Comenius University in Bratislava
Center for Mesoamerican Studies
Famous Uaxactun Mural paintings, which were found in Structure B-XIII, have been well-known to Maya scholars for decades. They are considered as proof of Maya-Teotihuacan connection, and the importance of Uaxactun. On the other hand, the... more
NEW ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN UAXACTUN: PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM THE FIRST FIELD SEASON OF THE SAHI-UAXACTUN ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROYECT Investigated since the first years of archaeological exploration in Guatemala, the archaeological... more
We present an integrated framework for multimedia access and analysis of ancient Maya epigraphic resources, which is developed as an interdisciplinary effort involving epigraphers and computer scientists. Our work includes several... more
Famous Uaxactun Mural paintings, which were found in Structure B-XIII, have been wellknown to Maya scholars for decades. They are considered as proof of Maya-Teotihuacan connection, and the importance of Uaxactun. On the other hand, the... more
During the second field season of the SAHI-UAXACTUN Archaeological Project, excavations were continued in areas already under investigation. Excavations were extended in Groups C, F, G, and H North with results that have changed our... more