Friday, 25 January 2013

A Productive Day

I had planned a day sewing today, as the grandie was going home, but I got conned into her staying an extra couple of days, not sure by whom, her or her mother lol.  So we went and bought a couple of $2.95 craft kits to keep her occupied while I did some prep work on some of the things I'm working on.  Very pleased with myself - got quite a bit done.
Block 3 of our stitchalong of Girls Day Out, all traced ready for the stitchery.
I had been dying to trace these cute little mice of Michelle's and stitch for weeks, so they are now all traced ready to go - sorry they just did not show up well enough on the light fabric to show you a decent photo.
This one is called "Vintage Poppies" and had started a little of it before Christmas, but now have the four flower borders appliqued on, and the houses, which are the cornerstones, ready to stitch also.  And I wouldn't be a good nan if I didn't show you what my grandie got up to while I was doing all this.
Flower magnets all painted and little cupcakes with lots of special decorations.  Cheryl


Peg - Happy In Quilting said... have been busy...

Anonymous said...

your grandie has got her nan's talent,glad you both had a great time together making master pieces.xx

Jeanette said...

You've certainly been busy. Miss Mouse is on my to-do list. :) Hugs,xx.

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

You have been very productive. hugs

gracie said...

What a nice grandma...both of you got a lot accomplished.

Fiona said...

lots of lovely fun and pretty things happening at your place... no wonder everyone wants to stay longer....

Maria said...

You have been busy! I love the idea of both you and your granddaughter working on crafty projects :-)

Wendy said...

Lovely projects Cheryl, they all look beautiful!