Showing posts with label lizard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lizard. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Something You Remember

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Wholeness is not
something you get, it's
something you remember.
Cory Muscara

Turning popular opinion
upside down does not
make you original. Franz Grillparzer

Wisdom is avoiding
all thoughts
which weaken you
   Wayne Dyer

Paradise is a world
where everything
is sanctuary &
nothing is a gun
 Danez Smith

Each passing year is a gift,
and it gets better and
better with time. 
      Kevin Costner

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


A L O H A From Honolulu!

Our main task in life 
is to give birth to 
to become 
what one potentially is.
   Erich Fromm

The sum of this world's 
imperfections is a 
greater perfection.

The world is round;
it has no point.
 Adrienne E. Gusoff

Imperfection is in some sort
essential to all that
we know in life.
  John Ruskin

The Internet is just a
world passing around
notes in a classroom.
Jon Stewart 


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Travel Tuesday 

Happy Tuesday 

Pictorial Tuesday 

Tuesday Treasures

My Corner Of The World

Wild Bird Wednesday

Rain’s Thursday art date


Nature Thursday

Saturday, August 13, 2022


A L O H A From Honolulu!
Words that soak into your ears
are whispered, not yelled. The best sermons are
lived, not preached.
Farm Wisdom

Be grateful for luck. Pay
the thunder no mind -
listen to the birds. And
don't hate nobody.
    Eubie Blake

Green anole is a tree-dwelling species
of anole lizard native to the southeastern
United States and introduced
to islands in the Pacific
and Caribbean. 

If you feel lost, disappointed,
hesitant, or weak,
return to yourself, to
who you are, here and now
and when you get there,
you will discover yourself, like
a lotus flower in full bloom,
even in a muddy pond,
beautiful and strong.
   Masaru Emoto

I've never SEEN a
Bunny in Waikiki!

Still Haven't!

Learning to distance yourself
from all the negativity is
one of the greatest lessons
to achieve inner peace.
  Roy T. Bennett


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

 Eubie Blake:

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Roots and Direction

A L O H A From Honolulu!

True power means listening
to and from the heart
and having the
commitment and humility
to clear all that stands
in the way of that
heart connection. 
                 Susan Steinbrecher

Don't let the noise
of others' opinions
drown out your
own inner voice.
And most important,
have the courage to
follow your
heart and intuition.
Steve Jobs

Calotropis gigantea, the crown flower, is a species of Calotropis native to Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,[citation needed] Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, China, Pakistan, Nepal, and tropical Africa. WIKIPEDIA

Wear a crown of
flowers on your head,
let its roots
reach your heart.

 Named in honor of Staff Sergeant Robert T. Kuroda,
442nd Regimental Combat Team.

When pure sincerity 
forms within, it is
outwardly realized in
other people's hearts.
      Lao Tzu

It was possible, I knew,
to live on two planes at once—
to have one’s feet planted in
reality but pointed in
the direction of progress.
Michelle Obama

It's so simple to be wise.
Just think of something
stupid to say and
then don't say it.
Sam Levenson

Love You
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Rain Gain

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The nicest thing 
about the rain is 
that it always stops. 

A little rain each day
will fill the rivers
to overflowing.
Liberian Proverb

The sun after the rain 
is much beautiful than
the sun before the rain.
Mehmet Murat ildan

After the rain 
cometh the fair weather.

Being soaked alone is cold. 
Being soaked 
with your best friend 
is an adventure.
   Emily Wing Smith

Lighted Podium

If you eliminate my shadows,
I'll be nothing special.
    Lebo Grand

Do not be angry with the rain; 
it simply does not know how 
to fall upwards.
Vladimir Nabokov

Love You,
           Pixie & Cloudia

The brown anole, also known
as the Cuban brown anole,
is a species of lizard in the family Dactyloidae,
native to Cuba and the Bahamas. Wikipedia
Linking To

Monday, November 9, 2020

Prepare For Joy

 A   L   O   H   A  !

People should take time 

to be happy.

         Grandma Moses

The person who gets stuck 

on petty happiness, will 

not attain great happiness.


Every tear has 

a smile behind it.

       Iranian Proverb

He who laughs last, 

laughs best.


Sorrow prepares you for joy. 

It violently sweeps everything 

out of your house, so that 

new joy can find space to enter. 

It shakes the yellow leaves from 

the bough of your heart, so 

that fresh, green leaves 

can grow in their place. 

It pulls up the rotten roots, 

so that new roots hidden 

beneath have room to grow.



Love You,

                    cloudia & pixie