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Questions tagged [radix-sort]

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The value of $r$, with $r≤ b$, that minimizes the expression $(b/r)(n+2^r)$ in the analysis of the radix-sort algorithm

In chapter 8 of the book "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, lemma 8.4 is proved. (my question is after the proof of the lemma) Given $n$ $b$-bit numbers ...
emacos's user avatar
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Could Radix Sort be used to tackle LCS algorithm?

Could one use the Radix Sort to find the Longest Common Subsequence problem? I am new to algorithms and was wondering if the string was converted to a list and then one was able to apply Radix Sort ...
EnlightenedFunky's user avatar
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GPU compute parallel radix sort optimizations

I'm looking at [1] that describes a GPU parallel radix sort algorithm. They describe multiple optimizations but in section 3 where the whole algorithm is described some things elude me. First, the ...
PentaKon's user avatar
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Radix sorting for pairs of numbers

I'm struggling with implementing O(n+k) radix sorting algorithm for pairs of numbers which values are constrained . For example below is array of {x,y} before and after using modified radix sort ...
Sartyro's user avatar
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Can Radix Sort be modified for signed ints and/or floats?

A few months ago I learned about the magic that allows radix sort to run in O(n) time and space. Most tutorials on radix sort say it is useful for very large ...
Adam Hoelscher's user avatar
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Sorting elements into k subarrays

Given are $n$ integer numbers in the range $0$ to $5n$. A SubSort algorithm organizes the numbers into $k=n/100$ sets, $s_{1}$, …, $s_{k}$ , each containing $100$ numbers, such that the following ...
MathCurious's user avatar
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How to detect when to use radix sort in runtime

I'm implementing a stable integer sorting algorithm, I've chosen radix sort. I've tested LSD vs MSD implementation, wrote MSD/LSD hybrid implementation to reduce bandwidth pressure. The repo is here: ...
Kirill Lykov's user avatar
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Calculating the Time complexity using Radix sort

Im trying to determine what is the time complexity of sorting numbers with a specific range and base. I have n numbers in the range of 1-n^10 and the base for the radix sort is n/log n. I have tried ...
Dor Eitan's user avatar
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Complexity of Radix Sort

I am a little confused by the complexity proof of Radix Sort. For counting sort, the complexity reported is $O(n+R)$, where $n$ is the number of items and $R$ is the range. But this is not entirely ...
xyz's user avatar
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Can radix sort reach exponential time complexity?

For example, assume the input array is $$[121212,212121]$$ Say we are in base 10, so count sort will work in $O(n)$ time. We have 6 iterations which is approximately $n^2$. Is this a worst case ...
Nix's user avatar
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Analysis of Radix sort of $n$ $b$ bit numbers

I was reading radix sort in Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS . And it gave the following Lemma with its analysis I understood the proof of the Lemma but confused on the part where they try to ...
Vinay Varahabhotla's user avatar
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Radix sort slower than Quick sort?

I would like to demonstrate that sometime radix-sort is better than quick-sort. In this example I am using the program below: ...
nowox's user avatar
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Quick Sort vs Radix Sort

In an coding exam, I was once asked this question: Assuming that you are only sorting Integers in ascending order, which algorithm do you use when you want to prioritize speed the most, but you ...
Richard Peterson's user avatar
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MSD vs LSD Radix sort

I read the following in CRLS: I don't understand the text in yellow. Why would radix sort not work so well if we sort by their most significant digit? What extra "...
Josh's user avatar
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Given n strings, how to output their order after k phases of the radix sort (huge constraints)?

Disclaimer This is not from an ongoing contest, this is from my course of ITMO on, which is a paid code so I cannot give you a direct link to the course. Problem You are given $\...
Loc Truong's user avatar
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radix-sort with different bases

So i understand how to use radix-sort in base 10 and utilize mod 10 to go through the numbers. But not sure about 2,8 or 16. Does it follow the same idea? and i read somewhere that i need to pass ...
-2 votes
2 answers

For sorting 10^9 unique 9-digit numbers, would radix sort or counting sort be faster, and why?

For sorting $10^9$ unique 9-digit numbers, would radix sort or counting sort be faster, and why? I know that radix sort is $O(nk)$ and counting sort is $O(n+k)$, but can’t understand how to apply ...
Zachypoo's user avatar
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Why does Radix sort require stable digit sorts?

I'm reading the CLRS book and have a question about the following quote from the book. In order for radix sort to work correctly, the digit sorts must be stable. Why is stability required? Wouldn'...
Noah Stebbins's user avatar
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Time and space complexity of Radix sort

I had previously asked a question on space complexity of radix sort here. I have also read this question. However, I still get confused about it which means that the concept is not clear. I have the ...
skr's user avatar
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Best time complexity of sorting numbers in range [1...n log n]

given an array $A$ of $n$ numbers in range $1$ to $n\log n$, what is the time complexity of the best method to sort them? The answer is $O(n)$ but I don't understand this. of course counting sort ...
chendoy's user avatar
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Fast, stable, almost in-place radix and merge sorts

I've developed LSD radix sort algorithm that is stable, about as fast as the classic LSD radix sort, require only $O(\sqrt{RN})$ extra space when we sort into R buckets. The same technique also ...
Bulat's user avatar
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Time complexity of expanding decimal to new base

There is already a post on this topic on stackoverflow. Nevertheless, I am asking the question here again, primarily because I do not understand the answer given there, and also because I have some ...
sss's user avatar
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What is the best way to algorithmically sort physical boxes?

I work part time at UPS. Part of my job consists of taking boxes from in front of me, determining if the correct cage (1 of 6 moving cages) is behind me (true about 50% of the time), and then putting ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Comparison Based Sorting Run-time with respect to Total Number of Bits of Input

Comparison-based sorting algorithms are lower bounded by $\Omega(nlogn)$, where $n$ is the number of elements in the input list. However, when dealing with different models of computation, such as ...
namesake22's user avatar
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Total Number of Bits Needed to Represent a List of N elements

This is an excerpt from the algorithms textbook How to Think About Algorithms by Jeff Edmonds (This book is a gem by the way). I get his conclusion about Merge/Quick/Heap sorts having $O(NlogN)$ ...
namesake22's user avatar
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Radix, merge, counting sort and when to use

Okay can't figure this out. I want to make sure I understand it. There are n random keys each being float numbers with p decimal places. So, for example, 123.456, 343.645, 234.543, 863.238, 956....
Hosep's user avatar
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Sorting an array in linear time

I need to find a method to sort an array in $O(n)$ time complexity. I saw this link, however I'm not sure how to apply it to the elements I need. Input: an array $A$ of length $n$, containing values ...
Lola1984's user avatar
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Sorting an array of length $n$ in $O(m+n)$ time

I need to find a method to sort an array in $O(m+n)$ time complexity. I understand it should be a variation on Radix sort, however I am not familiar with it or its implementation... Input: an array $...
Lola1984's user avatar
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Find fastest sort for given range of numbers

I encountered a question from a test that I cant understand the answer given a range of numbers $[0...(logn)^{logn}-1]$ we need to find the quickest sort available and give his running time now ...
misha312's user avatar
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How to sort an array $A[1..i..n]$ where $A[i] \in \{1,2,..,n^5 \}$ in $\Theta (n)$ time?

I need to write a sorting algorithm which will sort an array $A[1..n]$, $1 \le i \le n$ such that $A[i] \in \{1,2,..,n^5 \}$, all numbers are positive integers in $\Theta (n)$ time. The solution must ...
Yos's user avatar
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Why does radix sort work?

I understand how radix sort works and how to implement it, but I don't understand why it works. Are there any underlying mathematical or logical principles that it relies on?
Zweih's user avatar
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Radix sort with 2 digit elements [closed]

How can we prove that radix sort correctly sorts an array of 2 elements with 2 digits each ?
Malgorythm's user avatar
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O(n) sorting array by value - get indexes

I am in search of a linear-time sorting algorithm that is capable of returning an array B of indices A, sorted on the value of the corresponding element of A. For example: Input = [2, 6, 8, 9, 1, 7, ...
grantstephen59's user avatar
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Fastest in-place sorting algorithm for Epochtime

I need to sort a lot of rows (from 1GB to 3GB) by EpochTime (a single value of every row). What is the fastest in-place sorting algorithm for this task? Radix Sort? I would like the fastest sorting ...
Tizianoreica's user avatar
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Which pass do you look at for Radix Sort stability?

I know this is a fairly poorly worded question, but I can't think of a better way to phrase it in the title. So in Radix Sort, you go digit by digit from least significant to most significant, and ...
Robert Whitmer's user avatar
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How do I sort these elements in O(n) time?

So let's say I have an array of elements where each of the values can range from 0 to $n^2-1$. I'm trying to make an algorithm to sort this array in O(n) running time and I was thinking of using radix ...
Josh Susa's user avatar
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Radix sort and changing bases

I have recently learned about radix sort. I am aware that you can change the base of the numbers you need to sort but I don't really understand why this is good for the radix sort. Radix sort runtime ...
Yinon Eliraz's user avatar
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Compare vs Radix

Is it better to use comparison or radix sort to sort a long sequences of java int array? I know that I should probably use mergesort (NlogN) for comparison sort, since it is one of the fastest and ...
user26658's user avatar
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I can not see why MSD radix sort is theoretically as efficient as LSD radix sort

Here is the pseudocode for LSD radix sort from ...
jsguy's user avatar
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Is radix sort really O(n) for sorting 32 bit integers?

I was trying to analyze radix sort in terms of time and space. Assume that we are given $n$ 32-bit integers which we would want to sort by looking at the least significant digits first. $k$ is the ...
jsguy's user avatar
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Sorting in O(n) time in a finite domain

I've been stuck with this problem for 2 weeks. Any idea of how to aproach it?. Let $L$ be a list of $n$ different integer numbers, assume that the elements of $L$ are in the range $[1,750]$. Design ...
winston smith's user avatar
23 votes
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Practical Applications of Radix Sort

Radix sort is theoretically very fast when you know that the keys are in a certain limited range, say $n$ values in the range $[0\dots n^k -1]$ for example. If $k<\lg n$ you just convert the ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
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how does the parallel radix sort work?

I'm currently learning computer science, and there is a slide of notes brief described the parallel radix sort under data parallelism. ...
Timeless's user avatar
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