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      Functional AnalysisMetaphysicsAnalytic PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyAfrican American HistoryHip-Hop Studies
Abstract: My claim is that Nietzsche’s Übermensch may be approached as more than merely a rhetorical relic of 19th Century German Romanticism. His controversial, elusive idea is highly metaphorical and emotionally charged, yet if... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryPoststructuralismContinental Philosophy
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      Color (Philosophy)Johann Wolfgang von GoetheWittgensteinCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theory
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      MusicologyAestheticsAnalytic PhilosophyAfrofuturism
Hello, I'm Shelley Tremain and I'd like to welcome you to the ninth installment of Dialogues on Disability, a series of interviews that I am conducting with disabled philosophers and post here on the third Wednesday of each month. The... more
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      PhilosophyDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesRace and Racism
Critical Black Futures imagines worlds, afrofutures, cities, bodies, art and eras that are simultaneously distant, parallel, present, counter, and perpetually materializing. From an exploration of W. E. B. Du Bois’ own afrofuturistic... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAestheticsPhilosophy of ScienceCommunication
My contribution to this anthology, Critical Black Futures, presents a differentiation, if not a complete disjunction, between Afrofuturism and Black Futurism within the larger category of thought on speculative futuricity. This... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesMetaphysicsAestheticsPragmatism
My contribution to this compendium, Critical Black Futures, presents a differentiation, if not a complete disjunction, between Afrofuturism and Black Futurism within the larger category of thought on speculative futuricity. This... more
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      Future StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesPhilosophyMetaphysics
People might be transracial right now and not know it or they know it and have to hide it from a hostile social world. Some forms of intelligent artificial life might have precisely two or two thousand gender categories, a long, long time... more
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      OntologyPragmatismNelson GoodmanCritical Race Theory
Hello, I'm Shelley Tremain and I'd like to welcome you to the twenty-ninth installment of Dialogues on Disability, the series of interviews that I am conducting with disabled philosophers and post here on the third Wednesday of each... more
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Psychoanalysis does not always take moral greatness as a given, a fact attributed by Horney to Freud's view of psychology as a natural science. The French psychiatrist Henri Baruk, however, attempts to bridge the gap... more
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Whatever else we know, we know there isn't time to bullshit." -Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Writing language is the production of a necessary space and thinking about it feels a little bit like a child abrading herself with her own rough scab... more
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The anti-heroism of Sara Jane Stoner’s Experience in the Medium of Destruction is a queer-critical atomization—an expression of desire for a practice and a pedagogy toward an auto-necromancy of our own nuclear dust. A book harboring a... more
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      Queer TheoryCritical PedagogyPoetryFeminism
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPoetryBook Reviews