bigwedge_{i\in[k]} \phi_{i}'$ where each $\phi_{i}'$ is a CNF formula with at most $\frac{N}{k} + 2$ variable occurrences.
- $\phi$ is satisfiable if and only if $\phi'$ is satisfiable.
We can look at each $\phi_{i}'$ independently and build up a list of all the satisfying assignments. There are at most $2^{\frac{N}{k}+2}$ satisfying assignments for each $\phi_{i}'$.
The satisfying assignments for the $\phi_i'$'s will represent the vertices of the graph $G$. In total, $G$ will have at most $k \cdot 2^{\frac{N}{k}+2}$ vertices.
Vertices $v$ and $u$ are adjacent in $G$ if the following are true:
- $v$ and $u$ represent assignments for $\phi_i'$ and $\phi_j'$ respectively where $i \neq j$.
- For the variables that are in both $\phi_i'$ and $\phi_j'$, the assignments for $v$ and $u$ agree on their respective bit values.
Now, if a $k$-Clique exists in $G$, then we get an assignment for each $\phi_i'$ where no two assignments disagree on bit values for the same variables. As a result, these assignments can be joined to form a satisfying assignment for $\phi'$.
Conversely, if a satisfying assignment exists for $\phi'$, then we can remove variables from this assignment to get a satsfying assignment for each of the $\phi_i'$'s where no two assignments have any bit mismatches making them form a $k$-Clique in $G$. $\square$
Using fast matrix multiplication, we can solve $k$-Clique in $O(n^{.792 k})$ time. Therefore, we can solve CNF-SAT in $2^{.792 N}$ time. In fact, there is a trivial algorithm for solving CNF-SAT in $2^{.5 N}$ time.
However, it is not known if we can solve CNF-SAT in $poly(N) \cdot 2^{(1-\epsilon) \cdot n}$ time.
Question: Does there exist a constant $c$ such that for every fixed $k$, we can reduce an arbitrary instance $\phi$ of CNF-SAT to an instance $G$ of $k$-Clique with roughly $2^{\frac{c \cdot n}{k}}$ vertices and $2^{\frac{2 \cdot c \cdot n}{k}}$ edges.
Relevant Links:
Exponential Time Hypothesis:
Algorithms for $k$-Clique:
Sparsification Lemma: