Monday, April 13, 2009

Chateau Chantilly

Wouldn't you love to stay in this bedroom ?? Looks totally French to me!
Try to follow me on this one.

First a little background on how I chose my blog name. About 3 years ago in 2006 I was journalling and trying to come up with a name for my painting business - one that was elegant, fun and whimsical. One that felt just right. I brainstormed and brainstormed, writing all my choices and thought process down in my journal.

When I came up with Chantilly Grace it seemed perfect. I wanted it to be unique and original so I googled it and believe it or not the only thing that came up for Chantilly Grace was - a name for a llama LOL.

For Chantilly - The French Chateau Chantilly came up . The fact that there was a Chateau named Chantilly in France made it even more perfect! Adding my favourite word God's "Grace" completed it.

Fast forward a couple of years.I decided to do a blog instead of a website. So I wanted to make sure Chantilly Grace was still unique. Although I couldn't imagine how someone else could come up with the same name cause my thinking can be quite "creatively" crazy at times. But Chantilly Grace was still original. I know that another blog has since borrowed the first part "Chantilly" but I guess that was bound to happen and I mean, it is a pretty cool name.

So, the other day I'm reading my comments and talk about SERENDIPITY ...there's a comment that says "kiss from Chantilly near Paris". Well,anything near Paris catches my attention ! So I wrote her back in French. And sure enough she does live near Chantilly with the "Chateau" I had forgotten about. How cool is that ? The bloggin' world is so fun and sometimes comes up with the most unexpected surprises.

Actually the Chateau is called: Chateau de Montvillargenne. It's located in a 15 acre park, in the heart of the Chantilly forest about 35km from Paris. It's the former residence of the Rothschild family.

So that gorgeous bedroom is from the Chateau in Chantilly. All the more reason to want to visit Paris again!
Here's a couple more pics:

May a little grace and serendipity touch your day !


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Joyeuse Paques

Joyeuse Paques .....Wishing you all a joyous Easter ! Friends and Family are coming today for our family dinner so I better get off this computer !

May a little grace touch your day,


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Things have gotten pretty busy "CHEZ MOI" Spring baseball/volleyball season is always crazy with three kids. So I haven't been able to blog as much as I'd like to or post the lovey, inspiring posts that I "envision" Plus my laptop blew up so I have to share the "family computer" easy feat LOL

So no lovely, pretties today but I do have a few photos of my girlfriends taking me out last night for my birthday which is later this week. Ten of us went for dinner and drinks at a local pub on the river. I'm a real big fan of having good girlfriends - we always have so much fun and laugh til our sides hurt. We had a great time!! The pictures aren't so great though because my camera broke and most of our cell phone cameras don't have a flash. Actually they're pretty bad but I'll be brave and post them anyway. I'm theone in the middle.
Enjoy !
