I wrote a script which retrieves YouTube videos from your favourite channels - channels you specify in a .txt file. Let me know what you think about it.
Channel and Video classes
import urllib.request
import json
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
apiKey = #Insert your Youtube API key.
youtubeApiUrl = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3"
youtubeChannelsApiUrl = youtubeApiUrl + "/channels?key={0}&".format(apiKey)
youtubeSearchApiUrl = youtubeApiUrl + "/search?key={0}&".format(apiKey)
youtubeVideoApi = youtubeApiUrl +"/videos?key={0}&".format(apiKey)
requestParametersChannelId = youtubeChannelsApiUrl + 'forUsername={0}&part=id'
requestChannelVideosInfo = youtubeSearchApiUrl + 'channelId={0}&part=id&order=date&type=video&publishedBefore={1}&publishedAfter={2}&pageToken={3}&maxResults=50'
requestVideoInfo = youtubeVideoApi + "part=snippet&id={0}"
requestVideoTime = youtubeVideoApi +"part=contentDetails&id={0}"
class Channel:
def __init__(self, channelName, channelAlias=None, channelId=None):
self.channelName = channelName
self.channelAlias = channelAlias
self.channelId = channelId
def __str__(self):
return "Channel name: {}\nChannel Alias: {}\nChannelId: {}".format(self.channelName,
def __repr__(self):
return "Channel name: {}\nChannel Alias: {}\nChannelId: {}".format(self.channelName,
def setChannelId(self):
url = requestParametersChannelId.format(self.channelName)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")
jsonResp = json.loads(resp)
self.channelId = jsonResp["items"][0]["id"]
except IndexError:
print("ERROR setting ID for channel: {}".format(self.channelName))
self.channelId = "error"
def _getVideosBetween(self, sinceDate, toDate):
dates= datetime.datetime objects
#format dates
sinceDate = sinceDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
toDate = toDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
nextPToken = ""
foundAll = False
retVal = []
while not foundAll:
url = requestChannelVideosInfo.format(self.channelId, toDate, sinceDate, nextPToken)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")
jsonResp = json.loads(resp)
returnedVideos = jsonResp["items"]
for video in returnedVideos:
nextPToken = jsonResp["nextPageToken"]
except: #no nextPageToken
foundAll = True
except IndexError: #error; no videos found. dont print anything
foundAll = True
return retVal
def getLastXDaysVideos(self, last_x_days):
todayDate = datetime.now()
previousDate = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=last_x_days)
return self._getVideosBetween(previousDate, todayDate)
def getVideosSince(self, sinceDate):
sinceDate = datetime.datetime object
todayDate = datetime.now()
return self._getVideosBetween(sinceDate, todayDate)
def getAllVideos(self):
firstDate = datetime(year=2005, month=4, day=22) #first youtube video -1
todayDate = datetime.now()
return self._getVideosBetween(firstDate, todayDate)
class Video:
def __init__(self, videoId):
self.videoId = videoId
def getData(self, parseDuration=True, parseDate=True):
results = {}
url = requestVideoInfo.format(self.videoId)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")
jsonResp = json.loads(resp)
results["title"] = jsonResp["items"][0]["snippet"]["title"]
results["date"] = jsonResp["items"][0]["snippet"]["publishedAt"]
results["description"] = jsonResp["items"][0]["snippet"]["description"]
results["url"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={}".format(self.videoId)
#need to create different request for duration
url = requestVideoTime.format(self.videoId)
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")
jsonResp = json.loads(resp)
duration = jsonResp["items"][0]["contentDetails"]["duration"]
if parseDuration:
#parses iso 8601 duration manually
digits = re.findall(r"\d+", duration)
times = ["seconds", "minutes", "hours"]
res = []
for digit, time in zip(digits[::-1], times):
res.append("{} {},".format(digit, time))
res.reverse() #start with biggest unit
parsedDuration = " ".join(res)[:-1] #omit last colon
results["duration"] = parsedDuration
results["duration"] = duration
if parseDate:
#2016-12-17T14:54:05.000Z --> 14:54 12.12.2016
digits = re.findall(r"\d+", results["date"])
parsedDate = "{hours}:{minutes} {day}.{month}.{year}".format(
hours=digits[3], minutes=digits[4], day=digits[2], month=digits[1], year=digits[0]
results["date"] = parsedDate
#no need for else as unparsed date is already in results dict
return results
except IndexError:
print("ERROR: Finding video data for video {}".format(self.videoId))
return None
Channel Feed
from youtube_api import *
FILENAME = "channels.txt"
def process_file(filename):
returns tuple(
datetime object,
dictionary - channel:id
channels = {}
with open(FILENAME, "r+") as f:
#2016 12 17 19 29
#tuple to create datetime object
date = [int(i) for i in f.readline().strip().split()]
_ = f.readline() #consume newline
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
try: #explicit channel Id
channelName, channelId = line.strip().split(" ### ")
channels[channelName] = channelId
channelName = line.strip()
channels[channelName] = 0
currDate = datetime.now().strftime("%Y %m %d %H %M")
date_obj = datetime(*date) #unpack tuple with date
return (date_obj, channels)
def main():
date, channels = process_file(FILENAME)
print("Last checked: {}".format(date.strftime("%H:%M %d.%m.%Y")))
for channelName, chId in sorted(channels.items()): #alphabetical order
#create Channel objects for every channel, assign an ID unless explicitly specified in file
if chId == 0:
chan = Channel(channelName)
chan = Channel(channelName, channelId=chId)
print("\n" + "*" * 40 +" \n{}\n".format(channelName) + "*" * 40)
videos = chan.getVideosSince(date)
for videoId in videos:
vid = Video(videoId)
data = vid.getData()
print(" {}\n {} ; {}\n {}\n {}\n\n".format(data["title"], data["date"],data["duration"], data["url"], data["description"].split("\n")[0]))
except: #unicode error (not running in IDLE)
print(" {}\n {}\n {}\n \n -Unable to display more informtaion\n\n".format(data["date"], data["duration"], data["url"]))
if len(videos) == 0:
print(" No videos found in this time period :(\n")
i = input("\nPress enter to exit. ")
if __name__ == "__main__":