Showing posts with label proverbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label proverbs. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2022

Happy Is Better

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Be very careful
in habitual thinking.
Your thoughts
run your life...

Red bog Lily

...Don’t ever say what isn't true. Always care about what is right...

...Don't even waste thought on lies. Just stay away
from them completely. Proverbs 4:23-27  

Phoenix roebelenii, with common names
of dwarf date palm, pygmy date palm,
miniature date palm or robellini palm,
is a species of date palm native to
southeastern Asia, from southwestern China,
northern Laos and northern Vietnam.
The Latin specific epithet roebelenii honours
the orchid collector Carl Roebelen.

Anything is possible
with sunshine
and a little pink.
Lilly Pulitzer

Being happy is better
than being king.
  African Proverb


Love You,
 Pixie & Cloudia


From The Archives

The Good.Random.Fun.

AWWW Monday

T Tuesday

Enjoy a drink at the 8 Ball!
I like the neon cocktail glass.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The H Word

A  L  O  H  A !
He is not happy who does 
not realize his happiness.
     Latin Proverb

To be happy in one's home is 
better than to be a chief.
        Nigerian Proverb

If the townspeople are 
happy, look for the chief.
       Liberian Proverb

Linking To
Shadow Shot Sunday2


Thank YOU
            Fondly, cloudia

Monday, April 1, 2019

Sometime Fool

A  L  O  H  A !

"A fool may sometimes give 
a wise man counsel."
Vietnamese Proverb

"Every person is a fool 
in some person's opinion."
            Spanish Proverb

Click Photo To Enlarge Frog Mural

"Every little frog is great 
in his own bog."
         Irish Proverb


Thank YOU
              Fondly, cloudia

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Moon Shines With Splendor

A  L  O  H  A !
"Be open minded, 
you never know who 
may cross your path.
So tip your hat!"
        Karen Sather

 “To be great, be whole;
Exclude nothing, exaggerate 
nothing that is not you.
Be whole in everything. 
Put all you are
Into the smallest 
thing you do. -

- So, in each lake, 
the moon shines with splendor
Because it blooms up above.” 
             Fernando Pessoa

Linking To


Thank YOU
                    Warmly, cloudia

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Sunset Wonders

A  L  O  H  A !
"Don't praise the day 
before sunset."
Polish Proverb

"Praise the day 
at sunset."
         Hungarian Proverb

"Enjoy doing nothing, 
and you can enjoy 
doing anything. 
Enjoy having nothing, 
and you can enjoy 
whatever you have."
            Ralph Marston 

"Perhaps they are 
not stars in the sky, 
but rather openings 
where our loved ones 
smile down to let us 
know that they are happy."
            Eskimo Proverb

Linking To


Thank YOU
                Warmly, cloudia

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Good Boxing Day!

A  L  O  H  A !    
"Birds sing after a storm; 
why shouldn't people feel 
as free to delight in 
whatever sunlight 
remains to them?"
         Rose Kennedy

Oahu, East Side

"Do not blame God for 
having created the tiger, 
but thank him for
not giving it wings." 

OAK, Marin, CA

"When the bee comes 
to your house, 
let her have beer; 
you may want to visit 

the bee’s house someday." 



"December 26th, is Boxing Day, 
a holiday celebrated in Britain, 
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, 
and other Commonwealth countries. 
Boxing Day originated in England 
in the middle of the nineteenth century 
under Queen Victoria."
History Of Boxing Day,
Paul Denton Link

Linking To
Wild Bird Wednesday


Thank YOU
           Fondly, cloudia

26 December is also St Stephen’s Day

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

This Too

A  L  O  H  A !
"At the end of the day,
 life is about being happy 
being who you are. . . 
 just support each other 
no matter what 
we're going through."
                     Kim Kardashian

 "A little man often
 casts a long shadow." 
             G. M. Trevelyan

 "Darkness and night are 
mothers of thought."
                       Dutch Proverb

"Only in the darkness 
can you see the stars."
Martin Luther King Jr.

"This Too Shall Pass"

Linking to


Thank YOU
                   Warmly, cloudia

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Wise Lives 🕸

A  L  O  H  A !
"It's like the spiders 
are sharing an 
ancient secret with me - "
           Cheryl Hayashi

"When spider webs unite, 
they can tie up a lion."     

"If only you could sense 
how important you are to the 
lives of those you meet; 
how important you can be to 
people you may never even dream of. 
There is something of yourself that 
you leave at every meeting 
with another person."
                    Fred Rogers

Marin Wetlands link
"The good and the wise 
lead quiet lives."

Linking to

Thank YOU
             Warmly, cloudia

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Heart ❤

A  L  O  H  A !

"The thousand mysteries 
around us would not 
trouble but interest us, 
if only we had 
cheerful, healthy hearts."

"A person's world is only 
as big as their heart."
                  Tanya A. Moore

"There is a light that 
shines beyond all things 
on earth, beyond the 
highest, the very highest 
heavens. This is the light 
that shines in your heart."
      Chandogya Upanishad

Linking To


Thank YOU
               Fondly, cloudia

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


A  L  O  H  A !
 California Rainbow

"A razor may be 
sharper than an ax, 
but it cannot 
cut wood." 
                        African Proverb

 Cozy California House

"It is in the shelter 
of each other that 
the people live." 
              Irish proverb

Honolulu Hale (Hah-Lay = House)

"The eagle does 
not catch flies." 
                     Romanian Proverb


May YOU Soar
with the Eagles
This Week!
                      Fondly, cloudia

Friday, November 27, 2015

Aloha Friday

A  L  O  H  A !

" God visits us often, 
but most of the time 
we are not home. "
                 French Proverb

" Our greatest strength 
lies in the gentleness 
and tenderness 
of our heart.” 

" A gentle word 
opens the 
strongest lock. "
                 English Proverb


Thank YOU!
Warmly, cloudia