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This short piece outlines some of the problems with the concept of cultural intelligence conceived of as a tool to grasp both the structural and individual angels of crosscultural encounters in a business context. We sketch some possible... more
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The article offers a critique of the concept of cultural intelligence (CQ) from a semiotic perspective. It addresses three assumptions that underpin the CQ concept: that CQ exists, that conflict and misunderstandings are antithetical to... more
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      International BusinessCross-Cultural StudiesMetacognitionCross-Cultural Management
In the last decade, researchers have shown that MNCs need to reverse knowledge transfer to secure their competitiveness in the global market. Lately this has been studied through re/expatriates. This study presents two exemplary cases... more
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    • Sociology
y * This version of the article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyAccountabilityPolitical Science
Since the beginning of the 1990s, civil society has attracted both scholarly and political interest as the 'third sphere' outside the state and the market, strongly amplified by the sectorial conceptualisation of state, market and civil... more
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    • Political Science
Political actors and research perspectives currently identify civil society as a resource that is not fully exploited-an observation that, with some strategic adjustments, could incite a revitalization of several essential issues. From... more
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      Political ScienceCivil Society
Examining the historical and social trajectories involved in the continuous development of civil society, this volume reveals the contextual nature of the process. Through empirical studies focusing primarily on Denmark and cov ering the... more
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      Political ScienceCivil SocietySolidarityCommon Good
Supranational organisations can only confront politico-economic issues that are recognised as important. Typically, issues gain recognition either when they provide an external shock to the system, shaking political actors into action, or... more
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      Political SciencePoliticsEconomic TheoryEuropean Commission
Cybersikkerhedseksperter spiller en vigtig rolle i at identificere digitale risici og at definere hensigtsmæssige løsninger. Denne artikel gør brug af professions- og ekspertsociologien til at belyse konkurrerende epistemiske... more
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This paper examines who populates the expert and policy network around demographic change issues in Europe. We examine how competing policy departments in the European Commission DirectoratesGeneral (DGs) deal with the issue of Europe’s... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean CommissionCommission