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2 answers

Why is `3[arr]` notation of accessing elements in array is not used?

Today, I came across the notation 3[arr] in C++, and I was surprised to find out that it's a valid way to access array elements. For example: ...
tbhaxor's user avatar
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Returning random integer from interval based on last result and a seed

Suppose we have an interval of integers [a, b]. I would like to have a function that returns random members from within the interval, without repetitions. Once that all members within the interval are ...
sn0wtroopeer's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove objects from an array most efficiently?

I am wondering if I can rearrange an array faster when I would like to delete more than one object. You are given a List: 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 And now you want to delete every "2" in the list. So what I ...
TVSuchty's user avatar
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Recurrence Relation for Column Major Form of multidimensional array

A two dimensional array is stored in column major form in memory if the elements are stored in the following sequence $$A[0][0] A[1][0] A[2][0]...A[n_1-1][0] ... A[0][1] A[1][1] ... A[n_1-1][1] .... A[...
kauray's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Row Major Vs Column Major Order: 2D arrays access in programming languages

Programmers prefer accessing a 2D array in Row-Major Order rather than Column-Major Order, Why? Are there some advantages/benefits of accessing a 2D array in row-major as compare to column-major? ...
strikersps's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Are compilers able to detect alternating accesses to arrays and interleave them in memory?

Is it possible to design a compiler which optimizes a loop in which arrays are accessed in alternate fashion? For example like this: ...
krammer's user avatar
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Equality testing of arrays and integers in a procedural language

In terms of references and their implementation on the heap and the stack, how is equality testing for arrays different from that for integers? This is to do with Java programming, if you have a ...
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