Don't you just love these quotes ? They come from this amazingly inspirational artist
Rhonna Farrer Be sure to check out her blog. Not only is she a fantastic artist, but she's fantastic at motivating other to be their personal best.
So I'm taking part in this:
Rhonna is challenging us to take the 21 day challenge to either develop a habit (hence the thought that sticking to something 21 days develops a habit) or just making progress in areas in your life that you would like to see growth.
Every day is Rhonna motivates us with new quotes and her fantastic digital word art.
If you've read my blog you know how very inspired I am by "words" and quotes ....must be the teacher in me :) Add some fantastic art to it and it really works for me. We're supposed to keep a journal about our progress. I'll try to photo a page from my journal for the next post.
Sooooooo, the areas in my life I really felt I need to jumpstart were keeping to a personal fitness routine ..... for health reasons and stress management. I've got to the point that I just can't keep up my busy pace if I don't take care of myself and I always feel better when I excercise ...but I just have to make it a lifestyle habit.
My progress so far with the fitness goals is pretty good. I've made it to day 10 doing some kind of fitness everyday. I continued my biking that I've been doing this summer and I've been doing this
Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred She's from the Biggest Loser if you haven't seen her. I am on day 10 and it really hasn't been too hard's only 25 minutes .....three circuits of 3 minutes strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. I really do feel like I have more energy. As far as physical results I can definitely see a difference in my upper body but that dreaded muffin top is still there!
Now I'm fessing up to my other goal which wasn't too successful. I would really like to move foward with my artwork and I realized that I really have to try to change my thinking about my artwork. I always have excuses why not to take my work to a local gallery or to start a website for portrait painting etc. I actually am not sure in what direction to move and I truly feel paralyzed.
So the inspirational quote for Day 1 hit a nerve with me ......I think I am really afraid of failure which is part of the reason and can't even take the first step.
This quote from day 2 also really helped:
But in order to take:
I have to change my thinking and get rid of my fear. And you know what I really don't know how to do that. It really will be baby steps. So ...I don't think it was a coincidence that I just "somehow" stumbled upon this motivation the other day:
"You are making a big breakthrough in your life by putting your divinely inspired ideas into action. Trust that you are guided each step of the way Honor your inner feelings by taking at least one step today in the direction of making your dreams and desires a reality. Fearlessly take one step to dismantle any part of your life that is out of integritySooo, ....I feel that it would be beneficial to start the 21 day challenge over for this area of my life. The above quote will be my mantra ...along with Rhonna's inspirational quotes. And ....TRUST , I steps, baby steps.
May a little grace touch your day,