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Questions tagged [time-complexity]

The amount of time resources (number of atomic operations or machine steps) required to solve a problem expressed in terms of input size. If your question concerns algorithm analysis, use the [runtime-analysis] tag instead. If your question concerns whether or not a computation will *ever* finish, use the [computability] tag instead. Time-complexity is perhaps the most important sub-topic of complexity theory.

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What does weaker term mean in the definition of BigO

I am reading Computer Science Distilled book and at 40th page there is a line. A function with fastest-growing term is $2^n$ or weaker is $O(2^n)$ What does weaker mean here? All, I know it is ...
tbhaxor's user avatar
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Why $TIME(2^{n^k})\nsubseteq NTIME(n^k)$?

There is a theorem that said for every nondeterministic Turing machine that runs in $O(n^k)$ there is an equivalent deterministic Turing machine that runs in $O(2^{n^k})$. From this theorem, I ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Does log(log(n)) grow asymptotically slower than log(n) / log(log(n))?

I'm trying to understand the asymptotic growth of relationship between log(log(n)) and log(n) / log(log(n)) as n -> infinity. Specifically, I want to verify whether this statement is true or false: ...
maybesunny's user avatar
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need to prove that $DSPACE(O(2^n)) \neq EXP$

this question is from my computational complexity HW. I'm not sure if my solution is correct: If $DSPACE(O(2^n)) = EXP$, than we can take language $ L \in DTIME(2^{2^n})$ which not in $EXP$ (from the ...
Maxim Golubkov's user avatar
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Must an algorithm terminate to be in NPTIME?

I recently completed a coursework on PRIMES and time complexity, and I got marked down for something which I think I got right, I wanted to ask here to make sure. Here is the problem and I will talk ...
Michael's user avatar
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What is the time complexity of determine_build_order function below?

Problem statement: Find out the order in which projects should be build such that dependencies are built first. Dependencies are represented using a list of pairs of projects, where the second project ...
jam's user avatar
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Linear time approximate multiplication

I was searching for the following simple thing, but to my surprise couldn't find anything online. Is there a linear time approximation algorithm for multiplication or for division. Meaning, Given I=$[...
John Kall's user avatar
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Is $\operatorname{ECLIQUE}$ in $\Pi_2^p$?

I was watching this lecture on the Polynomial hierarchy and one of the presented examples was the language \begin{equation*} \operatorname{ECLIQUE} = \{ \langle G, k \rangle \; : \; G \text{ is a ...
Jaimi's user avatar
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Is there a name for the complexity class for an oracle for matrix elements of arbitrary polynomial-size unitary circuits?

Suppose you had an oracle that could efficiently compute matrix elements (in the computational basis) $\langle x | C | y \rangle$ for arbitrary polynomial-size circuits $C$. Is there a name for the ...
tparker's user avatar
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Are there any nice examples of problems in E / NE?

Let $E = DTIME(2^{O(n)})$ and $NE = NTIME(2^{O(n)})$ be the deterministic/nondeterministic complexity classes of problems decidable in exponential time with linear exponent. There are many examples of ...
user319109's user avatar
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Characterize the following code segment as tightly as can be inferred using Big-O

I am having an argument about what is the complexity that most tightly fits the following code: ‘’’while (n < 1000000) n = n*2;’’’ I argue that it is O(log n). The worst case, to me, is if n were a ...
Infinite_loop's user avatar
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Polynomial time approximation on a similar problem to Densest-k-Subgraph

Given a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices. Each vertex has a weight $w_i$. For any subgraph $H$, define a function for each vertex of $H$, $f(v_i)$, to be the average of the weight of $v_i$ and all weights ...
ryanriess's user avatar
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Time complexity of Reconstruct Itinerary

This is a question that almost all resources I encountered, leetcode editorial and such, claim a time complexity of $O(E^d)$; and in the comment sections of almost all of them, people, like myself, ...
maininformer's user avatar
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Types of Time Inconstructible Functions

So Wikipedia gives me notions of time and space constructibility and as far as I can tell, the two general definitions used are: Functions $f: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ such that for all $n \geq n_0 \...
Tobi Alafin's user avatar
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Is this an algorithm that is theoretically polynomial, but practically exponential?

To solve a problem I have an algorithm $T(n)$ where, the input of $n$ variables is transformed into $n$ numbers of size $>2^n!$, then the algorithm requires $k.n^4$ arithmetic operations, where $k$...
gautam's user avatar
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2 answers

Complexity of a naive implementation for selecting top largest $k$ values from an array

I came up with the following algorithm to select top (largest) $k$ values in an array arr containing $n$ comparable values ($k \le n$): Initialize an empty array <...
Kt Student's user avatar
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Time Complexity of Backtracking solution to Leetcode 473. Matchsticks to Square

The following is a Leetcode problem: 473. Matchsticks to Square ( Problem Statement You have an array, matchsticks, of size n, with ...
monre's user avatar
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How to separate $TIME(n)$ and $L$?

I'm trying to prove that $TIME(n)\neq L$ by padding technique, yet it has a trouble: Assume that $TIME(n)= L$, let $A\in TIME(n^2)\backslash TIME(n)$ so $A\notin L$. Let $A_{pad}=\{x01^{|x|^2-|x|-1}|x\...
minh quý lê's user avatar
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Is Exponentiation in $FP$?

I am seeing conflicting answers on this question and I could really use some clarification on it. Constructing an algorithm which computes $f[a,b]=a^b$ can be done naively through repeated ...
Kevin Reiss's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Can the time complexity of verifying a solution ever be greater than the complexity of the solution

I can not find an example problem space where the complexity (time) of verifying the solution is greater than that of solving the problem. But I was hoping there would be a formal proof of this out ...
Penny Dreudter's user avatar
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Can top down approach and bottom up approach to a problem have different theoretical time complexities?

I am NOT talking about the speed or time it takes in practice to compute the solution of a problem using top down or bottom up approach. By top down I mean a memoization based approach and by bottom ...
A-ar's user avatar
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Explaination of the following time complexity

Recently I dealt a question which is as follows {$\ldots$ $$partialSum += i* i*i $$ # time complexity is 4n. } How can we get this and why is the time complexity not $n+n^3$. We should get $n$ for the ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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Algorithm Analysis Help

I would like help understanding this slide from my class, especially the inner loop part. I do not understand how he is getting at n - (n - 1 - 1) = 2 I do understand that when j = n - 1 we get n - (n ...
Jessica Sampaio-Herlitz's user avatar
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Complexity of Scheduling n Tasks on m Machines with Identical Execution Times, Dependencies, and Time Lags

This is a scheduling problem with $n$ tasks across $m$ machines. Tasks have dependencies (DAG) and can be divided into two types: A) need resources $R$ and have an identical execution time. B) do not ...
Aurelia's user avatar
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2 answers

UNIQUE-PATH in P assuming LPATH is in P

We define the following languages: LPATH = {<G, a, b, k>|G is an undirected graph that contains a simple path of length at least k from a to b}. UNIQUE-PATH = {<G, a, b>| G is an ...
Dee's user avatar
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Which class is the language MAX-CLIQUE in?

We define $$ֿ\text{Max-Clique} = \{\langle G, k\rangle: \text{$G$ is an undirected graph, and the largest clique of $G$ has exactly $k$ vertices}\}$$ Is this language in $\text{NP}$ or in $\text{coNP}$...
Dee's user avatar
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P=NP iff for any two non-trivial languages A, B in coNP, A≤pB and B≤pA

Prove: $\text{P} = \text{NP}$ iff for any two non-trivial languages $A$ and $B$ in $\text{coNP}$, it holds that $A \leq_p B$ and $B \leq_p A$. The part of assuming the reductions and proving $\text{P}=...
Dee's user avatar
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Why does problem F belong to PSPACE?

In the following graph, each node represents a computational problem. An arrow like A -> F indicates that there is a polynomial time Karp reduction from A to F. Observe that there could be more ...
PredaWnia's user avatar
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prove AP-SUM is NP-complete

EDIT: I had a translation error. Instead of "unuary", it's binary. AP-SUM is the language defined in the following way: A word in the language AP-SUM is a pair <S, t>, so that S is a ...
Dee's user avatar
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Complete language in P∪{C,D}

given: C is a NP-coNP language, D is a coNP-NP language and P is the known time-complexity class. assumption: NP ≠ coNP. I need to determine if exists a language B, such that: a. B ∈ P∪{C, D}. b. for ...
Dee's user avatar
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Unusual language in NP

Under the assumptions $\text{NP} \neq \text{coNP}$ and $\text{P}\neq\text{NP}\cap \text{coNP}$, we need to prove that there is a language $L$ that satisfies the following: $L\notin \text{P}$. $L\in \...
Dee's user avatar
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3 answers

How to simplify $O(\log (n!))$?

I have a problem with this time complexity: $\log (n!)+\frac{5}{2}n\log\log n$. I'm not sure how to deal with the $n!$ term. I know from calculus class that the sequence $n!$ is bigger than any ...
Crash's user avatar
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Solving the "Reverse" Assignment Problem with an Added Constraint?

Note: This is a continuation of my previous question, found here As written, my previous question was too unconstrained: @BaderAbuRadi showed that depending on the $C$ chosen, there can be multiple ...
DarkRise's user avatar
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Solving the "reverse" Assignment Problem?

According to Wikipedia, the assignment problem can be formally defined as: Given two sets, A and T, together with a weight function $C : A \times T \to R$. Find a bijection $f : A \to T$ such that ...
DarkRise's user avatar
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Lower bounds of sieves for factorization

Among factoring algorithms, both the Quadratic Sieve and the Number Field Sieve use sieves to find smooth (pairs of) values, in order to obtain congruent squares $\bmod n$, the number to be factored. ...
Zirui Wang's user avatar
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showing NP completeness for XS

the XS problem: Input: n final sets and a number k (final sets - finite set of numbers, and k's value can be at most n). Question: Are there k sets in the n final ones that are not pairwise disjoint? ...
Dee's user avatar
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is 3-SAT ∈ NTIME(n^3)?

I'm struggling to understand the time complexity of 3-SAT using a non-deterministic Turing machine, as well as the relationship between NTIME and DTIME For example, let's say we have 2 literals. My ...
john smith's user avatar
3 votes
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Prove that $n \log n$ is a time-constructible function

I am reading [1]. On page 16 of [1], the authors wrote: A function $T: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is time constructible if $T(n) \geq n$ and there is a TM $M$ that computes the function $x \...
Wei-Cheng Liu's user avatar
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Proof of O(m log* n) time complexity of Union-Find - Is wikipedia proof wrong?

On wikipedia (*_n)_time_complexity_of_Union-Find), they prove that the amortized time for any m Find or Union operations on a ...
FluidMechanics Potential Flows's user avatar
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Relationship between $\omega$ and o

I have for every constant $c$ (no matter how large) and for every $\epsilon >0$(no matter how small), how can I show that $$n.e^{\sqrt{\log n}}=\omega(n\log^c n)\\ n.e^{\sqrt{\log n}}=o(n^{1+\...
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DLOGTIME sequential access (uniformity conditions for circuits)

Consider the direct connection language of a circuit family, consisting of tuples (a,p,b,y) where a is a gate number p a binary string is an encoding for a predecessor or type b is a gate type or ...
emesupap's user avatar
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Algorithms that are better than brute force

Is there a mathematical explanation for why problems have algorithms that are better than brute force? It feels like we have to take advantage of some type of order that could help us identify ...
IsoCurious's user avatar
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Accelerating semidecision of halting problem

There is a naive semidecision algorithm for the halting problem: simply simulate the program and see if it halts. Is there an algorithm that is asymptotically faster? More precisely, suppose the naive ...
Trebor's user avatar
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Polynomial time algorithms for graphs and cycles

For a given undirected graph $G$ , let $ c(G) $ denote the length of the longest cycle in $ G $ (by cycle, we mean a closed path without repetitions). Prove that if there exists a polynomial-time ...
Abel's user avatar
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How to prove a problem is EXP hard

Summary of the problem: Given an alternating time turing machine ($M$), a polynomial $p(.)$ and a string ($w$), is it EXPhard to find if $M$ accepts $w$ using not more than $p(|M|+|w|)$ space? My ...
Nehul Jain's user avatar
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Relaxed form of the graph isomorphism problem?

Let $G_1=(L_1,R_1,E_1)$ and $G_2=(L_2,R_2,E_2)$ be bipartite directed graphs and let $\lambda:L_1\to L_2$ be a bijection between the $L$ vertex sets of the graphs. If I wanted to determine whether $...
Cromack's user avatar
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Help required for an example of a restricted 3,3-SAT problem instance?

"Let r,s-SAT denote the class of instances with exactly r variables per clause and at most s occurrences per variable. We prove the 3,4-SAT result to be the strongest possible and show that 3,3-...
TheoryQuest1's user avatar
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Proving that $T(n)=16T\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)+n! \in \Theta(n!)$

I am trying to prove that $T(n)\in\Theta(n!)$ for the following recurrence using the master theorem: $\qquad T(n) = 16T\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)+ n!$ My attempt We have that $f(n) = n! \in \Omega(n^{\...
z..'s user avatar
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Prove that $n$ is a time-constructible function

I am reading Arora and Barak's book: "Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach". On page 16, the authors wrote: A function $T: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ is time constructible if ...
Wei-Cheng Liu's user avatar
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Given that A linear-time reduces to B, what is the solvable relation?

What can you infer from the fact the problem A linear-time reduces to problem B? If there exists an O(n^3) algorithm for problem B, then there exists an O(n^3) algorithm for problem A If there exists ...
Jaka C's user avatar
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