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Questions tagged [ordering]

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Binary subset rank and unrank

Let there be "N" bits. We want to rank and unrank a specific subset of bit combinations based on the following criteria - ...
Dave's user avatar
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What happens when two different nodes have the same Lamport clock ID

With Lamport clocks, each node keeps its own counter. Before sending a message, a node increments its counter by one: LC(A)=LC(A)+1, and sends ...
A. Darwin's user avatar
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What simple constructions / algorithms for sorting and selection networks from k-sorters (k>2) are known?

There are simple algorithms to construct sorting networks from 2-sorters, e.g. Batcher's bitonic sorters and Pairwise sorting networks. How can one construct general sorters with a low number of $k$-...
greybeard's user avatar
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Efficient ways to sort pairwise distances for set of points in Euclidean space?

Consider a Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$. Consider $ X \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ where $X$ is a finite set with $|X|=n$. Consider the set of line segments $\{xy | x,y \in X\}$ . I have a process $Z$ that ...
Bazza's user avatar
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Ranked voting method where unranked candidates on a preference list aren't taken to be the least preferred?

Say there are 5 candidates, A, B, C, D, and E. An election is held using a ranked voting method. That is to say, each voter submits a preference list (the order in which they prefer candidates). E.g. ...
chausies's user avatar
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3 answers

Partition an array in two groups while keeping the relative order within both groups

I came across the following problem in the book "Elements of Programming Interviews in Python". Given an array A of n objects with Boolean-valued keys, reorder the array so that objects ...
R. Javid's user avatar
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Is there a sub-NP algorithm to satisfy or prove unsatisfiable a set of a<b<c OR c<b<a constraints

This problem's been stumping me for the better part of a week: You're given a set of triplets of variables. The variables are all distinct and ordered. Each triplet $a,b,c$ means that either $a<b&...
Exalted Toast's user avatar
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Lamport Timestamps and Causality

I'm having trouble understanding lamport timestamps in practice and how they guarantee causal ordering. Definitions Lamport defines the "happens before" relationship in his paper. He states ...
RSHAP's user avatar
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A total order of rectangles related to containment

Suppose you have a set of rectangles $R_1,\dots,R_n$ in the plane, each described by an upper left point $p_1 \in \mathbb R^2$ and a lower right point $p_2 \in \mathbb R^2$, all pairwise different. ...
Jürgen Böhm's user avatar
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Designing a Queue that efficiently tracks position

Suppose we want to construct a queue with the following properties: The priority of each member of the queue must be known. For example, for the head node, their priority is 1, for the next node, ...
Newb's user avatar
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Optimal order to minimise time until first success

Say you are a salesperson and you want to make a sale; there are $N$ customers on your list; customer $i$ takes $t_i$ time to talk to and there is $p_i$ probability to make the sale to that customer - ...
AlexM's user avatar
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Interactive sort for only top elements

I have a set of objects and a set of comparison results for some of them. I want an algorithm that returns the next comparison I should make to two objects towards having a way to know the full order ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Generating Unique Ids for Objects

I have an Object Pool and I will be using it to create Objects. I want to generate an unique id for each object. id should be an integer starting from 0. Ids should be continuous. When an object is ...
thambi's user avatar
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How come the set of all binary strings is uncountable?

Sorry for bumping this very old problem which already has answers on multiple SE sites, but I just cannot understand any of the answers. Let $\Sigma_{bool} = \{0, 1\}$. Then, $(\Sigma_{bool})^*$ is ...
Captain Trojan's user avatar
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Producing a total or partial order from an inconsistent relation

Imagine I want to construct a total order from a set of elements, $E$, but the comparison function produces results that are non-deterministic. I produce a list of element pairs (e, e) through ...
Nic's user avatar
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Black-Box Machine

Suppose we have mysterious machine which return median $m$ of given set $S$ and set $S/\{m\}$ in constant time, where $S/\{m\}$ denotes the difference of $S$ and element $m$. Prove that we can sort ...
Snowball's user avatar
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Algorithm suggestion to order data with specific condition

Suppose, we want to rearrange all possible $n$-bit binary strings (i.e., we have $2^{n}-1$ possible strings) in a 1-D array $X$; given that stings with smaller hamming distance should be placed as ...
user3862410's user avatar
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How to sort objects based only on "less than" relationships?

Say I have n objects, each with an unknown value, and a n by n matrix Z. Such that Z(i,j)=1 if the value of object i is less than the value of object j, and Z(i,j)=0 otherwise. How can I sort these n ...
gornvix's user avatar
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Hypothetical Situation for sorting in $O(n)$ using median finding machine that works in $O(\sqrt{n})$

In a hypothetical world, we have a machine that can find median of $n$ numbers in $O(\sqrt{n})$. (Of course this machine is not real). Can we use this machine to sort an array in $O(n)$? I don'...
amir na's user avatar
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Algorithm to Find $x$ and $y$ for array of $3n$ numbers such that 1/3 are less than $x$. 1/3 between $x$ and $y$ and 1/3 greater than $y$

We have An array of $3n$ elements. we want to Find $x$ and $y$ for array of $3n$ numbers such that 1/3 are less than $x$. 1/3 between $x$ and $y$ and 1/3 greater than $y$. We can solve this problem of ...
amir na's user avatar
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totally ordered semigroups

Given a semigroup is it possible to give a total order to it? If not possible in the general case then what about the case of finitely generated finite semigroups? Does there exist a natural ...
Baby_Faced_Assassin's user avatar
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How to define the stability (or convergence) of a ordering of a list of node

I have a problem which requires ordering nodes in a graph based on some given statistics. However, the given statistics of each node may be very hard to compute. Thus, I will use some sampling ...
Rise of Kingdom's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Which order is "lexicographic order"?

To choose 3 items out of 5 items [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Donald Knuth's lexicographic algorithm (The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 4A, 2011, p. 358, Algorithm L (...
nonopolarity's user avatar
3 votes
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Algorithm for detecting overlaps

This is a real-world application, not a student assignment. Suppose a list of events of that have startTime and endTime, and ...
Marcelo Glasberg's user avatar
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How to reduce number of move operations in an array?

Say I have an array of numbers, e.g. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and I want to end up with an array, e.g. [2, 1, 4, 0, 5, 3]. At my ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Random observations of a total ordering, how much they tell us?

Suppose we have a total ordering over elements $a_1,a_2, ..., a_n$, meaning there is permutation $\pi$ such that $a_{\pi(1)}<a_{\pi(2)}<...<a_{\pi(n)}$. But we don't know $\pi$. What we know ...
Ameer Jewdaki's user avatar
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Sorting binary string in colex order

Do you know where Can I find an algorithm to sort a set of binary strings in colex order? Recall, that two k−element subsets A and B of a set with strict linear ordering $<$ are said to be in co-...
juaninf's user avatar
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Extend reachability to total ordering

Given a finite DAG $G = (V, E)$ with $|E| \in \mathcal{O}(|V|)$, I want to compute a total ordering $<$ over $V$ that is compatible to reachability: If there is a transition $(u, v) \in E$, then $u ...
Andreas T's user avatar
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Sort by typical position?

Lets say, we have a lot of lists (sequences of variable length) of some limited set of elements: ...
Roman Susi's user avatar
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Creating a numbered list, divided into types, without need for shifting or re-ordering - is this a re-occuring problem

My question is not for a solution to the problem, though I do need to put thought into it but rather my question is if this conceptual problem has a name or has been addressed at already in computer ...
GodJohnson's user avatar
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Understanding the bandwidth problem on graphs

I'm trying to understand the bandwidth problem on graphs. Consider the following tree given as an adjacency list: ...
Steven's user avatar
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existence of a permutation that satisfies order-constraints

I would like to know if there is a simple algorithm for checking the existence of a permutation that satisfies a number of order-constraints. For example, suppose we have a set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and a ...
user3499209's user avatar
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Functional programming with branches that have no order?

I was wondering if there is any programming style in which the outcome does not depend on the order of statements or groups of statements such as guards. Vaguely, I imagine this would leave room for ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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Original proof that orders eliminate deadlocks?

A well-known approach to eliminate the possibility of a deadlock when accessing exclusive ressources is enforcing a partial (or total) order in which the ressources may be requested. Which ...
dst's user avatar
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6 votes
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Order-preserving update of a sublist of a list of mutable objects in sublinear time

Description Say I have a source list like: ["a","b","c","d"] and want to run a capitalization filter so if I change, "b" to <...
Justin Meyer's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Rating elements via partial orders

I would like to rate a set of $n$ elements, with each element assigned a rating from ${0,\dots, 10}$. The way in which I want to rate is by repeatedly selecting subsets of $k$ elements and querying a ...
Julian's user avatar
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Algorithm: ordering non-overlapping intervals

Assume we have a (multi)set of nontrivial intervals $\mathcal{I} = \{I_1,...,I_n\}$ and for any two $I_i, I_j \in \mathcal{I}$, we have that $I_i \cap I_j$ is trivial (that is: contains at most one ...
G. Bach's user avatar
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