Copenhagen Business School, CBS
Department of Managent, Philosophy and Politics
I hundredåret for stadfæstelsen af fundatsen for Louis Petersens Legat har legatets bestyrelse fundet det rigtigt at udgive en publikation, der beskriver legatstifteren, papirhandler Louis Petersen, og redegør for hovedpunkterne i... more
- by Liv Egholm
Mikrohistoriens historie Termen mikrohistorie er ikke lige udbredt i alle lande. Den stammer oprindeligt fra den italienske historikerverden i slutningen af 1970'erne, men der er ingen tvivl om, at de samme tendenser er på spil i andre... more
In recent years the concepts of culture has been used for various endeavors of society. Integration of the other into society, explanation of differentness out there, and as a description of how to rightly engage with and handle the... more
- by Liv Egholm
Saturday November 13 1999 the network fir History of Theory held a conference at Odense University, The conference was to initiate and stimulate the discussion on microhistory in Denmark. Therefore practical, methodogical and... more
- by Liv Egholm
Ludovico de Vartema på rejse hos de andre 1500-1507 Begrebet ”kulturmøder” har gennem de seneste årtier vundet mere og mere plads i både den offentlige og den faglige debat. At vi definerer specifikke møder som kulturmøder, rejser... more
- by Liv Egholm
Om historisk teori og metode ud fra syv analyser af A.D. Jørgensens patriotiske bog Fyrretyve Fortællinger af Fædrelandets Historie (1882)
A.D. Jørgensens Fædrelandsfortællinger - en mikrohistorisk analyse / Liv Egholm og Lene Wul.
A.D. Jørgensens Fædrelandsfortællinger - en mikrohistorisk analyse / Liv Egholm og Lene Wul.
En række udvalgte problemer og diskussioner fra mødet mellem det offentlige og det private indkredses og belyses inden for temaerne international politiks økonomi, virksomhederne og den politiske regulering samt politisk kultur.
- by Liv Egholm
Egholm, Liv “Travel Accounts as Cultural Signs. A microhistorian analysis about the meaning of the “meeting” in theory and praxis.” Journal of Microhistory. 1 no.1. 2006 Summary in English. The dissertation;”Travel Accounts as Cultural... more
In the last decade, researchers have shown that MNCs need to reverse knowledge transfer to secure their competitiveness in the global market. Lately this has been studied through re/expatriates. This study presents two exemplary cases... more
The objective of the conference was to unravel and explain the growing interactions between Korea and the principal countries in Asia, either at a bilateral level or at a multilateral, regional level. Asia included more narrowly the major... more
Сryptic species of Anopheles messeae sensu lato (Diptera: Culicidae), their identification, features and nomenclature The paper describes the change in perspective in the composition of the A. messeae taxonomic unit. Initially, based on... more
The aim of this research was to study the effect of the ethylene inhibitor "silver nitrate (AgNO3)" and vitamin B9 "folic acid" in different concentrations combined with cytokinin BA as well as the antioxidant thiol compound... more
y * This version of the article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this... more
Political actors and research perspectives currently identify civil society as a resource that is not fully exploited-an observation that, with some strategic adjustments, could incite a revitalization of several essential issues. From... more