Papers by Katarzyna K. Starczewska
Islamochristiana: 48, 2022
STARCZEWSKA Katarzyna K., Latin Translation of the Qur n (1518/1621), Commissioned by Egidio da V... more STARCZEWSKA Katarzyna K., Latin Translation of the Qur n (1518/1621), Commissioned by Egidio da Viterbo: Critical Edition and Case Study, Diskurse der Arabistik 24, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2018, cxxiv + 828 pp. "Over a period of five centuries the Qur'an was translated into Latin in its entirety at least nine times, by scholars or groups of translators working independently of one another" (p. xxiii). The process of translating the Qur n began in medieval Spain under the auspices of Peter the Venerable (d. 1156), and while translations were often carried out with acute attention to philological details, the entire project was largely motivated by hostility and belligerence. In the words of Katarzyna Starczewska, "It was generally believed that the ultimate triumph of Christianity would depend on a precise understanding of the Muslim creed, either in order to confound the religious opponent or to convert him" (ibid.). The work under review consists of two parts: the first is a lengthy introductory study (over 120 pages) focusing on the Latin translation of the Qur n commissioned by Cardinal Egidio da Viterbo in 1518 and corrected by the celebrated geographer Leo Africanus in 1525; the second is the critical edition of this text, which is, chronologically speaking, the fourth of the nine translations mentioned above. The edition is based on two manuscript copies of the lost original preserved at Cambridge University Library and at the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, the first of which is incomplete.
This workshop will focus on religious manuscripts that are fruits of inter-religious contacts; na... more This workshop will focus on religious manuscripts that are fruits of inter-religious contacts; namely, manuscripts that contain Western / Latin script together with Oriental / Arabic alphabet. We will tackle the so-called aljamiado manuscripts, manuscripts that exhibit Arabic letters but not language, and documents featuring other kinds of transliteration. Special attention will be paid to glosses and marginal notes that reveal plurilingual context of production.
De Gruyter eBooks, Sep 5, 2022
Leo Africanus' contribution to a Latin translation of the Qur'ān : a case study of intellectual activity after conversion, 2018
The aim of this contribution is two-fold: to present, albeit briefly, the history of Latin transl... more The aim of this contribution is two-fold: to present, albeit briefly, the history of Latin translations of the Qur’ān, emphasising the cases in which Church officials commissioned the translations to Muslims or Muslim converts; and secondly, to observe a particular case of a Qur’anic translation, which was modified and improved by Leo Africanus (also known as Leo Granatinus or Yūhannā al-Asad, formerly al-Ḥasan al-Wazzān). The translations which, as far as we know, can be described as cases of interfaith collaborations are the first one elaborated by Robert of Ketton (1142-1143), the lost text boosted by Juan of Segovia (1456) and the interpretation commissioned by Egidio da Viterbo (1518, 1525) to which I will devote the second part of this study.
Diputació de Tarragona, 2010
"La uis comica de los personajes de Plauto se basa, sobre todo, en s... more "La uis comica de los personajes de Plauto se basa, sobre todo, en su comportamiento contrario al esperado según los supuestos modelos sociales vigentes en el mundo romano. Gracias al universalismo de este principio, los tipos creados por Plauto pueden encontrarse en numerosas obras cómicas posteriores, como, por ejemplo, en Poderosa Afrodita (1995) de Woody Allen. Palabras claves: Plauto, comedia romana, Woody Allen, Poderosa Afrodita. The uis comica of the dramatis personae in Plautus’ plays derives, above all, from their behavior, which is just the contrary to the one expected according to the assumed social models of the Roman world. Owing to the universality of this comic principle, the types created by Plautus can be found in great number of subsequent works, like, for example, in Woody Allen’s comedy Mighty Aphrodite (1995). Key words: Plautus, Roman comedy, Woody Allen, Mighty Aphrodite."
Renaissance Quarterly, 2022
Renaissance Quarterly, 2020
Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2018
This paper studies the little-known Spanish Qur'anic translations included within Christian w... more This paper studies the little-known Spanish Qur'anic translations included within Christian works of polemics that were produced in Iberia in the first quarter of the sixteenth century. Such fragments are an important testimony of otherwise rare translations of the Qur'an into Iberian vernacular languages. This study focuses on the Qur'anic material cited by authors connected to Martín García, Bishop of Barcelona (c. 845–928/1441–1521) in polemical treatises written for the evangelisation of the Granadan Muslims (converted to Christianity by the decree of 1502) and the conversion of the Valencian and Aragonese Muslims (legally Muslims until 1526). It considers two treatises, authoured respectively by Juan Andrés and Johan Martín de Figuerola, belonging to the genre that has come to be known as Antialcoranes, or ‘anti-Qur'ans’. These are further compared to the quotations included by Martín García himself in his sermons as well as by two subsequent sixteenth-century a...
Medieval Encounters, 2018
The aim of this article is to present a set of glosses to the Qurʾān written by the sixteenth-cen... more The aim of this article is to present a set of glosses to the Qurʾān written by the sixteenth-century Spanish convert Juan Gabriel and to analyze them in the context of apologetic argumentation. The glosses come from a translation commissioned by Egidio da Viterbo (1518). I present here the index of topics covered by the glosses and argue for their conciliatory character. I also select glosses that focus on the identity of Abraham and compare them with annotations that appear in other Latin translations of the Qurʾān. The conclusion of this study is that, although there was a tradition in Latin Europe of glossing the Qurʾān in particular places, for example in passages where biblical figures are mentioned, Juan Gabriel used this tradition to present Islam as compatible with Christianity rather than a heresy.
IX Congreso de la SECR/Religiones en sociedades …, 2011
... presente análisis pretendemos también presentar a las personas involucradas en la elaboración... more ... presente análisis pretendemos también presentar a las personas involucradas en la elaboración de esta traducción: Iohannes Gabriel Terrolensis, el primer traductor; el corrector Iohannes Leo Granatinus (también conocido como al-Hasan al-Wazzān y Yūhannā al-Asad) y el ...
Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies, 2018
This essay studies the translations of the Qur’ān into Romance languages in anti-Islamic treatise... more This essay studies the translations of the Qur’ān into Romance languages in anti-Islamic treatises written by Christians in the Iberian Peninsula in the sixteenth century. It compares three such works (here called Antialcoranes or ‘anti-Qur’āns’) that contain citations of the Qur’ān in Arabic, either in Arabic script or in transliteration, or both. These include the Confusión o confutación de la secta Mahomética y del Alcorán (1515) of Juan Andrés, the Lumbre de fe contra la secta mahometana y el alcorán (1521) by Martín de Figuerola and the Confutación del alcorán y secta mahometana (1555) by Lope de Obregón. It also considers glosses found in the Latin Qur’ān made at the behest of the Italian cardinal Egidio (Giles) da Viterbo (1518). We argue that these works merit detailed study, along with more studied Latin translations, as part of a history of the translation of the Qur’ān in the early modern period.
Juan Andrés' treaty Confusión o confutación de la secta Mahomética y del Alcorán is a meaning... more Juan Andrés' treaty Confusión o confutación de la secta Mahomética y del Alcorán is a meaningful example of how the typically medieval topics of anti-Islamic polemics are adapted into the Early Modern literally moulds. The interest in confuting Islam with the aid of the Qur'ān had been fuelling the literature of religious controversy long before Juan Andrés converted to Christianity and took up the quill to rebut his old faith. Nevertheless, his analysis of the content of the Qur'ān differs from the ones conducted before him. Moreover, the Quranic quotations inserted in Juan Andrés' polemical text happen to coincide with the Latin translation of the Qur'ān commissioned by Egidio da Viterbo and its glosses. Therefore, the aim of this paper is twofold: firstly, to revindicate Juan Andrés' autonomy and independence from Medieval polemics ; secondly, to highlight the similarities and correspondence between Juan Andrés' Confusión o confutación and Egidio da Vi...
Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies, Dec 20, 2017
Papers by Katarzyna K. Starczewska
This book contains both an edition and study of Egidio da Viterbo’s Qur’ān. The critical edition is based on the two existing manuscripts and is the first published work to include the full text of this Qur’ānic translation. It includes the original translation, the corrections of the text made by Leo Africanus, an appendix with Qur’ānic glosses and a case study devoted to persons involved in the translation. The study serves as an introduction to the Latin text, exploring the context in which Muslim converts to Christianity collaborated with church authorities. It enumerates and analyzes the Morisco translator’s diverse philological tools, which could have been used by the clergymen for polemical purposes. At the same time, it offers further insight into European studies of Arabic during the period.
Este curso aborda en exclusiva la vasta producción textual latina de la Edad Moderna, con el objeto de resaltar la relevancia de la escritura en latín para la configuración de la historia intelectual europea. El curso expondrá ordenadamente cómo la lengua latina, en el estado lingüístico adquirido tras los desarrollos de la Edad Media y las tendencias de renovación humanística, fue capaz de vehicular el avance del conocimiento en diversas áreas interrelacionadas: la historia de las religiones, el trabajo filológico sobre textos considerados sagrados y las tensiones generadas al respecto, el pensamiento religioso en distintos ámbitos del cristianismo y en ámbitos no cristianos, las nuevas sensibilidades hacia el mundo natural, el desarrollo de la medicina y de la vida académica, así como el papel del latín como lingua franca transnacional y transconfesional de la elite cultural europea.
El profesorado cuenta con reconocidos especialistas en los distintos temas, que provienen de diversos grupos de investigación de dos institutos del CSIC (ILC e IMF), cuatro universidades españolas (Autónoma de Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Cádiz y Sevilla) y un centro de investigación extranjero que actúa además como patrocinador del curso (Ludwig Boltzmann Institut: Neulateinische Studien, Innsbruck, perteneciente a la Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft de Austria).
Para un aprovechamiento máximo será deseable que el alumnado haya cursado latín en algún momento de sus estudios anteriores, si bien no es imprescindible una familiaridad previa con la lengua.
A lo largo de las sesiones se examinará una serie de artefactos para mostrar al alumnado cómo construir estudios de caso basados en diferentes formas de análisis de fuentes primarias. Asimismo se darán a conocer las líneas de investigación llevadas a cabo en los ámbitos de la Historia Medieval y Moderna, Filología e Historia del Arte, en torno a los complejos procesos de cambio, conversión y adaptación que tienen lugar en el Mediterráneo durante la Edad Media y principios de la Edad Moderna. Los casos en cuestión serán presentados con especial énfasis en la metodología empleada que requiere enfoques interdisciplinares, entre historia, filologías y estudios culturales. Nótese que las sesiones del curso tendrán lugar en varias instituciones diferentes, lo cual permitirá proporcionar a los investigadores en formación algunas herramientas prácticas sobre dónde buscar las fuentes para su trabajo académico. A lo largo del curso los alumnos aprenderán varios procedimientos para el análisis de las fuentes primarias, tanto escritas como materiales.
Para más información sobre las diferentes sesiones, fechas y detalles sobre la inscripción, es posible consultar el díptico adjunto y la página web
Co-authored with Mercedes García-Arenal and Katarzyna K. Starczewska
As linguistic systems comprising a large variety of written and oral registers including derivate “languages” and “dialects,” Latin and Arabic have been of paramount importance for the history of the Euromediterranean since Antiquity. Moreover, due to their long-term function as languages of administration, intellectual activity, and religion, they are often regarded as cultural markers of Europe and the (Arabic-)Islamic sphere respectively. This volume explores the many dimensions and ramifications of Latin-Arabic entanglement both from macro-historical as well as from micro-historical perspectives. Visions of history marked by the binary opposition of “Islam” and “the West” tend to ignore these important facets of Euromediterranean entanglement, as do historical studies that explain complex transcultural processes without giving attention to their linguistic dimension.
saracenorum Petro Cluniacensi Abbate precipiente a Roberto Ketenensi translatus
glossae in Alchoran fortasse a Petro Pictauiense redactae: Edición crítica y estudio.
Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2022, 1–576, ISBN:
Nàdia Petrus Pons, ed., Alchoranus latinus quem transtulit Marcus Canonicus
Toletanus: Estudio y edición crítica. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas, 2016. I–CLXX, 1–464, ISBN: 9788400101602
Katarzyna K. Starczewzka, Latin Translation of the Qurʾān (1518–1621) Commissioned
by Egidio Viterbo: Critical Edition and Case Study. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,
2018, I–CXXIV, 1–828, incl. 10 illus. ISBN: 9783447108621
Le cinque conferenze sono tenute da specialisti di letteratura cristiana antica, letteratura rabbinica, traduzioni medievali del Corano, storia del pensiero cristiano contemporaneo e storia della teologia islamica attivi presso università e centri di ricerca europei (Ginevra, Tubinga, Madrid, Pavia, Torino/Exeter), riuniti in questa occasione in un dialogo scientifico concepito come unitario e organico.
Online e aperto al pubblico, il ciclo di conferenze è organizzato dal Centro di Studi Interreligiosi presso l’Almo Collegio Borromeo di Pavia e conclude il corso di “Chiese e teologie in età moderna e contemporanea”, attivato entro il nuovo curriculum “Studi interreligiosi” della Laurea magistrale in Storia d’Europa dell’Università di Pavia.